The Genetic Code and Translation Leader: Natalie
Week 11.2 Course: BIOL/GEN 313
Supplemental Instruction Date: 11/17
Iowa State University Chapter: 17
1. What are the main 3 differences in prokaryotes and eukaryotes that give rise to differences in gene regulation?
2. Name the six levels of gene regulation in eukaryotes?
3. What is the difference between a nucleosome and a chromatosome?
4. Are DNAse I hypersensitive sites found in condensed or decondensed DNA?
5. What is the significance of hypersensitive sites?
6. What are some examples of chromatin remodeling?
7. Why characteristic of histones enables them to interact with DNA?
8. How does acetylation lead to a decondensed state?
9. What example of chromatin remodeling does acetylation fit in to?
10. What is H3K4me3? Does this lead to an open configuration or a condensed state?