Week Beginning 1st February2016

Have you all said “hello” and introduced your selves to Catlyin our student? She will be with us at playgroup on Thursdays and Fridays until June. I’m sure you will all make her feel very welcome and help her learn your names!

What we did/learnt this week

We have been doing lots of physical play this week. On Monday Jill took a small group through to the little hall and taught them some YOGA (not yogurt or Yoda!) moves. And on Friday there was a very energetic step aerobics class going on too some funky music. This all look great fun.

The children have been learning to use their bodies and share the space around them.

We have been discussing Spring and looking for signs that it’s on its way. Some of the boys and girls were using the camera to take some photos of trees and bulbs. When they came back to playgroup they used the diary to plan when we will photograph the same plant again.

The children are aware of routines and events in their world and can link them with times and seasons. They are looking at ways to record their findings.

Some of the children have been talking about rhyming words. “bud rhymes with mud”, “look and book” can you think of any more?

On Friday morning we all talked about ‘Rubbish’. The children knew lots about recycling. They told us all about the sorts of things we can recycle at playgroup. We have special bins in the snack area for our food waste, plastic and paper – the children are very good at using these. We talked a bit about recycling other items at playgroup. The ink cartridges form our computer printers, batteries form our toys and stamps from our letters!! WOW we recycle loads at playgroup.

Within and beyond their place of learning the children can reduce, reuse and recycle resources to help care for the environment.

On Monday morning we celebrated Burns day. The children had a Burns Supper where they tried haggis, neeps and tatties. They were all really good trying the haggis. We talked about celebrating Robert Burns the famous Scottish poet. Playgroup was looking very good with the tartan table cloths, flags and lots you remembered to wear tartan or white and blue. We enjoyed listening to some Scottish stories. We heard The Gruffalo in scots and a Hairy Maclarey. We had some lovely Scottish bag pipe music playing, lots of you enjoyed dancing along to the music.

What we hope to do this week

  • Learn about what we can do to be healthy – we will talk about being active and how this helps us to stay healthy.
  • We will measure our amaryllis plant and plot its growth on our graph to see how much it has grown.
  • Explore the patterns and sounds of language – look at the sound ‘L’ and rhyming words. Do you have something at home that starts with the sound ‘L’ you could bring into playgroup and share with us?
  • Teach our new starts the words to our Eco song and our Eco code.

Dates for your Diary


Saturday 6th – Race Night Aberdour Community Centre

Thursday 11th- Half Term holiday- Playgroup Closed

Friday 12th – Half Term Holiday- Playgroup Closed


Saturday 19th – Coffee Morning

Thursday 24th- Term Ends for Easter Holidays


Monday 11th – New Term Starts

Have a GREAT week everyone!