St Joseph’s Primary SchoolHistory and GeographyLong term plan 2015-2016
Autumn / Spring / SummerYear 1
History / Changes within living Memory
I’m making history!
Suggestions: moments and memories – invite an older person in with their memory box include toys, school, family, friends
CU: awareness of the past
HT: Language of the past
HE: Ask and answer questions
See: Progression in History at end of planning / Significant places locally
History on my doorstep – where shall we go?
CU: fit places into a chronological framework
HT: Language of the past
HE: Ways to find out about the past
SIG: Talk about important places
See: Progression in History at end of planning / Significant people/events locally
Who/what made my corner of the world special long ago
Suggestions: Locomotion, Timothy Hackworth Museum
CU: fit people/events into a chronological framework
HT: Language of the past
HE: Using parts of stories and sources to find out about significance
CCQ: Why did events happen?
SIG: Who was important?
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Geography / My school and my home
Fieldwork and observational skills
Use simple observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Me and My locality
Key features of the surrounding area
Key human and physical features of surrounding environment
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Me and My UK
Uk countries, capitals and surrounding seas
Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the UK and its countries, as well as the countries, continents and oceans studied at this stage. Name, locate and identify characteristics of the 4 countries and capital cities on the UK and its surrounding seas.
Link into events/people in the UK
See progression in Geography at end of planning
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year 2
History / Events from beyond living memory
Who was here before me?
Great Fire of London
CU: fit people/events into a chronological framework
HT: Language of the past
IH: Identify ways the past is represented
CCH: Changes in aspects of life
See: Progression in History at end of planning / Lives of significant individuals national/international, possible comparison of aspects of life
To bravely Go!
Eg Captain Scott/Neil Armstrong/RanulphFinnes
Who made history?
CU: know where people fit into a chronological framework
HT: Language of the past
CCQ: why people did things and what happened as a result
SD: Make simple observations and comparisons
SIG: Talk about important individuals in a simple historical account
See: Progression in History at end of planning / Changes within Living memory and events beyond living memory
Happy holidays now and then:
CU: fit people/events into a chronological framework
HT: Language of the past
HE: Ways we find out about the past, using sources
CCH: Similarity and difference over time
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Geography / How to get to ….
Direction – using compass directions to locate continents and oceans
Name and locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans. Use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West), locational and directional language (eg near, far, left and right) to describe the location of features and routes on a map
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Exploration- Hot and cold Areas
Location of hot and cold areas, equator, North & South Poles
Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Holidays
Holidays in the UK and non-European country (eg Kenya). Focus on similarities and differences.
Human and physical geography of an area of the UK and Kenya including basic geographical vocab: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather. City, village factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop
See progression in Geography at end of planning
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year 3/4
Year A / Stone Age to Iron Age
Who was here before me?
Neolithic hunter-gatherers and early farmers with Skara Brae
Overview of Bronze Age
Iron Age hill forts: tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Artefacts – Durham university visit
Tribal Tales Y3 / Early civilisations: Ancient Egypt
Why did the Egyptians build pyramids?
Overview of when Ancient Egypt first appeared and in depth study
Focus: Significance, causation and consequence, source handling
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Oriental Museum
Pharaohs Y5 / Roman Empire overview
Why did the Ancient Romans march through Durham?
Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
Cause and Consequence
Using evidence
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Binchester/History lady
I am a Warrior Y4
Exploring the UK
Name and locate countries and cities of UK, geographical regions and human/physical geography
Will include key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers) and land use patterns; understand how some of these aspects have changed over time. This will include field work
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Egypt on a Map
Using maps, atlases and globes
Introductory topic – map Eqypt – global, continental, local scale.
Briefly mention the Nile as no real river knowledge yet
See progression in Geography at end of planning / We’ve got it all in the North East!
Region of the UK
Study a region in the UK and its key human and physical characteristics. Rivers in our local area, building upon science knowledge and the water cycle – fieldwork opportunity. Locate and identify areas on a map.
See progression in Geography at end of planning
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year 3/4
Year B
History / Stone Age to Iron Age
Armesbury Archer
Bronze Age technology and travel – Stone henge
See: Progression in History at end of planning
History lady/University
Tribal Tales Y3 / Early civilisations: Ancient Greeks
What did the Greeks do for us?
Focus: Similiarities and difference
using evidence
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Gods and Mortals
Oriental Museum?
Gods and Mortals Y3 / Vikings
How did Britain change during the Viking era?
Changes over time
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Traders and Raider Y4
Geography / Geography of Health
Focusing on skills, land use patterns and changes over time
See progression in Geography at end of planning / European Society
Study a region of Greece to include key characteristics both human and physical such as volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, land use patterns and economic activity
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Region of the UK
Viking changes in our region
Study a region in the UK and its key human and physical characteristics. Rivers in our local area, building upon science knowledge and the water cycle – fieldwork opportunity. Locate and identify areas on a map.
See progression in Geography at end of planning
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year 4/5
Year A
History / Anglo-Saxons
What happened to Britain when the Romans left?
How did Britain change during Anglo-Saxon times?
Cause and consequence
Continuity and change
Using evidence
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Bede’s World Lindisfarne Gospel resources
Traders and Raider Y4 / Early civilisations: Ancient Egypt
How do we know about Ancient Egypt?
Focus: enquiry – asking our own questions
Oriental Museum
Pharaohs Y5
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Resources Class 4 / Aspect or theme Britain post 1066
Where did Britain’s explorer go/
British inventors through the ages
Focus making connections, investigating interpretations
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Discovery/Life Centre
Geography / Regions of the UK
North East rivers of the local Area Industrialisation
Study a region in the UK and its key human and physical characteristics. Rivers in our local area, building upon science knowledge and the water cycle – fieldwork opportunity. Locate and identify areas on a map.
See progression in Geography at end of planning / European Society: Italy
Teutonic plates
Study a region of Italy to include key characteristics both human and physical such as volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, land use patterns and economic activity
See progression in Geography at end of planning
Tremors Y3 / Geography of Food
Investigate trade links, natural resources including energy, food, mineral and water.
Thematic maps, characteristics of areas which support and reinforce knowledge of global position
See progression in Geography at end of planning
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year 4/5
Year B
History / Vikings – overview
Where the Vikings really vicious?
The struggle for the Kingdom of England
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Traders and Raider Y4 / Early civilisations: Greeks
Overview/In depth
Why did Greece go to war with Sparta, city states
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Focus: causation, contrasting interpretations
Oriental Museum / Aspect or theme Britain post 1066
Medicine through time
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Peasants, princes and pestilence Y5
Geography / Northern Europeans –Viking home countries
Study a region of Northern Europe the Viking homelands to include key characteristics both human and physical such as volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, land use patterns and economic activity
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Fantastic journeys around the world
Locate world countries
A visit to each continent to reinforce locational knowledge. Maps focusing on Europe (to include Russia) North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Geography of Space
Eden project in a box
Botanical Gardens
Position and significance of lines of longitude and latitude and time zones.
To include Equator, Northern Hemisphere, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (night and day)
See progression in Geography at end of planning
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year 6
History / Non-European Society (eg Maya)
Who was making history in faraway places?
Similarity and difference
Change and continuity
Using evidence
See: Progression in History at end of planning / Aspect or theme of British History post 1066
A magnificent Millennium – how did life in Britain/Durham change 1000-2000?
Suggestions: Beamish – look at play, education and work
Change and continuity
Significance Causation
Similarity and difference
Using evidence
See: Progression in History at end of planning
Geography / Why are rainforests important?
Region in South America
Focus on the Geography of South America, environmental regions, land-use, patterns and how the forest has changed over time. Use of natural resources
See progression in Geography at end of planning / Investigating Brazilian Cities
Region in South America
Human features of Brazil, land use, types of settlement – villages, cities, and favelas. Similarities and differences of physical and human features compared to the UK
See progression in Geography at end of planning
CU = Chronology
HT= Historical terms
HE= Historical Enquiry
IH= Interpreting History
CCH= Continuity and change
CCQ= Causes and consequences
SD= similarities and differences
SIG+ Significance