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ADDRESS:No.11/22,Ayyavvo Street,
Ayyavvo Naidu Colony,
Tamil Nadu-600 004,
Contact No.:+919840051032.
Seeking challenging position in a reputed and rapidly expanding professional environment, thereby widening my spectrum of knowledge skills and to strive for excellence provingmymettlein challenging situations
Primary area of interest- Shoulder, Hipand knee surgeries
3) Special Awards
1) Stood first in my school and was adjudged the best outgoing student of my batch in 2003.
2) Won the GOLD MEDAL in Orthopaedics in my batch during MBBS (Med School) in the year 2007 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai-India.
3) Selected for the SICOT meets SICOT fellowship and underwent the fellowship in hip joints at Hospital Infanta Leonor in Madrid, Spain under Dr Oliver Marin Pena in 2013.
4)Selected for the APOA fellowship in knee surgeries by Dr John Bartlett and underwent the fellowship at Richmond, Mercy and Epworth hospitals in Melbourne in 2015 . Worked with the following surgeons : :Mr J.Feller, Mr H.Morris and Mr S. Talbot
5) Presented the paper entitled ‘Combining the sulcus line and posterior condylar axis reduces femoral malrotation in total knee arthroplasty’ at the ISAKOS Pune kneecourse held at Pune on April 22-23, 2016 which received the Best paper award with registration to ISAKOS 2017 as the award .
6) Presentedapaper titled ‘Closinglateralwedge valgus osteotomywithdynamic hipscrewforthe treatmentofvarus non-unionof peritrochanteric fracture: Can restorationofbiomechanicsand stabilisationaloneheal?’which won the best paperaward at the Pondicherry association conference held at Mahatma Gandhi College in November 2011.
Current Member of National/International Institutional Committees
1) IOA (Indian Orthopaedic Association)
2)ISHKS ( Indian Society of Hip and knee surgeons
3)TNOA (Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic society)
4)IAS (Indian Arthroscopy society)
5)ISKSAA(International society for knowledge of surgeons on arthroscopy and arthroplasty)
6)SICOT (Society Internationale of Chirurgerie and Orthopaedics Traumatologie)
7) TNAS (Tamil Nadu Arthroscopy society)
Scientific Presentations made as Author
1)Presented paper titled ‘Use of intramedullary fibular strut graft in the treatment of osteoporotic humeral shaft non-union’ in TNOACON -2012
2)Presented two papers titled "PFN A (Proximal Femoral Nail anti rotation) for the treatment of trochanteric femoral fracture in the elderly: A prospective study" and" A prospective randomized comparative study of PLIF Vs TLIF in the management of Spondylolisthesis" at 34th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress held at Hyderabad, India in October, 2013.
3)Presented the following papers at the SICOT World Congress held at Rio De janeiro in November 2014.
a)A Randomized prospective study of Ceramic on ceramic and ceramic on highly cross linked polyethylene in patients with primary total hip arthroplasty
b) A prospective randomized comparitive study of early outcome in total knee arthroplasty with Subvastus approach Vs medial parapatellar approach
c)A study of Internal fixation of unstable proximal humerus fractures with the PHILOS locking plate in the Indian population
4)Presented the paper entitled “Clinical assessment of Transportal Vs transtibial drilling technique of creating femoral tunnel in ACL reconstruction” at APKASS summit 2015 to be held at Taipei, Taiwan on May 8-9.
5)Presented the following papers as poster presentation exhibited at APKASS summit 2015 to be held at Taipei, Taiwan on May 8-9.
b) “Patella resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty in the Indian population: Early functional outcome” (paper id: 65)
c) “Comparison of femoral tunnel fixation with interference screw through Anteromedial Vs Patellar tendon portal” (paper id: 61)
6)Presented the paper entitled ‘Combining the sulcus line and posterior condylar axis reduces femoral malrotation in total knee arthroplasty’ at the ISAKOS Pune kneecourse held at Pune on April 22-23 which received the Best paper award with registration to ISAKOS 2017 as award .
7)Presented the paper titled ‘Augmentation of extensor mechanism in revision total knee replacement with hamstrings autograft’ at Indian society of hip and knee surgeons ( ISHKS) which was held in Chennai on April 2016.
8)Presentedapaper titled ‘Closinglateralwedge valgus osteotomywithdynamic hipscrewforthe treatmentofvarus non-unionof peritrochanteric fracture: Can restorationofbiomechanicsand stabilisationaloneheal?’ which won the best paperaward at the Pondicherry association conference held at Mahatma Gandhi College, Pondicherry in November 2011.
9)Presented a paper titled ‘Closing lateral wedge valgus osteotomy with dynamic hip screw for the treatment of varus non-union of peritrochanteric fracture: Can restoration of biomechanics and stabilisation alone heal?’ in the Combined 33rdSICOT & 17th PAOA Orthopaedic World Conference held at Dubai (2012).
Articles published in peer reviewed journals
1)Published a paper titled ‘Chronic triceps insufficiency managed with extensor carpi radialis longus and palmaris longus tendon grafts’. Indian J Orthop 2012; 46:236-8.
2)Published a paper titled ‘Comparitive study of Reamed Vs Unreamed interlocking nailing in the treatment of fracture shaft of tibia’in the Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2012 Vol 6 No 3
3)Published a paper titled ‘Circumferential decompression and global instrumented fusion using local bone graft through postero lateral approach for active spinal tuberculosis’ in the journal of Tamil Nadu Orthopedic Association (Vol.38 issue , Feb:2012)
Articles published in non refereed journals
1)Published a paper titled A rare case of Type 3 Presacral schwannoma managed by anterior approach in the OASIS journal ( Orthopaedic association of south Indian states)
Manuscripts submitted for publication
1)Bilateral Hoffas fracture in an adolescent- a rare case report in the International journal of case reports
2)Bilateral ACL reconstruction in single stage: recovery and post op rehabilitation in the Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery ( JAJS)
3)Management of stress neck of femur fracture with percutaneous cancellous screw fixation in the Indian journal of Orthopaedics (IJO)
4)Total knee replacement by the Subvastus approach: short term outcome in Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (KSSTA)
Clinical and basic research work in progress
STAG GUIDE ( sulcus line trochlear alignment guide)
Currently involved in the development and application of the STAG guide – Sulcus line trochlear alignement guide, an instrument used to reduce femoral malrotation in total knee arthroplasties. Clinical trials conducted in Australia have proved its efficacy and now carrying out similar clinical trials in India as well. Also conducting studies comparing the efficacy of using the Sulcus line instead of the Whitesides line while measuring femoral component rotation in total knee arthroplasty and its incorporation into computer navigated surgeries.
Nonacademic and non medical activities
Member of the local Rotary club and involved in organization of regular health camps within the remote local districts thus helping in providing basic medical assistance to them. Also a member of MEDICINS SANS FRONTIER(MSF) and was involved in relief work during the Nepal earthquake in April 2015 and during the Chennai floods disaster in December 2015.
1. M.B.B.S. SriRamachandraUniversity,
(December2008) Chennai
2. Master in Surgery (M.S.) Rajah Muthiah Medical
Orthopaedics College(Annamalai University)
3. SICOTFellow in arthroscopy and Hospital INFANTA LEONOR
joint replacement SPAIN
4. M.Ch Ortho University of Seychelles
5. PostgraduateDiploma in Annamalai University
Hospital Management( DHM)
6. MSc.,Applied Psychology Annamalai University
7. APOA fellow in Knee joint surgeries Richmond, Epworth and
(2015) Mercy Hospitals-Melbourne
1) Australian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meet ( AOA-ASM 2015) held at Brisbane, Australia.
2) APKASS summit 2015 held at Taipei,Taiwan on May 8-9, 2015
3)APOLLO COSMIC (Congress in orthopaedic sports medicine International chapter) in February 2015
4) Sri Ramachandra hands on cadaver workshop in Basic knee arthroscopy in February 2015.
3) 35th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress held at Rio, Brasil in November 2014.
4) American Academy of orthopaedic surgeons (AAOS), New Orleans in 2014.
5) 34th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress held at Hyderabad, India in October, 2013.
6) American AcademyofOrthopaedicSurgeons(AAOS), Chicago in 2013.
7) National ArthroscopyConference ofSpain heldat San Sebastian, Spain. April 24-26 (2013)
8)Combined 33rd SICOT &17th PAOA OrthopaedicWorld Conference,Dubaiin 2012.
9)Annual conference of TNOACONin February 2015,2012 and 2010.
10)“Sri RamachandraContinuing OrthopaedicRevision Education” in January 2012.
11) SRMC’SBasicHand Surgery CourseinOctober2011.
12) SICOT–2011XXVTriennialWorld Congress, Prague, CzechRepublicin September, 2011.
13)Annual conference ofNationalAssociationInterlockingSurgeons in July2011at Chennai.
14)Workshop onJESSinIOA CON, 2010.
15)Master’s Courseon SpinalSurgeryTraumaandJointReplacement(IGOF).
16)CommonOrthopaedicsurgeriesLiveDemo,2010 atMadrasMedical College, Chennai.
- Dr Madan Mohan Reddy MS Ortho,
Arthroscopy and Joint Replacement surgeon,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.
Phone no- +919841027737
- Dr R. John Bartlett MB BS FRACS FAOrthA
Congress Chairman APOA 2016
Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon- Austin Hopsital, Melbourne
- Dr Óliver Marín-Peña
Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología
Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor
C/ Gran Vía del Este, 80 . 28031 (Madrid)
Tel: 00349 1918000 .
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