Theall K, DeJong W, Scribner R, Mason K, Kessel Schneider S, Simonsen N. Social Capital in the College Setting: The Impact of Participation in Campus Activities on Drinking and Alcohol-Related Harms. Journal of American College Health. (in press).
Theall K, Scribner R, Cohen D, Blumenthal R, Matthias Schonlau, Farley T. Social Capital and the Neighborhood Alcohol Environment. Health and Place. 2009; 15:323-332.
Theall K, Sterk C, Elifson KW. Neighborhood Fear and Drug Use among Young Adults. American Journal of Health Behavior. (in press).
Kishore V, Theall K, Robinson W, Pichon J, Scribner R, Roberson E, Johnson S. Resource Loss, Coping, Alcohol Use, and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms among Survivors of Hurricane Katrina: a Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Disaster Medicine. (in press).
Schonlau M, Scribner R, Farley TA, Theall KP, Bluthenthal R, Scott M, Cohen DA. Alcohol outlet density and alcohol consumption in Los Angeles County and southern Louisiana. Geospatial Health. 2008; 3(1):91-101.
Scribner R, Mason K, Simonsen N, Su Joseph, Theall K. Obese Neighborhoods: A multilevel, spatial analysis of environmental predictors of BMI at the neighborhood level. Obesity Research. (in press).
Kissinger P, Amedee A, Clark RA, Dumestre J, Theall KP, Wenthold L, Powell A, Smith H, Myers L, Farley T, Martin DH. Trichomoniasis vaginalisis and HIV Vaginal Viral Shedding among Women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (in press).
Theall KP, Clark RA, Amedee A, Dumestre J, Kissinger P. Alcohol Consumption and HIV-1 vaginal RNA shedding among women. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2008;69:454.458.
Qingzhao Yu, Scribner R, Carlin B, Theall KP, Simonsen N, Ghosh-Dastidar B, Cohen D, Mason K. Multilevel Spatiotemporal Dual Changepoint Models for Relating Alcohol Outlet Destruction and Changes in Neighborhood Rates of Assaultive Violence. Geospatial Health. 2008; 2(2):161-172.
Scribner, R., Mason, K., Theall, K., Simonsen, N., Schneider, S. K., Towvim, L. G. The contextual role of alcohol outlet density in college drinking. J Stud Alcohol. 2008; 69(1), 112-120.
Scribner R, Theall KP, Ghosh-Dastidar B, Mason K, Cohen D, Simonsen N. Structural Determinants of Social Capital at the Neighborhood Level: A Longitudinal Analysis of Loss of Alcohol Outlets and Voting. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2007; 68(6): 934-943.
Clark RA, Theall KP, Amedee A., Kissinger P. Lack of Association Between Genital Tract HIV-1 RNA Shedding and Hormonal Contraceptive Use in a Cohort of Louisiana Women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. November 2007; 34(11):870-872.
Clark RA, Theall KP, Amedee A., Kissinger P. Frequent Douching and Clinical Outcomes among HIV-Infected Women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2007;34(12): 985-990.
Barousse MM, Theall KP, Van Der Pol BJ, Fortenberry D, Orr D, Fidel P. Impact of Sexual Behaviors, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Hormone Contraception on Vaginal Immunity in Middle Adolescent Females. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2007; 58(2): 159-68.
Clark RA, Theall KP, Kissinger P. Microscopy and culture for Trichomonas vaginalis: are both required? International Journal of STDs and AIDS. 2007; 18(3): 220.
Elifson KW, Sterk CE, Theall KP. Safe Living: The Impact of Unstable and Inadequate Housing Conditions on HIV Risk Reduction among Female Drug Users. AIDS and Behavior. 2007;11(supplement 2): 45-55.
Sterk CE, Theall KP, Elifson KW. Getting into Ecstasy: Comparing Moderate and Heavy Users. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 2007;39(2):103-13.
Theall KP, Clark RA, Powell A, Smith H, Kissinger P. Alcohol Consumption, ART Usage, and High-Risk Sex among Women with HIV. AIDS and Behavior. 2007; 11(2): 205-215.
Sterk CE, Elifson KW, Theall KP. Individual Action and Community Context: The Health Intervention Project. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2007; 32(6S): S177-S181.
Sterk CE, Theall KP, Elifson KW. Young Adult Ecstasy Use Patterns: Quantities and Combinations. Journal of Drug Issues. 2006; 36: 201-228.
Theall KP, Sterk CE, Elifson KW. Sex, Touch and Risk: Sexual Behavior and Ecstasy Use. AIDS and Behavior. 2006; 10:169-178.
Theall KP, Sterk CE, Elifson KW, Stewart E. An HIV Intervention’s Effect on Criminality among Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2007; 21(12):1-23.
Sterk CE, Theall, KP, Elifson KW. African American Women Female Drug Users and HIV Risk Reduction: Challenges with Criminal Involvement. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2005; 16:89-107.
Theall KP, Sterk CE, Elifson KW. The Impact of Emotional Distress on HIV Risk Reduction among Women. Substance Use and Misuse. 2006; 41: 1-17.
Clark RA, Theall KP, Kissinger P. Consideration for Empiric Trichomonas vaginalis Treatment Among Selected High Risk HIV-Infected Female Populations with Concurrent Neisseria gonorrhea or Chlamydia trachomatis Infections. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2006;
Beilke MA, Theall KP, Kissinger PJ. In response to: Brites C, Oliveira AS, Netto EM. HIV-HTLV-I co-infection: What is the real impact on HIV disease? Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2005; 40:330-331.
Beilke MA, Theall KP, O’Brien M, Clayton JL, Benjamin SM, Winsor EL, Kissinger PJ. Clinical Outcomes and Disease Progression among Patients with HIV/HTLV-I/II Co-Infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2004; 39: 256-263.
Theall KP, Elifson KW, Sterk CE. Past and New Victimization among African American Female Drug Users Who Participated in an HIV Risk-Reduction Intervention. Journal of Sex Research. 2004; 41: 400-407.
Theall KP, Mitchel C, Ludwick M, Brown B, Kissinger PJ. Factors Associated With Maternal-Child Separation among HIV-Infected Mothers. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2004; 18(9):13-23.
Clark R, Theall KP. Population-Based Study Evaluating Association between Selected Antiretroviral Therapies and Potential Contraceptive Failure. JAIDS. 2004; 37(1):1219-1220.
Clark R, Theall KP. Trends and Correlates of Hormonal Contraception Use among HIV-Infected Women. JAIDS. 2004; 36(4):986-988.
Ejedepang-Koge I, Theall K, Clark R. Pre- and Post-Partum Antiretroviral Choices among HIV-Infected Pregnant Women. JAIDS. 2004; 35(4):428-429.
Theall KP, Sterk CE, Elifson KW, Kidder D. Factors Associated With Positive HIV Serostatus Among Women Who Use Drugs: Continued Evidence For Expanding Factors of Influence. Public Health Reports. 2003; 118(5), 415-424.
Theall KP, Elifson KW, Sterk CE, Klein H. Perception and Actual HIV Risk Behavior among Two Generations of At-Risk Women. Research & Aging. 2003; 25 (4), 405-432.
Sterk CE, Theall KP, Elifson KW, Kidder D. HIV Risk Reduction Among African American Female Injection Drug Users: A Randomized Controlled Trial. AIDS & Behavior. 2003; 7(1), 73-86.
Sterk CE, Theall KP, and Elifson KW. Effectiveness of an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for African American Women Who Use Crack Cocaine. AIDS Education & Prevention. 2003; 15(1), 15-32.
Theall KP, Sterk CE, and Elifson KW. Male Condom Use Following an HIV Intervention Among Women Who Use Drugs. Journal of Drug Issues. 2003; 33(1), 1-27.
Sterk CE, Theall KP, and Elifson KW. Who’s Getting the Message? Intervention Response Rates Among Women Who Inject Drugs and/or Smoke Crack Cocaine. Preventive Medicine. 2003; 37, 119-128.
Reef SE, Frey TK, Theall KP, Abernathy E, Burnett CL, Icenogle J, McCauley M, Wharton, M. Rubella in the 1990's: Evidence for the End of Endemic Transmission and New Challenges for Control and Prevention. JAMA. 2002; 287:464-472.
Sterk CE, Theall KP, and Elifson KW. Health Care Utilization among Drug Using and Non-drug Using Women. Journal of Urban Health. 2002; 79:586-599.
Sterk CE, Elifson KW, and Theall KP. Women and Drug Treatment Experiences: A Generational Comparison of Mothers and Daughters. Journal of Drug Issues. 2000; 30:839-861.
1. Sterk C, Theall KP, Elifson KW. Public health approach to depression and women: The case of the disadvantaged inner-city woman, pp. 382. 2006. In Keyes, C, Goodman, SH (Eds.) Handbook on Women and Depression. Boston: Cambridge University Press.
2. Theall KP, Elifson KW, and Sterk CE. Illicit Drug Use and Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health, pp. 129-152. 2002. In Wingood, G. and DiClemente, R. (Eds.) Handbook of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers: New York, NY.