THE CUBE is returning to ITV1 for an eighth series and YOU could be competing against it to win a life changing amount of money.

Do you have what it takes to beat The Cube?

If you are over 18 you can apply to be a contestant on the next series. Remember, there are no general knowledge questions to answer – The Cube will set you a series of simple tasks to complete for the chance to win £250,000.

Please complete this application form in full and return it to us via one of the following ways:

Email: Send your form to with your preferred audition location in the subject field (e.g LONDON). This will automatically direct your form to the correct members of the Casting team.

Post: Send your form to:

The Cube Team

Objective Productions

3rd Floor County Hall

Westminster Bridge Road



Please note that we are unable to return any photos sent with a postal application form. Please send copies rather than originals.

The deadline for application returns is 6pm on Friday 6th December 2013. Any applications received after this date will not be considered.

Once we have received applications we will invite selected people to auditions. If we need to contact you, you will receive either a phone call or email so please ensure you give us your correct details and keep checking your emails.

*Please note that due to the number of application forms we receive we may not be able to read and consider all completed forms*


Full Name: / Please insert a photo of yourself here
Home Address:
Email Address:
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
Social Networking profile address
(e.g Facebook, Twitter, Instagram):
Date of Birth:
Relationship Status:
Who do you live with? Tell us names, relationships, ages and anything else you’d like to say about them:
What three words do you think your friends and family would use to describe you?
1. / 2. / 3.
Please list three amazing / funny / interesting facts about you that you think will make you stand out:
What are your three greatest achievements? Again, please list things that will set you apart from other people:
What are your ambitions? What would be a dream come true for you?
Do you have an amazing party trick / special talent?
Are you a member of any clubs or societies? If not, are there any regular activities that you participate in?
What would be a life-changing amount of money for you and what would you do with it?
(Think big – lots of people will go on holiday or buy a house; what makes you different?)
No member of the public has beaten The Cube yet. How would you do things differently?
What or who made you apply for The Cube?
Why do you think you’d be a great contestant?
If you are successful in becoming a contestant you will need to bring three people to support you as your selected Friends and Family. Please list who these people would be and why you’ve chosen them:
Relationship to you:
Why have you chosen them?
Relationship to you:
Why have you chosen them?
Relationship to you:
Why have you chosen them?
Relationship to you:
Why have you chosen them?
Have you or your nominated Friends and Family ever appeared on TV before? If so, please list the name of the shows, dates of transmission and prizes won (if any):
Have you applied to take part in a previous series of The Cube? If so, were you invited to audition?


Do you have any medical conditions? If so, please give details, including any medication you may be taking.
Do you need us to make any special arrangements to facilitate your attendance at an audition or during filming? If so, please give details.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, please give details.
Are you currently subject to criminal or civil proceedings against you (including family court proceedings)? If so, please give details.
Do you have a criminal record? If so please give details.


Auditions will be taking place in November and December 2013. Please state your TWO preferred audition locations by placing a 1 and 2 under the corresponding place names. Please note that we cannot guarantee you an audition in your first choice:
Birmingham / Cardiff / London / Manchester / Newcastle


Please mark with an X all dates that you would be available to take part in filming (you will need to be available for the full day):
13th January 2014 / 14th January 2014 / 15th January 2014 / 16th January 2014 / 17th January 2014


I the undersigned hereby confirm that the information supplied in this application is correct. I understand that due to the expected volume of applications my application may not be read and that I may not be invited to an audition and that I will not hear from Objective Productions if I am unsuccessful.




Objective Productions Limited (“Objective”) will ensure that any information provided by you for the purpose of developing and producing “the Cube” (“the Programme”) will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. All information will be kept secure and treated as confidential. Any disclosures of information will only be made with your permission (which includes any permission that you give here or in the rest of the application process). We will not publish your contact details. Your personal information will not be used for any other direct commercial purposes including direct marketing.

Your personal information will be shared with members of the Programme production team and relevant staff at ITV. By submitting this application form you are consenting to the use by Objective and ITV (and their officially appointed agents and licensees) of your personal information and any supporting information for the purpose of:

- selecting potential participants for the Programme

- to assess whether you are a suitable participant

- developing and producing the Programme any associated programme and any merchandising (in whatever format) and the publicity promotion distribution and exploitation thereof.

Objective also finds it useful to keep the personal details of applicants on file so that we can contact them in the future to find out if they are interested in participating in another one of Objective’s programmes. By signing this agreement, you give us your consent under the Data Protection Act 1998 to store any data disclosed by you to us, so that we may contact you for the purpose set out at this paragraph. If you do NOT want us to keep your personal details on file for this purpose, please mark the box below:

I do not wish you to keep my personal details on file for the purpose described in the above paragraph

You have the right of access to the information held and used by Objective. If at any point you decide that you no longer want us to hold, use or process any of your personal information or you want to update your contact details please email us at marking your email “Data Protection Request” and we will amend or remove your personal information from our records.

ITV’s Programme Recruitment Terms and Conditions apply, see here for details:
