Databases Study Guide

Database Vocabulary and Helpful Information

What is a database? A database is an organized collection of related information.

Manual printed Databases examples that we are familiar with include:

  • telephone directories
  • address books
  • encyclopedias and dictionaries

How are uses computerized databases in the real world?

  • Stores use them to keep track of inventory
  • Travel agents can keep up with their customers and reservations
  • Hospitals track patient information.
  • Schools keep student information
  • Banks keep financial information on their customers and investments

Databases Objects in Descending Order:

  • Database
  • Tables
  • Records
  • Fields
  • Data

How a database is made up:

  • DATA is the smallest part of the database – a piece of information that is put into a field
  • FIELDS hold pieces of data. A group of related fields make up a record
  • RECORDS hold a group of related fields. A group of related records make up a table
  • TABLE holds a group of related records. A group of related tables make up a database
  • DATABASE isan electronic filing system that stores and retrieves information made up of related tables

Data Types: Number, Text, Currency, Date/Time, Boolean, Memo, Object(usually used for picture images).

Wildcard: A character in a search that permits any character to be specified. For example, the search criteria al* will find Alabama, already, or Albert. Ion a database search, the asterisk (*) is the wildcard character to replace one or more letters; the question mark (?) is the wildcard character to replace only one letter.

Multiple Criterion Filter: A database operation that displays records that meet several criteria
Connectors: Words such as and, or, and not that join certain conditions together when performing a search.

Operators: Mathematical symbols used in database filters

(>) greater than
(<) less than
(=) equal to
(>=) greater than or equal to
(<=) less than or equal to

When searching/filtering for text, it is often best to use the "contains" operator. This will allow you to key in the first several identifying letters, but not the whole word or words.

QUERY SEARCH -- The process of finding all records of a database that meet a certain rule, statement, or criterion. A search may be based on a single statement, rule, or criterion, or a combination of statements, rules, and criteria joined by AND, OR, and AND/OR. This process is also called a query or match in some database software programs.

SORT -- Arranging information in a specific order (usually ascending and descending).

  • Ascending order: method of sorting data in order from lowest to highest (A-Z) or numerical order (0-9)
  • Descending order: the opposite of ascending order. Example: Reverse alphabetical order
    (Z-A) or reverse numerical is high to low (9-0).

Terms Glossary

Ascending – sorting from smallest to largest. Example: A – Z or 0 – 9.

Connectors – words like OR and AND used in searching databases which indicate whether records satisfy one rule (OR) or if both rules must be satisfied (AND).

Counter Field – used in many databases to identify each record uniquely, like creating a unique invoice number in an invoice database. Also known as a Primary Key in some programs.

Data – the information that is entered into the computer for processing.

Database – an electronic filing system that stores and retrieves information.

Database Report – allows one to organize, summarize, and print selected portions of a database.

Datasheet View – displays the table in a row-and-column format.

Data Type (Format) – the different types of data entered in a database, i.e., number, text, date/time, etc.

Date and Time Field – used for storing dates and times in a specific format to allow you to do such things as age an account or time an event.

Descending – sorting from largest to smallest. Example: Z – A or 9 – 0.

Design View – displays the field names and what kind of values you can enter in each field. In this view you can define or modify the field formats and create field names and data types for a database.

Editing – to make changes to the information in a database.

Enter/Entering – to type information into a field in a database.

Entry – the information that is entered in the fields in a database.

Field – a category of information in a database.

Field Name – a label at the top of a database column that describes the kind of information to be stored in the column.

File – a group of records. Also known as a Table in some programs.

Filter/Query/Search – a feature that displays records that meet one or more specific criteria. Form View – displaying one record at a time.

List View – displaying more than one record at a time.

Logical Field – can be one of two entries, basically YES or NO (or ON or OFF or TRUE or FALSE).

Memo Field – used for information that does not fit easily into a category such as notes or comments.

Numeric Field – used to store purely numeric information.

Object Field – used for other media types that might include a picture of an employee or product, a sound file, a clip-art image, or any other type of non-text entry.

Operators – words or symbols such as less than (<), greater than (>), or equal to (=).

Record – a complete set of field entries.

Record Number – the number that identifies the sequence of a record in a database.

Report – a display of records or parts of records that satisfy a particular search or sort.

Sorting – arranging information in alphabetical or numerical order.

Text Field – used to store alphanumeric information. You may also hear this type of field called a character field.

Wildcards – The * symbol or asterisk is considered a wildcard character. If you don’t know the spelling of a word or you want to search plurals or variations of a word, use the wildcard character.