Ronald Reagan Elementary School
Vol. 97: August 2016
Nori Chandler, Principal
We have had a very smooth opening day at RRE. Thank you everyone for getting your children to school on time. We are going to have a great year!
Ronald Reagan Elementary has one (1) parent position on School Site Council (SSC). The SSC is a group of parents, teachers, classified staff, and administration (10 people total) who meet once a month to perform various tasks. Those tasks include: updating the school’s Safety Plan, updating our LCAP and SPSA Plans, and reviewing school items such as suspension, budgets, Healthy Kids Survey, and other pertinent topics.
If you are interested in serving on the RRE School Site Council (SSC) please let SherryDee Smith, Site Secretary, know of your interest by Friday, August 19.
Character traits we are focusing on for the month of August are:
TK – 3rd grade: Caring/Friendship
4th – 6th grade: Respect
Welcome Back! Be on the lookout for the PTA Welcome Packet, coming home next week.
When you receive the PTA packet next week please fill out the attached waiver in the packet and turn it in ASAP to the school. In order for your child to participate in PTA activities, a signed waiver must be on file. PTA has events starting soon and WE DO NOT want your student missing out.
The 1st PTA Association meeting is Monday, August 22 @8:20am in the MPR. Please come and hear about the events and programs we have planned. Make your voice and vote count!!
Paper Drive is Aug 29-31
Please donate white and color copy paper for the school. The class with the MOST paper wins a donut party. Students may bring the paper directly to their teacher.
We look forward to a great 2016/2017 school year!
If you have any questions, please contact us at and “like” us on Facebook
for frequently updated school information and announcements!