MOTTO : “Storming the Gates of HELL”
Article I - Name
This organization shall be known as MASAYASM.C. NEW YORK. Masayas Motorcycle Club, MMC.
Article II – Organization
- The MASAYAS Motorcycle Club was founded Nov, 1, 2010, WestchesterCounty in the State of New York.This Club is a non-profit and non-discriminatory and open to full membership to any Motorcyclist who is enthusiastic and passionate about motorcycling. It was established to provide the opportunity for increased camaraderie of memberswho enjoy riding motorcycles and attending motorcycling related events. The MASAYAS MC rides and events are intended to promote safe activities that will appeal to the membership as a whole. Any member may suggest ideas for rides or events.
- The purpose of these by-laws is to preserve and protect the constitution and by-laws of the organization, as well as the integrity and character of the organization for its membership.
- Order of Business
- Call meeting to order
- Sign in
- Reading of new member apps.
- Treasurers report
- Unfinished/old business
- New business
- Open floor
- General Membership
- Board Meetings shall be held prior to general membership meetings. There must be a majority of the board members present to hold a board meeting.
- General Membership meetings shall be held on the 1stFriady of each month. At least 3 days prior notification shall be given of any and all changes of meetings.
- General membership meetings are mandatory unless you have work or family emergencies.
- There must be 10% of members present to hold a meeting.
- If a member misses 3 consecutive meetings without a valid excuse, disciplinary actions will be taken.
Article IV- Officers
Only active members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the club.
Section 1 – Executive Board - A four (4) member Executive board shall be elected to oversee the conduct of business for the organization. The Executive Board of the MASAYAS MC will act as the directors the MC and will have sole discretion in interpretation of bylaws and sanctions.
The regular meetings of the club shall be held once a month, but the President or Executive Board may call a special meeting at any time by advance notice.
Offices - The Executive Board will consist of four (4) officers:
The executive duties of the president are as follows:
To have general supervision over the affairs of the club
1. He has the power and authority to run the club as deemed necessary for the good of the MC.
2. President will consider the input and suggestions of the Executive Board when making decisions affecting the MC.
3. To preside over meetings of both the Executive Board and the club as a whole.
4. Tojudge items not covered in the constitution or in the rules regulations.
5. Directorship gives the president authority to judge items not in the constitution.
6. To act as the personal representative of the club in the area of public relations.
7. To represent the club in any club business contacts and to supervise major
8. To vote only when necessary to break a tie.
9.To appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the club.
The executive duties of the vice president are to assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the president is unable to do so.
The executive duties of the sergeant at arms are as follows:
1. To maintain order at club meetings in particular, and club activities in general.
2.To ensure that members adhere to club rulings, policies, and expected models of conduct when dealing with other members or outsiders.
3.Take charge of organizing meeting places (setup etc.), see to the orderly running of meetings (restoring order when necessary), greeting and introduction of guests, administering of the membership pledge and other duties as necessary.
Sergeant At Arms will assume all responsibilities of the Enforcer in his absence.
The executive duties of the enforcer are as follows:
- To manage and enforce the rules/bylaws to MC Members.
- To defend club members, property from outside threats.
- Will report threats made or safety issues affecting the club and its members.
- Responsible for helping with planning and logistics of club rides/activities with the Road Captain.
- The Go-To guy for info on staging start times responsible so no rider is left behind, and work closely with Sergeant at Arms.
- Shall be to have general supervision at all club functions and to retrieve and reclaim outstanding club property, ensuring all payments of fees, securing patches, colors, and property from members, or associates who retire, resign or are expelled.
- Shall enforce club rules & procedures for groups riding along with Sergeant At Arms.
- Enforcer will assume all responsibilities of the Sergeant At Arms in his absence.
The Executive Board along with the Founding Fathers will vote/appoint two (2) members to the following positions:
The executive duties of the secretary are as follows:
1. To record and safeguard the minutes of the club meetings.
2. To maintain the Club Constitution “BY-LAWS”, recording any additions, deletions, or modifications.
3. To handle any club correspondence.
4.To send out notices of regular or special meetings.
The executive duties of the treasurer are as follows:
1. To monitor and record the club's income and expenditures.
- To collect the dues and fines owing by members.
- To give financial reports monthly, annually and when requested.
SECTION 1 - Regular Elections.
The regular election shall take place during the December regular meeting of each year. The winning candidates must receive the majority of the vote of the active membership.
SECTION 2 – Special Elections.
Special Elections may be held at any time deemed necessary by a vote of the active membership in accordance with these by-laws.
Article VI – Membership
Founding Fathers – A Founding Father is a Full Member of the MC.who was one of the Original Members.
Founding Fathers will ALWAYS retain a vote in an officer election regardless if a position is held.
Founding Fathers will ALWAYS preside over ANYinterpretations/amendments of the MASAYAS BYLAWS.
All elected officers are noted as full members.
Full members will wear a patch indicating the MC.
All members at the time of the adoption of these bylaws are grandfathered as “Full Members”.
All active members will be required to comply with these By-Laws and all future amendments.
All members will pay yearly dues and any other assessments the MASAYAS MC deems necessary for the good of the Club and the Organization as a whole. The MC Executive Board will decide on dues and assessments. Dues and assessments are NOT REFUNDABLE!
1. Annual Dues will be paid 31 January.
2. Upon failure of paying dues within 8 weeks, member shall be suspended and turn in his colors.
3. Dues are not prorated for any new memberships.
Prospective Members
Prospects must be at least 25 years old
- An individual who desires membership in the MASAYAS MC shall have a member in good standing as a sponsor. The sponsor has to have a personal knowledge of the prospect candidate. The Sponsoring member shall introduce the prospect to his/her MC. Members should take this opportunity to question the candidate regarding his/her qualifications and reasons for wanting to join MASAYAS. A motion will be made by the sponsor to accept the candidate as a prospect. Approval as a prospect shall be by majority vote of the full members present at the MC meeting.
- An individual who desires membership but does not have a sponsor and is not known by the members must become familiar with the membership by attending club events and activities and should make his/her intentions known to the Executive Board and the MC members. When and if the Board feels that the candidate is ready to become a prospect, they will assign the Sergeant at Arms as the sponsor. The candidate will be invited to a general meeting and be introduced to the MC as a candidate for prospect. Members should take this opportunity to question the candidate regarding his/her qualifications and reasons for wanting to join MASAYAS. A motion will be made by the sponsor to accept the candidate as a prospect. Approval as a prospect shall be by majority vote of the full MC present at the meeting.
- Upon acceptance as a prospect, a completed prospective membership application with all information and fees will be submitted to the MASAYAS.
- Prospects will have no voting privileges until such time as they are accepted into full membership.
- Probationary Period – A probationary period is provided to ensure that a prospective member is suitable for membership in the MASAYAS and may vary by individual.
A. A Prospect will not wear a Patch during any probationary period. Only bottom Rocker and a prospect label will be considered.
6.At the completion of any probationary period, the prospects sponsor will open a discussion at a MC meeting regarding the acceptance of the prospect for membership. A majority vote of the Full Members present is required to accept the prospect as a member.
7. Upon acceptance as a Full member:
a.Appropriate colors will be awarded to the prospect.
b.The prospect will take the membership pledge
Duration of Membership
MASAYAS membership will continue as long as a person maintains membership in good standing.
Requirements for membership in good standing
- A member in good standing must be a fully patched member.
- All MC members and prospects will be required to comply with the MASAYAS Bylaws.
- MASAYAS members are prohibited from being a member of any motorcycle club other than the MASAYAS Mc. Motorcycle club shall not include motorcycle benefit organizations, For example , such as American Motorcycle Association (A.M.A.), Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.), ect.
- All MASAYA members will support our MC activities and events.
- Members will ensure that the Secretary has their current address, telephone number, E-mail and notify their Secretary of any changes.
Code of Conduct
- All members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner so as to bring honor and respect to the club at all times. Any actions, by a member, deemed detrimental to the organization, shall be cause for review under the disciplinary procedures and could result in discipline up to or including suspension or expulsion from membership in the MASAYAS MC.
2.Reporting – In the case actions by a member that are deemed detrimental to the MC , such actions should be reported to the Founding Fathers/ Board Members along with all evidence to substantiate the allegations.
1. Action- In the event that a member is accused of actions detrimental to the organization, that individual may be brought up for review before the membership. This may occur at a regularly scheduled meeting, or in the case of serious misconduct, a special meeting may be called. At that time, all evidence regarding the matter shall be presented, and the individual in question will be given an opportunity to explain his/her actions. Following this presentation of evidence, the accused member will be asked to leave the room and a vote will be taken to decide guilt or innocence and any sanctions that should be taken. A minimum quorum of 30% of full members must be present to initiate a suspension or revocation of membership. The member will then be called back and the MC Sergeant at Arms will inform the member of the verdict and any penalty imposed. In particularly egregious cases, the Executive Board may byunanimous vote invoke a suspension prior to the disciplinary hearing.
2. Sanctions - Sanctions for misconduct or actions detrimental the MC will range from verbal warning or reprimand and or fine to be determined, up to or including revocation of membership.
Article VII- Patches ("Colors")
Section 1 – Ownership - Patches (Colors) are the property of the MASAYAS Motorcycle Club and no issuance of the "colors" to a member should be construed as anything less.
Section 2– Rights- The MASAYAS MC name and emblems material cannot be reproduced by any individual or MC member without expressed permission from the MASAYAS Executive Board.
MASAYAS MC reserves the right to issue changes and amendments to the Bylaws, as deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the club. All members and associates are bound to abide by all future changes.
Section 3 – Surrender -A member who leaves the club must surrender his/her colors, and any other items that denote membership in the club. Initiation fees/Dues do not constitute a “purchase” of colors, and at no time are refundable.
Section 4 – Wearing of Colors - Members shall wear their colors when participating in all club functions.
- Colors shall be worn in an approved fashion (IE: sewn on a black vest or jacket in the proper arrangement). Ride patches/pins or other decoration may be worn on the front vest/jacket, but not within the arrangement of the colors. AMA patch will be worn on the front left bottom of vest.
- Colors are never to be worn by non-members.
- Colors are to be worn and handled with respect.
- Wearing of the colors is a privilege. Any member who is suspended or expelled will surrender their colors to the Sergeant at Arms until membership is reinstated.
- At no time will the Colors be placed face down.Respect your colors.
- At no time will the Colors touch the ground unless the member is wearing them.
- Only other members should keep an eye on your Colors. Never hand them over to non-members.
- The back patches, Colors, will be obtained from the Executive Board only.
Article VIII- Miscellaneous:
1. There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages, use of any drugs or riding while impaired on any club rides.
2. Anyone becoming a member of the club will, throughout the year, attend at least 75% club functions/meetings.
3. On all rides, members will abide by motor vehicle laws
4. If a member leaves the club for any reason, he must return the club patch to Sgt.of Arms.
5. No member shall discuss club business with non-MASAYAS MC members or MASAYAS MC members deemed not to be in good standing.
6. No member shall disrespect another member of the MASAYAS MC or the MC in general.
7. No member shall cause embarrassment to the MASAYAS MC.
8. No member shall operate their motorcycle in an unsafe manner which could cause harm to themselves or others as part of any club function or while representing the MASAYAS MC, that is, while displaying the MASAYASMC patch.
9. Members must have colors when attending meetings.
10. Members must be of sound mine (straight) when attending meetings.
11. There will be absolutely no booze or drugs consumed during meetings.
The MASAYAS MC accepts no responsibility or liability for the actions of any of its members. Any such actions will be considered an independent action by that person. Any such actions will subject that person to discipline up to and including expulsion from the club. Neither the Officers ,Directors,nor Members of Masayas MC are in any way responsible or liable for injury, property or personal damages during activities or rides. Everyone ( members or guests ) participate in Masayas MC events at THEIR OWN RISKS.
I have read the above Bylaws and understand that as a new MASAYA MC member, I will follow the rules set forth as such and hold myself to the highest moral and ethical values for the better of the MC.