St. Marcellinus Secondary School

Course Code: HRE 4MU

Course Name: Grade 12 Religion–In Search of the Good


Course Content
Mapping the Ethical Experience
Guided by the Light of Revelation
Discovering the Good Life
Gifted With Freedom
Proclaiming Justice and Mercy
Building a Civilization of Love / Resources:
Textbook: In Search of the Good
This course will also use a variety of resources including video, Internet Applications and a variety of print sources. Any resources assigned to students are the responsibility of the student. Any damage incurred will result in payment for replacement or repair of said resources.
Evaluation Structure:
Knowledge/Understanding 25 %
Thinking/Inquiry 25 %
Communication 25 %
Application 25 %
The above is reflected both in the term work (worth 70 % of the final mark) and the summative work (worth 30 % of the final mark). Summative work consists of the Final Exam (20 %) and a Culminating Activity (10 %)
Evaluation Policy:
Students will be assessed & evaluated according to the work produced & skills displayed. Methods of providing feedback will include assessing work in process & evaluating completed assignments, tests, co-operative learning activities, simulations and presentations.
Student marks will be determined by evaluating process & product according to 4 categories & 4 levels. Please see chart on the next page for specific skill and key words used to determine student competency in the different categories.
It is highly recommended that students keep track of their own progress by maintaining a mark tracking sheet.
Category / Level 1:
50-59 % / Level 2:
60-69 % / Level 3:
70-79 % / Level 4:
80-100 %
  • Knowledge of facts & terms
  • Understanding of concepts & relationships
/ Limited display of knowledge, skills and ability to apply concepts / Some success in displaying knowledge, skills and application of concepts / Considerable display of knowledge skills and ability to apply concepts / Thorough understanding of concepts and ability to communicate, think creatively and apply concepts
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Creative thinking skills
  • Inquiry skills

  • Communication of ideas and information
  • Use of symbols & visuals
  • Oral & written communication

  • Application in familiar contexts
  • Transfer of concepts to new contexts
  • Making logical conclusions & predictions
  • Making connections

Work not meeting the minimum requirement will receive a grade below 50%. Feedback will also be provided for student learning skills. Skills like working independently, team work, organization, work habits, homework, and initiative are assessed through the use of classroom observation and checklistsand will be reported on using the following letter grades:
E—Excellent G—Good S—Satisfactory N—Needs Improvement
Other Evaluation Issues:
  • LATE ASSIGNEMENTS: All assignments are to be submitted on or before the closure date and time as specified by the course teacher. A major assignment (one which may give evidence of a significant number of ministry course expectations) not handed in on the due date will receive a maximum penalty of 10% if submitted within 24 hours following the due date. A mark of zero will be given if the assignment is handed in after 24 hours (closure), unless extenuating circumstances prevail, as determined in consultation with the school administration. Work will be assessed and returned with comments. Any presentations or performance tasks that are missed because of an unexcused absence may be assigned a zero for that portion of the assignment.
  • INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments will be graded according to the extent with which they meet the criteria established in the rubric or evaluation structure.
  • MISSED TESTS: Tests missed with a legitimate reason will be written upon the immediate return of the student to the school. Student eligibility to write the test and the time will be at the discretion of the teacher in consultation with the department head.
  • CULMINATING ACTIVITIES: These activities are an integral part of the summative assessment of material covered. Under normal circumstances, permission will not be given for a student to write exams or complete any culminating activity other than on the designated dates and schedules.
  • EXTENDED ABSENCES: Regular attendance on the part of students is vital to the process of learning. A student who is absent for any prolonged period may suffer in the evaluation process because his/her participation and achievement cannot be fully assessed. This may result in failure to achieve the course credit.
  • PLAGIARISM: Students are responsible for their own writing and thinking. Plagiarism in any form reflects academic dishonesty and will result in a mark of zero for the assignment in question. Under no circumstances will students be excused from this responsibility. Please refer to the Student Writing Guide (found at