Agenda 1 :

Sub. : Approval of the minutes of the 6th meeting of the Governing Board.

The GB passed resolution that,

"The minutes of the 6th meeting of the Governing Body held on 3rd January , 2013 are hereby approved."

Agenda 2 :

Sub. : 'Action Taken Report' on the resolutions of the 6th meeting of G.B.

The GB passed resolution that,

"The Action Taken Report on the resolutions of the 6th Governing Board meeting has been ratified."

Agenda 3 :

Sub. : Approval of Annual Accounts of Alipore Zoo for the year 2010-11.

The GB passed resolution that,

"Annual Accounts of Zoological Garden, Alipore for the year 2010-11 along with comments are hereby approved."

(1)That from the year 2012-13, mercantile system of accounts will be followed and accordingly Annual Accounts comprising Receipts & Payments A/c, Income & Expenditure A/c and Balance Sheet along with schedules will be prepared for each financial year.


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(2)Fixed Assets Register is to be maintained and fixed assets are to be verified physically every year and reconciled.

(3)All statutory compliances are to be made in respect of Income Tax, TDS, and Service Tax etc.

(4)No advance is to be given to any contractor.

(5)Internal control is to be strengthened for in the day to day operation of the Zoo in respect of purchase of materials or obtaining services.

Agenda 4 :

Sub. : Approval of the Annual Accounts of Alipore Zoo for the year 2011-12.

The GB passed a resolution that,

"Annual Accounts of Zoological Garden, Alipore for the year 2011-12 along with the comments are hereby approved."

(1)That from the year 2012-13 mercantile system of accounts will be followed and accordingly Annual Accounts comprising Receipts & Payments A/c, Income & Expenditure A/c and Balance Sheet along with schedules will be prepared for each financial year to obtain a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the zoo.

(2)Fixed Assets Register is to be maintained and Fixed Assets are to be verified physically every year and reconciled.

(3)All statutory compliances are to be made in respect of Income Tax, TDS, and Service Tax etc.

(4)No advance is to be given to any contractor.

(5)Internal control is to be strengthened in the day to day operation of the Zoo in respect of purchase of materials or obtaining services, to avoid any excess payment over the standard market price.

Agenda 5 :

Sub. : Approval of the Annual Budget of West Bengal Zoo Authority for the year 2013-14.

The GB passed resolution that,

"The Operational and Capital Budget for 2013-14 of WBZA is approved."

Agenda 6 :

Sub. : Appointment of Statutory Auditor for West Bengal Zoo Authority, Alipore Zoo and Darjeeling Zoo for the year 2012-13.

The GB passed resolution that,

"The appointment of M/s GuhaMotilal for WBZA for remuneration of Rs.10,000/- and M/s K.L Bonerjee & Co for Alipore Zoo for Rs.9,500/- + service taxes is approved."


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The Board felt that as M/S GuhaMotilal has been auditing the accounts of the Darjeeling Zoo for last two years and its quotation was not approved and Member-Secretary, WBZA should go for fresh tenders for the same.

Agenda 7 :

Sub. : Status Report on North Bengal Animal Safari Park.

The GB has noted the present status of North Bengal Animal Safari Park.

Agenda 8 :

Sub. : Intimation of the AG (Audit) of Alipore Zoo for the year 2009-10 to 2011-12.

The Board has noted the Report and directed that the report of the Director should be sent to AG along with the comments of the Member Secretary after considering the Departmental case in progress in the Department.

Agenda 9 :

Sub. : Transfer of P.F of Alipore Zoo management from Trust to the Commissioner, RPF.

The Board has taken note of the same.

Agenda 10 :

Sub. : Introduction of e-tender process.

The GB passed resolution that,

"Regarding the tender process including e-tender, the guidelines of the Finance Department, West Bengal should be followed."

Agenda 11 :

Sub. : Proposal for schemes for funding from CZA for Darjeeling Zoo.

The G.B passed resolution that,

"The schemes proposed by Darjeeling Zoo for CZA funding are approved subjected to availability of grants from CZA."


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Supplementary Agenda 1 :

Sub: Introduction of scheme of Adoption of Animals of Zoo.

The G.B passed resolution that,

"The scheme of adoption of zoo animals by WBZA as proposed is approved."

Supplementary Agenda 2 :

Sub: Appointment of Internal Auditors for the year 2013-15.

The G.B passed resolution that,

"to appoint external firm for 'Internal Auditing' purposes, selected on public tender system, for the period 2013-15 (2 years) and authorize the Secretary to do the needful."

Supplementary Agenda 3 :

Sub: Special approval of Operational Budget of Alipore Zoo for year 2013-14.

The G.B passed resolution that,

"The schemes mentioned for Alipore are approved for budget Rs.4 crore and the Director is authorized to execute the schemes with internal accruals and savings without any further demand on the external funding sources."

Supplementary Agenda 4 :

Sub: Adoption of Career Advance Scheme in WBZA.

The Board has directed that a detailed case note to be prepared and sent for approval by circulation.

The minutes of the meeting may be approved.