
Week of March 23-27


The word wall words (reading words) for this week are: don’t, old, start, under, very.

* Please practice them nightly. Students should be able to read them by Friday.

* Please complete 3 or more Word Wall Activities by Friday.

* Please remember to continue to review past word wall words also.

The spelling pattern for the week is listed on the colored sheet. When studying the spelling pattern with your child, please focus on the sound we are working on or the rule, rather than just memorization. Your child will be tested on some of those words as well as similar words on the spelling test.

Test on Thursday, April 2!

Monday, 3/23 Spelling Sort (glue headings only and sort 3 times);

Tuesday, 3/24 – Word Wall Practice: Complete 3 activities by Friday.

Wednesday, 3/25 - Math Sheets

Thursday, 3/26 - Please read If You Give a Pig a Pancake /or the leveled book once to yourself and once to someone else. Answer the questions in complete sentences, using capital letters and punctuation in the correct places. Students should reread their work to check for these things!

Notes and Reminders:

· Math fact practice: Please practice addition and subtraction facts to 20. You can use flashcards or the ipad. Xtra math is a great way to practice too!

· Scholastic book orders- Due March 27th (optional)

· End of 3rd Marking Period- March 31st

Overview of the Week:

In language arts, the students will begin the week by listening to and discussing a story read aloud by the teacher titled The Grasshopper and the Ant. We will be reading the story, If You Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Numeroff. Students will work on comprehension skills with an emphasis on distinguishing between realism and fantasy and character development. The students are also working on reading in a storytelling voice; using expression and reading fluently. This week when your child brings home his/her leveled book listen in for their “storytelling” voice. Also, while reading our non-fiction books the students will ask their reading partners about the big ideas in their book. I will demonstrate with the students how to use post it notes to jot down new ideas or questions we may have about a topic.

For our grammar point for the week, students will learn to substitute pronouns for naming words. We will also review proper nouns.

In writer’s workshop, the students are exploring “How to Books” and working on a class How to Book.

In math, we are beginning Chapter 8: Two digit Addition and Subtraction. This week we will add and subtract within 20, draw models to add tens and draw models to subtract tens. Think Central is a link on my webpage that can be accessed by each student at home using his/her username and the password brook. We have accessed Think Central in class but if your child has forgotten his/her username just let me know and I will email it to you. Think Central is a great way to reinforce and enrich previously taught and new skills and concepts.

Have a wonderful week!