Site Plan – <Site> <Organisation>
Site Plan
<Name of Site>
<Use this template to create your own site plan for a site that you use or might use in the future>
<Provide some general information on the site to assist those who may not have been there>
Getting There
<From nearest locality or town>
<Provide a clear description of how to get to the nearest vehicle access. Consider the wording you use. Try and make it clear and detailed enough that it could be read out to an emergency services person on the phone. Describe the quality of the road and whether a conventional vehicle can be used.>
Access to the Site
<Provide a clear description of how to get from the nearest vehicle access to the actual site. Describe any hazards along the access route. Provide details any locked gates and where you might get a key. Provide details of any issues associated with the land manager or owner.>
Risk Assessment
<This is an important part of the site plan. Cover all known risks associated with the site. This includes walking to/from the site from the nearest vehicle access. Provide as much detail as possible on the risks of rock fall and any parts of the site where the risk is greater. Discuss access to/from the top of the cliffs and any edge safety issues.>
Site Access – Maps
<Provide at least one map to the site>
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