Questionnaire for the 9th General Conference of Mayors for Peace
Scheduled in Nagasaki City in August 2017
- City profile
1. Nameof municipality / (City)
2. Name of mayor (or head of municipality) / (Name)
(Term of office): from Month______, Year_____
To Month______, Year_____
3. Name of person answering this questionnaire / (Section in charge)
* Your city’s information such as the name of the mayor, contact person, registered on the Mayors for Peace Information System ( If the information needs revision, we ask that you log into the system and make corrections.
B. Participationinthe 9th General Conference of Mayors for Peace
The 9th General Conference of Mayors for Peace will take placein Nagasaki City from August 7thto 10th next year.
- Is your city planning to attend the General Conference? Please let us know your current intention; this is not a commitment.The formal registration process will begin later.
(Select one)
(1) □Yes, we are planning to attend. (Planned number of participants: )
Prior to the General Conference, do you also plan to attend the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony held on August 6?
□Under consideration
(2)□No, we will not attend.
(3)□Not yet determined. (Will decide by: M /Y )
- At this General Conference we will offer member cities an opportunity to set up booths to share their peace-related activities. Would your city like to set up a booth? Again, this is not a commitment. We would liketo hear your current intentions.
(Select one)
(1)□Yes, we would like to set up a booth.
Please tell us briefly what your booth will be about.
Please kindly note that we may not be able to accommodate your request about the booth space as the size of each booth depends on the number of booths.
(2)□No, we will not set up a booth.
(3)□We will consider a booth and decide by:(M /Y )
C. Themes and management of theGeneral Conference
- What theme(s) would you like to discuss at the General Conference?
(Multiple answers allowed)
(1)□How to strengthen approaches to the United Nations for nuclear disarmament
(2)□How to strengthen approaches to national governments
(3)□How to strengthen partnerships with international NGOs
(4)□PR activities for nuclear disarmament (e.g., how to utilize mass media more effectively)
(5)□Youth exchange among member cities and sharing the memories of the atomic bombings with the future generations
(6)□Outreach and peace education to raise awareness about peace
(7)□Disarmament in general (including chemical and biological weapons, missile defense, etc.)
(8)□Conflict prevention and peaceful conflict resolution
(9)□Poverty and starvationissues
(10)□Refugee issues
(11)□Human rights issues
(12)□Environmental issues
- Would you like to speak at the conference regarding any of the themes you chose in Question 1? If so, what are the main points youwish to convey?Please kindly note that we may not be able to offer you a chance to speak depending on the number of participants who wish to speak or the theme of the sessions.
(1) □Yes, I would like to speak during the conference.
(Brief summary of the speech)
(2) □No, I would notlike to speak during the conference
- This question is for members who have participated in the General Conference in the past. Please give us your comment and suggestions for improvement regarding the management of past conferences.
(Open question)
D. Activities as a member of Mayors for Peace
Have you conducted any of the activities decided in the Mayors for Peace Action Plan (2013-2017) at the 8th General Conference held in August 2013?
(Multiple answers allowed)
(1)□Promoting membership expansion through calling on non-member cities to join Mayors for Peace
(2)□Holding regional conferences
(3)□Spreading the reality of atomic bombing through holding A-bomb poster exhibitions
(4)□Holding an A-bomb survivor testimony through Skype
(5)□Promoting Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Study Courses
(6)□Cultivating seeds and seedlings of A-bombed trees
(7)□Sharing the Flame of Peace
(8)□Holding ofthe Exhibition: 'The Light' - Portraits of the 'Hibakusha'
(9)□Screening ofthe animated films: ‘On a Paper Crane’ and ‘Barefoot Gen’
(10)□Sending journalists, peace activists and diplomats of foreign missions in Japan to Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(11)□Sending youths and students from universities which have established the Hiroshima-NagasakiPeace Study Course to Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(12)□Promoting a petition drive calling for a nuclear weapons convention
(13)□Calling on policymakers to visit A-bombed cites
E. New activities for Mayors for Peace toaddress
The number of member cities has grown rapidly into a global network of 7,132 cities in 161 countries and regions (as of September1, 2016). In what ways do you think this global network can be more effectively utilized? Please share your ideas onany new activitiesthat Mayors for Peace should address.
(Open question)
Thank you very much for your cooperation.