Tall Tales and Evaluation Contest Script
This script has been updated in order to comply with the latest Speech Contest Rulebook.
The text that is in quotes is intended to be read verbatim.
This is a combined script and is prepared for the dual contests of Tall Tales and Evaluations at the Club Level.
If the contest event includes more than one type of contest or more than one entity (multi-club or multi-area), you will need to appropriately combine contest scripts. If any contestant is in more than one contest, it is important that contestant interviews take place after the last contest of the event.
Prior to the start of the contest
A) Attend the Contestants Briefing to obtain the speaking order, speech titles, and to learn how to pronounce all of the contestants’ names. There is space provided within the text of this script to write in the speaking order and notes on pronunciation. You will also be given a Profile for each contestant to aid you in performing the Contestant Interviews.
B) Give the Presiding Officer information for your introduction as Toastmaster. Some examples are your club name, how long you have been a Toastmaster, and your Toastmaster education level and/or officer role.
During the contest
1. After being introduced by the Presiding Officer, open with brief remarks or a story.
2. State: “We are holding two contests: the Tall Tales contest followed by the Evaluation Contest.”
· For MULTIPLE CLUBS also state: “We are holding a combined contest, but the clubs are not competing against one another. The ballots for one contest will be collected before continuing with the next club contest.”
3. State: “The Tall Tales contest will consist of a series of timed 3 to 5 minute speeches that will be judged by a panel of judges. “
“The contestants and the judges have certified their eligibility. The Contest Chair and the Chief Judge have confirmed the eligibility of the contestants and the judges.”
4. State: “The winner of each contest will represent their Club at their Area contest on ________________________.”
5. State: “These proceedings are designed to ensure that we run a fair contest and that each contestant is given a level playing field on which to compete. The following announcements are made in the interest of having a distraction-free environment for our contestants.
a. Please place all cell phones or other devices that make audible noises either off or on silent.
b. No photography of the contestants is allowed during contestant speeches. Please put away cameras, smartphones, tablets, all devices that can take pictures. There will be photo opportunities after the speeches. Video recording is allowed only if the contestant and the Contest Chair have given their approval in advance.
c. Once the contest has begun, members of the audience are asked to refrain from leaving and/or re-entering the room. If you must leave, please do so during the times of silence between contestant speeches. The sergeant-at-arms will not allow anyone to enter the room during a contestant’s speech.”
6. Ask: “Mister Contest Chair, have all the contestants been briefed, are all the contestants present, and are we ready to proceed with the contest?”
Wait for an affirmative reply.
7. Ask: “Mister Chief Judge, have all the Contest Officials been briefed and are we ready to proceed with the contest?”
Wait for an affirmative reply.
8. State: “In order to allow the judges time to mark their judging forms, we will have one minute of silence after each contestant’s speech and we will have silence after the last contestant’s speech until all the ballots are collected.”
9. Ask: “Time Keepers, will one of you signal me when one minute has elapsed between contestant speeches?”
Wait for an affirmative reply.
10. State: “The speaking order for the contests was determined earlier by having our contestants draw for position.”
· For MULTIPLE CLUBS repeat this section for the next club, assuring the audience and judges know there are two separate speaking orders.
1. Name
2. Name
3. Name
4. Name
5. Name
6. Name
11. State: “Each contestant will be introduced only by his or her name, and the title of the speech. I will then repeat the title of the speech and the contestant’s name. The first contestant will now proceed to the staging area. Subsequent contestants will proceed to the staging area during the one minute of silence. All Contestants may remain in the room during this contest.”
12. Ask: “Are there any questions? If not, the ________________________ Tall Tales contest will now begin.”
Note: Lead the applause before and after each speech
Note: Introduce speakers by “Name, Speech Title; Speech Title, Name.”
13. After all but the last speech State: “One minute of silence please. Will the next contestant proceed to the staging area.”
1. Name
2. Name
3. Name
4. Name
5. Name
6. Name
7. Name
8. Name
14. After last speech, state: “May we please have silence until all the ballots have been collected. Judges, please hold your ballots up when you have completed them.”
· For MULTIPLE CLUBS, after the ballots and timing sheets are collected state, “That concludes the _______________________________ club contest. We will now proceed with the __________________________ club tall tales contest.”
· Assure judges use the proper ballots.
· Repeat Item #13 for the next contest for speaker introductions.
15. After last speech, state: “May we please have silence until all the ballots have been collected. Judges, please hold your ballots up when you have completed them.”
· The Chief Judge and Ballot Counters can tally-up the scores now or wait until after the next contest and tally-up all the votes at once
16. State: “We have a couple of announcements. Will _____________________________ come forward and make his/her announcements”.
· Make other comments to take up time until Ballot Counters have returned.
17. After the Ballot Counters and Chief Judge have returned state: “We will now take a 10 minute break before we begin the Evaluation contest. The contest will come to order at ___________ o’clock.”
18. After the 10-minute break call the contest to order and state: “We will now proceed with the Evaluation Contest.”
19. State: “The Evaluation contest will start with a timed 5-7 minute speech which is referred to as a test speech. Evaluation contestants are allowed to take notes only on the Toastmasters official form 1177 Evaluation Contestant Notes sheet, which was given to each contestant during their briefing. At the end of the speech, they will then be escorted out of the room and given five minutes to prepare their evaluations.”
“When the five minutes are up, the Sergeant-at-Arms will collect all of the contestants’ notes. Contestants will then be escorted into the room one at a time. The contestants’ notes will be returned to them as they are introduced. Each contestant will then give a 2-3 minute evaluation of the test speech which will be judged by a panel of judges. Contestants may remain in the room after they have given their evaluations.”
“The contestants and the judges have certified their eligibility. The Contest Chair and the Chief Judge have confirmed the eligibility of both the contestants and the judges.”
20. State: “The winner of each contest will represent their club at their area contest.”
· If the dates for the next level contest are known, the Toastmaster can mention the date at this point. E.g. “… at their area contest on ____________________.”
21. Ask: “Mister or Madam Contest Chair, have all the contestants been briefed, are all the contestants present, and are we ready to proceed with the contest?”
Wait for an affirmative reply.
22. Ask: “Mister or Madam Chief Judge, have all the Contest Officials been briefed and are we ready to proceed with the contest?”
Wait for an affirmative reply.
23. State: “In order to allow the judges time to mark their judging forms, we will have one minute of silence after each contestant’s speech and we will have silence after the last contestant’s speech until all the ballots are collected.
24. Ask: “Time Keepers, will one of you signal me when one minute has elapsed between contestant speeches?”
Wait for an affirmative reply.
25. State: “The speaking order for each contest was determined earlier by having our contestants draw for position.”
“The speaking order for the ______________________ club contest will be:”
1. Name
2. Name
3. Name
4. Name
5. Name
6. Name
7. Name
8. Name
26. State – “The test speaker will be introduced only by name and speech title, then I will repeat speech title and name.”
27. Ask: “Are there any questions? If not, the Evaluation Contest will now begin.”
28. Introduction of Test Speaker (ONLY Name, Title; Title, Name)
29. At the conclusion of the test speech, Ask: “Will one of the sergeants-at-arms and one of the timers please escort all of the contestants out of the room for the five minute preparation time?”
· The contestants should have only the evaluation form provided by Toastmasters International
30. Test Speaker Interview during the five minute prep-time: Present the speaker with a Certificate of Thanks, and interview him/her. Sample questions: A) which club(s) s/he belongs to, B) how long s/he has been in Toastmasters, and C) an open-ended question from the speech. Dismiss the test speaker with applause.
NOTE: You may need to fill the time until the five minutes are up. Consider making brief announcements that will not exceed the time.
31. When the five minute preparation time is over, State: “Please remember: to silence your cell phone or other noise-makers, no photography, refrain from leaving the room, and honor the periods of silence after each evaluation. Each contestant will be introduced only by announcing his or her name twice.”
32. State: “The Evaluations for _________________________ will now begin.”
Introduce contestants “Name, name” ONLY! No other words.
Lead applause before and after evaluations.
33. After all but the last evaluation, State:”One minute of silence please. Sergeant-at-Arms, please have the next contestant move to the staging area.”
1. Name
2. Name
3. Name
4. Name
5. Name
6. Name
7. Name
8. Name
34. After last evaluation, state: “May we please have silence until all the ballots have been collected. Judges, please hold your ballots up when you have completed them.”
Note: Ballot Counters and the Chief Judge collect the ballots. Wait until all the ballots have been collected before proceeding.
· For MULTIPLE CLUBS, after the ballots and timing sheets are collected state, “That concludes the _________________________ evaluation contest. We will now proceed with the __________________________ evaluation contest.”
· Assure judges use the proper ballots.
· Repeat Item #32 for the next contest for speaker introductions.
Note: Wait until all the ballots have been collected before proceeding with contestant interviews
35. Ask: “Will the contestants please join me up front in order of appearance?”
Lead the applause as they make their way to the front.
36. Contestant Interviews: Present each contestant with a Certificate of Participation, and interview each contestant. Sample questions: A) which club s/he represents, B) how long s/he has been in Toastmasters, and C) an open-ended question from the speech or about one of his/her interests or hobbies from the Biography form.
37. Dismiss the contestants with applause, make final remarks, then return control to the presiding officer for the awards presentation.
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