
British Columbia

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Document Completion Instructions

Conventional, Conventional Insured and CMHC (NHA) Insured Residential Mortgages


Forms Enclosed or can be obtained from our website (

Form 1006 PRV-2007/06 / – / Solicitor's Final Report and Certificate of Title
Form 1010 PRV-2010/11 / – / Instructions to Solicitor
Form 1040 PRV-2007/10 / – / Agreement to Assume a Mortgage/Charge
Form 1053 PRV-2008/06 / – / Solicitor's Interim Report/Requisition for Funds
Form 5453-2009/09 British Columbia / – / Standard Mortgage Terms No. MT090106
Form 4746-02/02 (Form B) / – / Mortgage – Part 1
Form 6498 BC P-2007/10 (Form E) / – / Schedule of Additional Provisions for a CIBC Better Than Prime Mortgage™
Form 6498 BC O-2007/10 (Form E) / – / Schedule of Additional Provisions for a Variable Rate Open Mortgage
Form 6498 BC VF-2008/03 (Form E) / – / Schedule of Additional Provisions for a CIBC Variable Flex Mortgage™
General Terms and Conditions / – / This document is for future use. Please do not use until advised by your CMI Representative.

Completion of Documents

Follow the instructions in the Land Titles Act and Land Transfer Forms Act and applicable Regulations.

The Lender/Mortgagee is to be completed in Item 4 of Form B Mortgage – Part 1 as:


400 Burrard Street - 5th floor

Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3A6

In addition, please follow A or B, whichever is applicable.

A. / FOR FIXED RATE MORTGAGES including CIBC Better Than Posted Mortgage, fixed rate closed mortgage, fixed rate open mortgage and 6-Month Convertible Closed Mortgage – Conventional, Conventional Insured and CMHC Insured Residential Mortgages.

Form B S – Mortgage – Part 1

i) /

Items 5 (h)



Insert "N/A"

ii) /

Items 6 & 7



Insert "No"

iii) /

Item 9



Mark (b) with an X and insert MT090106 after D.F. Number

iv) /

Item 10



Insert rate and prepayment mortgage type and, if insured, insured-mortgage type as follows:






"This is a fixed rate open mortgage." OR"This is a fixed rate closed mortgage." OR"This is a 6-Month Term Convertible Closed Mortgage." OR"This is a CIBC Better Than Posted Mortgage".


"This is a Genworth insured mortgage" OR"This is a CMHC insured mortgage and is made pursuant to the National Housing Act."

v) /

Item 11



Complete this item in full

vi) /

Item 12



Add Guarantor(s) Signature(s) if applicable

vii) /

All other Items



Complete in accordance with the facts, the Approval and the Instructions to Solicitors

B. / FOR VARIABLE RATE MORTGAGES including CIBC Better Than Prime Mortgage™, CIBC Variable Flex Mortgage™ and variable rate open mortgage – Conventional, Conventional Insured and CMHC Insured Residential Mortgages.

Form B – Mortgage – Part 1Complete as for A excepting as follows:

i) /

Item 5(b)



Insert "See Schedule"

ii) /

Item 5(h)



Insert “N/A”

iii) /

Item 10



Insert rate and prepayment mortgage type and, if insured, insured-mortgage type as follows:






"This is a CIBC Better Than Prime Rate Mortgage." OR“This is a CIBC Variable Flex Mortgage.” OR"This is a variable rate open mortgage."


"This is a Genworth insured mortgage" OR"This is a CMHC insured mortgage and is made pursuant to the National Housing Act."

Schedule(Form E)

i) /

Complete "Page of " as required on every page.

ii) /

Complete the section entitled Payment Provisions Interest Rate (Box 5(b)) as follows:



For a CIBC Better Than Prime Mortgage: Complete this section with the information contained in the Mortgage Approval and with the rate details calculated at the ongoing rate and not at the 9 month promotional rate.



For a CIBC Variable Flex Mortgage: Complete this section with the information contained in the Mortgage Approval.



For a variable rate open mortgage: Complete this section in accordance with the Mortgage Approval.

iii) /

Complete the section entitled Additional Provisions (Box 10) as follows:



For a CIBC Better than Prime Mortgage: Complete this section with the information contained in the Mortgage Approval for the 9 month promotional rate.



For variable rate open mortgages only: If the Mortgage Approval contains the provision entitled “Interest Rate Buy Down Coupon for Open Variable Rate Mortgages”, you must include the Interest Rate Buy Down Provision contained in the section entitled Additional Provisions (Box 10) and complete it with the information contained in the Mortgage Approval. If the Mortgage Approval does not contain the “Interest Rate Buy Down Coupon for Open Variable Rate Mortgages” provision, you must delete the Interest Rate Buy Down Provision from the section entitled Additional Provisions (Box 10).

Where the mortgage is being registered electronically, kindly insert the following information:

1. / Principal, Interest Rate, Calculation Period – Complete in accordance with the Mortgage Approval.
2. /

Interest Adjustment Date, Payment Date, Payment Amount, Balance Due Date – Complete in accordance with the MONTHLY or FLEXI terms on the Mortgage Approval, whichever is applicable.

3. /




For NON CONDOMINIUMS, insert "See paragraph 8.4 of Standard Charge Terms No. MT090106”.


For CONDOMINIUMS, insert "See paragraph 9.6 of Standard Charge Terms No. MT090106".

4. /

Attach a copy of the Schedule of Additional Terms (completed in accordance with the instructions set out above) as a SCHEDULE to the mortgage or type in the provisions of the Schedule of Additional Terms in the “ADDITIONAL PROVISION FIELD”.

If further additional provisions are to be included in the mortgage according to the Mortgage Approval, these provisions should be added to the Schedule of Additional Terms for variable rate mortgages.

We rely fully on you to complete all documents in accordance with these instructions, the Instructions to Solicitor (Form 1010 PRV) and the requirements of the Land Title Offices.

Unless contained in the terms and conditions of the Approval or in the Instructions to Solicitor (Form 1010 PRV), alterations, deletions or additions must not be made without our prior written consent.

You must provide us with a duplicate registered copy of the Form B (Mortgage – Part 1) together with all attached schedules and an acknowledgment of receipt signed by each borrower and guarantor.


You may copy and use this product only for preparation of mortgage and ancillary documents of CMC. You may insert appropriate data to complete the forms but you may not otherwise modify the forms. All other rights are reserved by CMC. This product is given to you free of charge and was virus free at the point of production. There are no warranties or conditions in respect of this product. Neither CMC nor anyone else involved in producing or distributing this product will be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever in respect of this product.