The Constitution of the Ohio State University Chapter of The Christian Dental Association
Article I
The name of the organization shall be: The Christian Dental Association
Article II
The purposes of The Christian Dental Association are:
1. To create opportunities for fellow students to consider the claims of Jesus Christ
2. To deepen one's growth in Christ through Bible study, prayer, and Christian lifestyle
3. To present opportunities for students to consider domestic and/or international mission opportunities
4. To develop a Christian worldview on bioethics issues
5. To provide a climate of mutual accountability, discipleship, and support; in essence, a Christian community on campus
6. To motivate the integration of one's faith into the professional arena through role models and mentors.
Article III
Participation in this organization shall be open to all dental students, residents, and OSU dental faculty. Participation will not be denied because of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, political views, Vietnam-era veteran status, sexual orientation, or handicap. Voting membership will be limited to students currently enrolled in good standing who are regular participants in CDA activities, and who agree with the purposes of the CDA at The Ohio State University and the Mission and Beliefs of the national organization of Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA).
Since CDA is a student chapter of CMDA, students are encouraged to join the national organization. However, participation in the local chapter is not dependent upon national membership.
Article IV
The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and a Secretary. Officers must be enrolled as full-time students in good standing at Ohio State, members of the national organization of CMDA, and express agreement and demonstrated commitment with the purposes of the organization.
Article V
Part I
Duties of Officers
Section I: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of this organization and perform all the duties usually pertaining to this office: this includes representing CDA at official functions, assisting in the planning of the organization's goals and activities, and serving as the student liaison with the national organization of CMDA.
Section II: In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all of the duties of the President. The Vice-President also has the duties of planning the social events and overseeing the small group structure of CDA.
Section III: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings and report them to the membership. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings and special events.
Section IV: The Treasurer will be accountable for paying any organizational bills, overseeing the budget, maintaining financial accountability, and sponsoring fundraising events.
Part II
Election of Officers.
Section I: Officers are nominated by students, Faculty Advisor, or CMDA staff person at the last meeting of Winter Quarter. Their term of office will extend to the end of the Winter Quarter of the following school year.
Section II: To be eligible to hold office, a member must: (1) be a registered student in good standing with the dental school at OSU; (2) be a participating member for two quarters; (3) be committed to and demonstrate the marks of Christian maturity and the accomplishment of the purposes of this organization as described in Article II of this Constitution; (4) be a member of and in agreement with the Mission and Beliefs of the national organization of CMDA.
Section III: One month prior to the elections, the current President will call a meeting to accept nominations for officers. A committee consisting of a current officer, the CDA faculty advisor, the physician or dentist serving as the CMDA local chairperson, and the CDA adjunct staff will evaluate the qualifications of each candidate on the basis of Part II, Section II. After this consultation, the officers will be voted upon/confirmed by voting membership at the last regularly scheduled meeting of Winter Quarter.
Section IV: Should an officer resign during the organizational year, the President shall appoint some member of the organization to assume the office.
Article VI
Section I: Meetings will be scheduled monthly. Smaller group meetings for Bible study, prayer or developmental activities will be regularly scheduled and posted. Quarterly planning meetings for the officers will be scheduled at the beginning of the school year.
Section II: Special meetings shall be called by the President, or at the request of 60% of the participating students.
Article VII
Amending the Constitution
The Constitution can be amended in this fashion:
1) A proposed Constitutional amendment is drafted by an officer with the consultation of the Faculty Advisor and a physician serving as the local CMDA Council Chairperson;
2) The amendment must be approved by 3/4 of the officers to be submitted to the membership for voting;
3) The amendment must be approved by 2/3 of the student membership;
4) Voting on the amendment must be announced to the membership at least two weeks prior to the voting and a time and place will be announced for discussion and debate of the proposed amendment;
5) The amendment must correspond to and enhance the stated purposes of this organization.
Article VIII
Faculty Advisor
The faculty advisor shall be a current faculty or staff member of The Ohio State University Dental School. Their qualifications should be that they are a member in good standing of the University, member of the national organization of CMDA, and that they affirm and support the purpose of CDA. The duties of the faculty advisor will be to represent the organization to the University community, serve in securing special services for the organization, and act as a consultant for the organization's goals.
Article IX
Section I: Initial membership for students to the national organization of The Christian Medical and Dental Associations has a minimal fee. There are no dues required for participation in the local chapter of CDA.
Section II: The cost of operating this organization will be maintained by donations from alumni from CMDA, local members of CMDA, and student organization funding from OSU.
Article X
Dissolution of the Organization
The Christian Medical and Dental Associations at OSU can be dissolved when these conditions are met:
1). In consultation and agreement with the Faculty Advisor, the Adjunct CDA staff, the Columbus CDA Council, and the Regional Director of CMDA, the officers may bring to the membership a vote for dissolution. Two-thirds of the officers must vote for dissolution. 2). Two weeks prior to the voting, all members will have an opportunity to discuss and debate the proposed dissolution. 3). Three quarters of the membership must approve for the organization to be dissolved.
Revised 9/04