February 26, 2009
Approved March 26, 2009
The Chelsea School Committee met on Thursday, February 26, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 500 Broadway, Chelsea.
Members Present: Chairman Rosemarie Carlisle, Vice-Chairman James E Dwyer, Lucia Colon, Ed Ells, Ramona Foster, Lisa Lineweaver, and Melinda Alvarado-Vega.
Also Present: School Superintendent Dr. Thomas S. Kingston, Executive Director of Administration and Finance Gerald McCue, School Business Manager and Clerk to the School Committee Barbara Martin.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. School Committee Minutes: The minutes of the January 22, 2009, School Committee Meeting were unanimously approved.
4. Public Comment: The following members of the audience spoke requesting relief from the parking issues at the John Silber Early Learning Center on Hawthorne St:
Paul Renzi, President, Chelsea Teacher’s Union, 80 Everett Avenue, Chelsea, MA
Elise Cooper, Teacher, 31 Summit Rd, Saugus, MA
Elizabeth Radka, Teacher, 7 Everett St, Stoneham, MA
Sherri Rosenthal, Teacher, 86 Ridge Rd, Revere, MA
At this time, Mr. Dwyer requested a suspension of the rules to accept a communication from Paul Renzi, President, Chelsea Teacher’s Union. Mr. Dwyer also moved to refer the letter to the Policy and Procedures subcommittee. The motion was unanimously approved.
5. Report of the Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Kingston requested a suspension of the rules to move a new business item forward. Miguel Andreottola and Ron Whitehead from the Technology Department displayed a Power Point presentation on the new student information system X-2 Aspen. A copy of the presentation is attached and forms a part of these minutes.
Questions and discussion ensued.
Student Achievement: Dr. Kingston noted that Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mary Bourque was currently attending a conference on Professional Learning Community training along with five other school administrators. Dr. Kingston provided the committee with Dr. Bourque’s report on graduation rates. A copy of the report is attached and forms a part of these minutes.
Questions and discussion ensued.
Personnel Report: Dr. Kingston commended the Personnel Report to the record.
Enrollment Report: Dr. Kingston commended the Enrollment Report to the record. As of February 24, 2009, the district-wide enrollment was 5,688 students, including 125 students in out-of-district placements. In addition, there are three (3) Chapter 768 students for whom the district has financial responsibility.
6. New Business:
· Mr. Ells made a motion to vote on the amendment to the collective bargaining agreement covering the period of July 1, 2008 through July 30, 2011 between the Chelsea School Committee and the Chelsea Teacher’s Union Local 1340 AFT, AFL-CIO (Clerical Unit). The amendment provides for a new Clerical Evaluation Tool and a change in the distribution of the annual performance evaluation. Chairman Carlisle called for a roll call vote:
1 / Rosemarie Carlisle Y2 / James Dwyer Y
3 / Morrie Seigal AB
4 / Edward Ells Y
5 / Ramona Foster Y
6 / Lisa Lineweaver Y
7 / Michael Caulfield Y
8 / Lucia Colon Y
9 / Melinda Alvarado-Vega Y
Having eight votes in the affirmative and one absent, the motion to endorse the amendment to the collective bargaining agreement between the Chelsea School Committee and the Clerical Unit of the Chelsea Teachers’ Union was approved.
· Mr. Ells made a motion to vote on the amendment to the collective bargaining agreement covering the period of July 1, 2009 through July 30, 2011 between the Chelsea School Committee and the Chelsea Teacher’s Union Local 1340 AFT, AFL-CIO. The amendment covers the provisions for the Expanded Learning Time.
Chairman Carlisle called for a roll call vote:
1 / Rosemarie Carlisle Y2 / James Dwyer Y
3 / Morrie Seigal AB
4 / Edward Ells Y
5 / Ramona Foster Y
6 / Lisa Lineweaver Y
7 / Michael Caulfield Y
8 / Lucia Colon Y
9 / Melinda Alvarado-Vega Y
Having eight votes in the affirmative and one absent, the motion to endorse the amendment to the collective bargaining agreement between the Chelsea School Committee and the Chelsea Teachers’ Union was approved.
At this time, Mr. Dwyer moved to have the Human Resources subcommittee discuss designating the Director of Personnel as an official representative of the School Committee to review human resource related issues with Union officials. The motion was unanimously approved.
7. Communications: Letter from Joshua Gonzalez was accepted and filed
8. Committee Reports:
· Budget and Finance: Ms. Colon reported that the subcommittee last met on February 18, 2009. A copy of the report is attached and forms a part of these minutes.
· Curriculum and Instruction: Ms. Foster reported that the subcommittee last met on January 22, 2009. A copy of the report is attached and forms a part of these minutes.
· Student Representative: Mr. Chung reported that student clubs are in full swing and very busy.
The Asian club is hosting a dance with all proceeds going to help provide clean drinking water to Third World Countries.
The senior class recently held a Lip Sync Contest and the junior class is sponsoring a “Dancing with the Teachers” dance-a-thon.
Members of the drama club will be performing “In the Woods” in April.
9. Announcements:
· Ms. Foster has volunteered to bring a book next month.
· Mr. Caulfield thanked the members of the Chelsea High School Chorus for their performance at Lincoln’s birthday event.
· Thank you to Mr. Norcott for removing the tagging from the press box at Chelsea Stadium.
11. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8.25 p.m.
Recorded by
Barbara A. Martin
Business Manager
Clerk to the Chelsea School Committee