Retelling our History:

Connecting Elie Wiesel’s Night to other representations of the Holocaust

Essential Question

How do people retell history? How do they share their stories?

How does the author’s choice of medium affect the reader’s understanding of an event or idea?

Your Task

Step 1: Identify a theme or motif from the novel from the novel Night that you would like to research in more detail, answering the questions: Were other people affected by the Holocaust in a similar way as Elie? Did other people experience similar feelings as Elie? Different feelings? Why? How do others express their feelings and emotions in response to the Holocaust and WWII?

Step 2: You will then connect this theme/motif to…

1)One non-print text of choice

a)Piece of artwork

b)Musical selection *Use your personal judgment here. Only select pieces you are comfortable analyzing.

2)One print text of choice

a)Non-fiction piece


c)Fictional piece

Step 3: Compile your research and begin analysis of your two connections.

-Generate an MLA works cited page

-Begin to make comparisons between your print and non-print texts and Night

-Pull specific quotations from Night and connect them to particular details in the non-print and print sources (based on your personal analysis)

Step 4: Outline, plan, and compose your essay response

Due Dates:

1. Works Cited page and outline for essay due by end of class on Thursday, 4/7

2. Rough draft due for class on Tuesday, 4/12 (peer editing in class)

3. Final copy printed for class on Thursday, 4/14, along with proper MLA Works Cited page

Outline Format for Essay

I. Introduction:

- Creative hook related to overall lesson/point of your paper

- Introduce project topic (three pieces of text)

- Original Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraph 1: Analysis of your non-print text, compare/contrast to Night

*Your body paragraphs should follow our structure for writing analytical paragraphs!

1. Topic Sentence

2. Assertion

3. Evidence

4. Commentary

(REPEAT 2-3-4 as many times as necessary)

5. Concluding Sentence

III. Body Paragraph 2: Analysis of your print text, compare/contrast to Night

*You may have another body paragraph if you would like to make another connection.

IV. Conclusion

-Offer your personal take-away from your research.

-Discuss lessons learned and provide reflective summary of your research

-Lasting Impression: where to go next.


Final Paper

-At least 2 pages, typed, double-spaced (English class guidelines)

-Proper MLA in-text citations

-Proper MLA Works Cited page (at least three sources: Night, non-print source, and print source) attached to final copy

-Creative Title

-Proper English class header