Marylebone Health Centre
Practice News Update September 2013 Issue no6
Producedjointly by the Patient Partnership Group (PPG) and the Practice Team of the Marylebone Health Centre (MHC)
Welcome to Our News Update-Health ProtectionThere have been a number of changes in the vaccination programme which include the introduction of a rotavirus and shingles vaccination. A change in the current schedule of children’s immunisations means that we now offer a meningitis C vaccination and flu immunisations for children in certain age ranges.
Please visit our website or speak to reception for more information
Dr Andy Goodstone-GP Partner
Patient Partnership Charter- When Dr Patrick Pietroni and Dr Derek Chase started the Marylebone Health Centre in 1987 they thought it would be a good idea to have a Patients Charter which would set out what patients had a right to expect from the Practice and what the Practice expected in turn from patients, emphasizing the partnership between the two. Somehow over the years the Charter fell by the wayside. Recently however the Patient Partnership Group agreed there was a lot to be said for reviving it. With all that's happening in the NHS it is more important than ever that both sides should work closely together, to make the most of the services provided. We have now agreed a new Patient Partnership Charter which as well as being given to all new patients , will be available soon in the waiting area and on our website to all patients. We believe if the Charter is followed it will benefit us all
Jacqueline Glasser- Chair PPG /
The remaining 2013 PPG meetings will be held on 16th September, 28th October and the 9th December in the crypt Hall from 6-8pm.All patients are welcome
Elderly Health Forum’ Ageing Healthily’14th October 5-7pm
Following the success of the health fair earlier this year the PPG have organised a further event focusing on services for the over 65s.
This meeting will include a discussion on healthy living and an update on the local service and support networks. There will be representation from the falls team, the memory service, the carers network and WellWatch. Each organisation will give a brief presentation about their service followed by a question and answer session.
Please let us know if there are other specific health related forums you would like PPG to organise.
Christmas 2013 opening hours
24th Dec open 8.30-1pm
25th and 26th CLOSED 27th open as usual
31st Dec open 8.30-1pm
1st Jan 2013 CLOSED
2ND & 3rd Jan open as usual
PPG 2014 meeting dates
These will be confirmed over the coming weeks and advertised on the practice website
Central London Clinical Commissioning Group(CLCCG)
Information regarding the local commissioning group can be found on their website
In August seven clinics worth of GP appointments were wasted when patients did not attend. This is frustrating for both the practice and for patients waiting to be seen. Please help us improve appointment availability by ensuring unneeded appointments are cancelled in good time.
Appointments and prescription requests can now be made on line. Ask reception for further information or visit the practice website.
Jeff, one of the receptionists, works closely with carers networks. Please let Jeff know if you are a carer and he can tell you about the services we offer for carers at the surgery.
‘Phone Before you GO’
The out of Hours service offered for our patients is managed by London Central & West, Unscheduled Care Collaborative (LCW), and they are based at St. Charles Hospital. LCW also manage the local 111 service. When we are closed patients should callthe surgerynumber (0207 935 6328) and you should be redirected to the out of hours service automatically
Patients can also call 111 which you should use for non emergency situations as opposed to using A&E.A&E should only be used in an emergency.When we are closed we suggest you phone 111 and they can arrange clinical advice, treatment if required, or arrange an appointment for you to be seen at a local walk in centre/Urgent care Centre. This may avoid you waiting in queues at A&E’s when you don’t need to.
Please remember-if you’re not sure call the surgery, or when we are closed call 111.
Phone before you go!
Patient survey results
We recently ran a survey and asked 40 patients how they felt about the services provided by the out of hours service who manage care given to MHC patients when the surgery is closed. The survey was designed by our patients and the results will be overseen by the PPG. Thank you to all those patients who helped us to design the survey.
20% patients returned the survey forms and 62% said they would use the service again.
99% of responders said that they would consider using the service instead of using A&E when the practice is closed and they have a non emergency situation
Thank you to all those patients who took part in the survey which helps us to improve the service we offer. As you found this service so useful we have now increased the number of telephone consultations which we offer. /
Festive Merriment- Geoff Carpenter (Nutritionist and PPG member) So what a wonderful summer it has been; we deserve summers like that every year don’t we? There’s every chance this warmth will continue well into September but at some point autumn weather will of course follow. The equinox has always been a marker for the broad transition from warmer to cooler climes and so we should all be on our guard around this time for more inclement weather. More layers and the coats come out and more warming foods return onto the menu; now is a good time to start thinking about those roast and stew recipes again.
Much has been made recently of the cost of eating healthily and I have had many a discussion over the years about the assumed cost of nutritious food. Part of the problem is that ‘healthy’ sometimes has connotations of perfection, which is clearly unattainable. Healthy produce does not need to be the best organic fruit and veg and steaks from named organic cows.
Another problem can be a lack of meal inspiration, rather ironically given all the cooking programmes on TV. What I find helps is writing my own recipe book. Not as daunting as it sounds, as mine is merely a list of the names of meals that I cook, grouped by vegetarian or type of meat used, and added to when I cook something new. When my wife and I are stuck for a meal that day or tomorrow, we refer to our own recipe book, not a shop bought one. It encourages expansion of meals that we try, reduces those “not sure what I fancy” moments and therefore reduces the need to grab a costly and usually nutrition-poor ready meal or take away.
A great autumnal meal is ‘tian’ from Provence: layers of sliced courgette, aubergine and tinned tomatoes, sandwiched between goats cheese and tomato puree, as well as caramelised onions, olives, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Topped with a little more goats cheese this is roasted slowly for 40mins. Delicious, nutritious and well under £3 per portion!
Influenza (the ‘flu) Vaccination-The ‘flu is a highly infectious illness that spreads rapidly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are carrying the virus. It remains a major cause of illness especially in the elderly and those with chronic diseases. Immunisation has shown to reduce the risk of contracting the flu and the possible complications of such as pneumonia.
As part of the national flu programme the vaccine is offered free to a number of groups. These include those aged 65 and over, pregnant women, children aged two to three, carers and those with chronic diseases such as diabetes, lung, heart, liver or neurological disease and immunosuppressed patients.
If you are entitled to a free vaccine you will have received an invitation letter from the Practice. Please make sure you attend for your jab to ensure you are protected for as long as possible.