Application for Events on Allotment Sites

Name of Allotment
Name of Organiser
E-mail address
Position of Organiser
Telephone Nos. / Home:
Name of second contact
Telephone Nos. / Home:
E-mail address
This is an application for an event at (please give site name)
Date of Event
from: / to:
for the purpose of
Is this event subject to a Premises License? Y / N
Is this event subject to a Temporary Events Notice Y / N
Please state the setting up and moving off dates and times
Date of setting up:
Date of moving off:

The event will be open to the public on the following dates and times:

What is your estimated attendance for the event – if it lasts for more than one day, do you estimate the attendance to be higher on certain days, or the same each day? Please give details.
What attractions and activities are planned for the events? Supply as much detail as possible (attach a separate sheet if necessary):
Will you be providing a fun fair or rides/bouncing castles? /


/ NO
If yes provide details of providers (name/address/ telephone number).
£5 million public liability insurance must be presented by providers listed above or event organisers 14 days before the event
A list of fun fairs and rides providers currently operating in Sandwell is available upon request.
BOOKING RE-LET IF NOT RETURNED WITHIN 14 DAYSI hereby undertake to pay the appropriate fee in accordance with
the scale of charges and agree to abide by and confirm to the conditions of letting in the event of this application being granted.
Signed / Name in Capitals
Date / Telephone No.

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Sunish Patel
Parks & Countryside Management Service
Sandwell Council House
Ground Floor
Freeth Street
West Midlands
B69 3DE
Telephone Number 0121 569-3871
Fax Number 0121 569-
A copy of this application must be submitted to the Police/Fire Service.
A Risk Assessment form and site plan must be completed and returned at least 6 weeks prior to the event. Failure to submit this or any other requested information will result in cancellation of the event.

Name: Venue:

Nature of Use: Date:

In consideration of The Metropolitan Borough Council of Sandwell granting permission to me/us* to use the said venue for the said purpose upon the above mentioned dates, I/we*the undersigned, undertake

1  that I/we* will at all times abide by the Council’s conditions for the use of parks,

recreation grounds and playing fields subject to such amendments as may be

agreed in writing by the Council’s Head of Environment Direct;

2.  that I/we* will at all times hereafter well and sufficiently indemnify and keep

indemnified the Council from and against all liability, actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses which may be brought, made or sustained against the Council in consequence of or arising out of the permission hereinbefore granted or of the use of the venue:

3.  that on demand I/we* will reimburse the Council in respect of any loss of or damage

to any property belonging to the Council, which may be occasioned by or arise out of or in consequence of the permission hereinbefore granted or of the use of the venue:

4.  that I/we* will arrange Public Liability Insurance in the sum of £5 million per claim/

incident as required by the Council*.

Dated this day of 20

Signed……………………… Signed……………………… Signed…………………………..

Full name and address of Full name and address of Full name and address of

Signatory Signatory Signatory

……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………………..

…………………………….. ……………………………… …………………………………..

…………………………….. ……………………………… ………………………………….

Capacity…………………… Capacity………………… Capacity……………………….

Signature of Witness Signature of Witness Signature of Witness

…………………………….. …………………………… ……………………………………

Name and Address of Name and Address of Name and Address of

Witness Witness Witness

……………………………. …………………………… ……………………………………..

…………………………… …………………………… …………………………………….

…………………………… ……………………………. …………………………………..

…………………………… ……………………………. …………………………………...

·  Delete as applicable

Head of Financial Services, Sandwell Council House, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 3BS



Copy to be retained by Hirer

If you require language interpretation of any part of these regulations please contact Sandwell Council Environment Direct.

1. Definition

In these conditions ‘the Council’ means the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. ‘The Hirer’ means the person making application to hire the site. ‘The Chief Executive’ means the Chief Executive or other officer nominated from time to time as the proper officer for the Council’s legal affairs. ‘Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services’ means the Council’s Head of Cultural Services for the time being or some other person duly authorised.

2.  Applications

Applications for the use of Parks, Recreation Grounds and Playing Fields must have been made on the official application form which should have been returned to Sandwell Council Cultural Services, PO Box 42, Environment House, Lombard Street, West Bromwich, B70 8RU. The application shall not be deemed to be accepted by the Council until confirmed in writing by the Head of Cultural Services. The attention of the Hirer is drawn to the need to ascertain his requirements for the availability of equipment etc.

3.  Payment

Should the site be available for hire, a letter confirming the booking will be sent to the applicant by the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services, together with an invoice where applicable, in respect of the hire charge. Payment in respect of this account shall be made by the date and in the manner indicted on the invoice.

4.  Insurance

The Hirer shall be responsible for indemnifying Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, against all damages, costs, claims or expenses in connection with the use of the land, premises and/or facilities, the subject of this agreement. The hirer shall produce to the Risk Management and Insurance Office, at least 14 days before the event, an insurance policy of indemnity. The policy should have incorporated in it a note of the Council’s interest in this matter.

5.  Booking Times

In considering the period of hire required, applicants should note that the hour referred to should include time taken for the preparation and clearing up of the site prior to and after the event. An extension of the period of hire will be granted only in the most exceptional circumstances.

6.  Charges

The charge, where applicable, per day for the occupation of the site shall be in accordance with the current scale of charges made by the Council, in force at the time of hiring.

7.  Cancellation

Notice of cancellation by telephone WILL NOT be accepted. All cancellations or postponements must be made in writing to the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services and total hire charge may remain payable.

The Council reserves the right to instantly determine and withdraw the permission now granted for the use of the facilities should any of the condition herein contained be contravened; if at any time the use of the site becomes a nuisance to the Council or to any member of the public; and particularly if the form of indemnity forwarded to the Hirer by the Risk Management and Insurance Services is not completed to the satisfaction of the Risk Management and Insurance Services, and the necessary insurance not satisfactorily effected. The hire charge may remain payable in this event.

The Council reserves the right to cancel a booking or close the facility at its discretion. The hire charge will be refunded in such circumstances but the Council shall not be liable for the payment of compensation to any person for loss or damage incurred as a result of the cancellation of the booking. Where a booking is cancelled, as much notice will be given, and where possible, suitable alternative dates and venues will be offered.

8.  Siting and Access

The Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services shall send to the Hirer, 14 days before the event a ‘site plan’ giving details of those parts of the site scheduled for living quarters, stalls, generators, marquees, etc. The siting shall have regard to the proximity of dwellings and the reduction to a minimum of any source of annoyance to the public. All activities shall be restricted and conformed to the areas indicated by the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services on the site plan.

Access to the site shall be in accordance with the directions

Of the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services, no temporary access shall be created and no public footpath shall be obstructed. Free passage shall be maintained to members of the public, except where the council have granted permission for the site to be closed to the public in order to enable admission to be charged for the event.

9.  Control

If required to do so by the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services a sufficient number of such fully qualified persons to act as marshals / attendants shall be on duty and shall be responsible for the adequate supervision of all activities, for the safety of the public and crowd control. The marshals should easily be identifiable and Hirer shall make known to the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services the persons designated as marshals before the commencement of the hiring. In default of such provision by the Hirer the Sandwell Council Cultural Services is authorised, at the expense of the Hirer, to make arrangements for the required number of persons to be in attendance as marshals during the hiring.

10. Public Utilities

The organisers shall provide their own means of electrical, gas and water supply as necessary and shall make any necessary approaches to the public utilities regarding use thereof except where existing supplies can be used without risk of accident, and then only with the consent of the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services or the appropriate public body.

No additional lighting, engines, substances of an inflammable or explosive character or likely to cause offence be reason smoke, smells, fumes, etc., shall be taken onto the site by the Hirer or his agents without the consent of the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services. In the case of the use of substances of an inflammable or explosive character, the Hirer will be responsible for obtaining the prior written permission of the Chief Fire Officer.

The site shall be kept properly illuminated to the satisfaction of the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services at all times during the period of the hiring. Standards or proper illumination shall be judged be the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services during the course of the hiring.

11. Refuse Disposal

The site shall be cleared of all litter, stalls, tents and equipment within 24 hours of completion of the event, unless otherwise agreed with the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services. Arrangements shall be made in advance by the Hirer for the disposal of refuse from the site, subject to consultation with the Head of Highways and Environment.

12. Police and Fire Service

The Hirer shall give not less than 14 days notice of the event to the West Midlands County Fire Service and the Chief Superintendent of Police, and shall comply with any of their requirements.

13. First Aid

The Hirer shall arrange for officers of the British Red Cross Society or the St John Ambulance Brigade to be in attendance throughout the event.

14. Disorderly Conduct

The Hirer or his agent shall maintain good order throughout the hiring and shall not allow any drunkenness, disturbance, disorder or indecent conduct.

15. Animals

The Hirer shall keep animals under control. All possible steps should be taken to ensure maximum hygiene conditions.

16. Catering

Persons hiring the site who require professional catering shall in the first instance invite the Council to provide this service.

No intoxicating liquor or refreshments shall be brought onto, sold or consumed on the site without the consent of the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services and the conditions attached to any Temporary Events Notice or Premises License granted in respect of the site must be observed at all times.

17. Noise

The playing of music shall be strictly limited to the limits of performances and the Hirer hall be responsible for obtaining the necessary licences in connection with the playing of music and records. The Hirer shall indemnify the Council against any claim made upon it by reason of any infringement of copyright.

The Hirer shall comply in all respects with the Council’s bye-laws relating to the prevention of nuisance by the use of amplification equipment, etc., or directions received from any officer of the Council in this regard and the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services may require the sound from this equipment to be reduced at a reasonable level.

In the event of non-compliance with this condition, the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services shall forthwith prohibit the use of the equipment. Performing right returns are to be completed be the Hirer or his agent and submitted to the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services before completion of the hiring. Where a phonographic licence is required a copy thereof must be produced to the Head of Sandwell Council Cultural Services before the hiring commences.

18. Lotteries

The Hirer shall, where applicable, comply with the provisions

of Schedule 11 to the Gambling Act 2005.

19. Bills and Directional signs

The Hirer shall not use the Highway or Street furniture to publicise the event by means of placards, signs or posters.

The hirer can under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992, arrange advertising from private land. Any unlawful placards, signs or posters placed on the Highway shall be removed and Council costs will be sought from the hirer.

Fly posting on other property is strictly prohibited. In the case of directional notices on the streets, the permission of the Police shall also be obtained.

20. Statutory Requirements

The Hirer shall at all times comply with any statutory requirement or regulation relating to the use of the site. The Hirer’s attention is particularly drawn to the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.