Terms in the Liturgy
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1. table of the Lord in the sanctuary 2. responsible for the thurible
4. room where priests vest before mass 3. book priest prays from for mass
5. white robe worn over clothes 6. where Body of Christ is kept
7. stiff white board placed over the chalice 8. cloth in center of altar
9. small white cloth used with the chalice 10. holy water sprinkler
12. colored vestment worn by deacon 11. black/red/white vestment worn by altar
14. cloth over chalice after Communion servers and priest
15. holy water font 13. colored priest’s outer robe
17. gold cup for Blood of Christ 16. small dish usually used with the chalice
18. container for burning incense 17. cup with lid kept in tabernacle
21. book of scriptures read at mass 19. elevated sacred space
24. special robes worn by priests, deacons, 20. cord used as a belt for the alb
and altar servers 22. small pitchers of water and wine for mass
23. rung during the consecration of mass
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