Handwashing 1304.22 (e)(1)(2)
Head Start staff, parents and volunteers working in the classroom will teach and model excellent preventative hygiene practices in order to lower the risk of spreading communicable diseases.
1. Staff and all other adults working in the classroom will participate in the modeling and teaching of handwashing with soap at the following appropriate times:
a. Before mealtimes.
b. Before and after preparing and serving food.
c. After using the bathroom or cleaning.
d. After contact with body fluids (use Universal Precautions).
e. Before and after diapering (see Diapering policy).
f. After caring for any child with nose, mouth, eye, or ear discharge.
g. After removing disposable gloves.
h. After handling soiled items.
i. After inspecting hair for lice (see Head Lice policy).
j. Before and after giving medication (see Administration of Medications policy).
k. Before and after handling or touching animals (see Animals in the Classroom policy).
2. Children will be instructed to wash their hands regularly with soap and warm water,
before mealtime, after mealtime (if needed), after toileting, before and after handling/touching animals, when visibly soiled and after contact with the following body fluids:
a. nose secretions (sneezing)
b. saliva (coughing)
c. urine
d. vomit
e. blood
f. feces
g. open sores
3. Handwashing will be conducted using the following best practices: a, Wet hands with warm water. b. Apply soap. Soap must be available within child’s reach at each sink.
c. Lather hands from the front to back of hands and between the fingers
rubbing vigorously (20 seconds ensures dead germs), and under nails.
d. Dry hands with paper towels.
e. Turn off the faucet with a paper towel.