Video 1. Introduction Class:

1. Among the early civilizations the ancient Greeks were considered to be great what?

2. In Ptolemy’s model of the solar system, what object is placed at the center?

3. In the Copernican model of the solar system, what object is placed at the center?

4. Galileo’s ideas about motion were greatly ridiculed by what entity? Why?

5. Johannes Kepler formulated three laws of orbital motion. Name them

1) The Law of __________________

2) The Law of Equal ____________

3) The Law of ______________

6. Like David fighting Goliath, Isaac Newton single handedly destroyed the ancient views of Aristotle and paved the way for the acceptance of the Copernican view of the solar system. His work lead to what is known as the ___________________ Universe.

7. Renee Descartes, working in France, described the law of conservation of ____________ and discovered analytic ________________.

8. A classic Memorex commercial featuring Ella Fitzgerald singing illustrates the phenomena of resonance. How is resonance demonstrated in the famous commercial?

9. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton (among others) brought down the Aristotelian view of the universe and placed Earth on a spec of __________, in a forsaken ___________, in a lost corner of the ___________________.