Table Of Contents

Initiate Automatic Payment Plan 3

Defer Automatic Payment Plan 6

Change Automatic Payment Plan 7

Cancel Automatic Payment Plan 9

Restart Automatic Payment Plan 10

Credit Card Expiration 11

Initiate Automatic Payment Plan

Policy must be in a current status of ACTIVE or EXPIRED for option to be available:

Step 1: Click ‘INITIATE AUTOPAY’ button.

Note: The next scheduled payment date reflects the date the payment will be processed. Payments are scheduled as follows:

Date when automatic payment plan is initiated: / Next Scheduled Payment is:
Before policy due date / Due Date
On policy due date / Due Date
On policy expiration or later / Current Date

If different payment date is desired, see: DEFER AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PLAN section.

Step 2: Select method of payment: ‘Debit/Credit Card’ or ‘Bank Account’.

Step 3: Enter all required payment information, including Automatic Payment Agreement checkbox. (The nickname field may be used by the insured as a reminder of what credit card is on file. This may be a helpful reference since card detail will not be viewable again after it is saved.)

Step 4: Enter email address (optional).

Step 5: Click ‘Click here to print out the Automatic Payment Authorization’ and print PDF document.

Step 6: Check ‘I certify that the Automatic Payment Authorization has been printed and signed’.

Step 7: Click ‘SAVE’.

Saved Debit/Credit Card plan:

Saved Bank Account plan:

Defer Automatic Payment Plan

Automatic payments may be deferred to a new date, up to 60 days from the expiration date.

AL, KS, NV: Policy must have active status and current term. Deferment must be made on or before the original due date. Defer is not available when status or term is expired.

AZ: Policy must have active status and current term or be within grace period. Defer is not available when status or term is expired.

Step 1: Click ‘DEFER’ button.

Step 2: Select new date using date picker:

Step 3: Click ‘SAVE’.

Automatic payment will be processed for new payment date.


If a one-time renewal payment is made on a policy where the automatic payment has been deferred, the ‘Next scheduled payment date’ will continue to reflect the deferment date up until the new version’s due date is reached. On the due date, the automatic payment will be processed as expected except the website will reflect the payment receipt date incorrectly as the previous deferment date.

Change Automatic Payment Plan

Once a plan has been saved, the plan instructions may be changed for the particular payment plan type (Debit/Credit Card or Bank Account).

If needing to change payment plan type, existing plan must be cancelled and new plan initiated. See: CANCEL AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PLAN section.

Step 1: Click ‘CHANGE’ button to update all applicable fields.

Debit/Credit Card:

Existing credit card details may not be revealed on this screen. Clicking ‘CANCEL’ will reinstate the existing instructions:

Bank Account:

Step 2: Click ‘SAVE’.

Cancel Automatic Payment Plan

An automatic payment cancelled before midnight will not be processed. Payment instructions may be retained for reuse in the future. Use ‘EXIT’ to stop cancellation.

Step 1: Click ‘CANCEL AUTOPAY’:

Step 2: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Step 3: Confirm


Automatic payment plan instructions will be retained for later use, see: RESTART AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PLAN section.


Automatic payment plan instructions are deleted completely and new payment plan must be initiated. Once this option is selected, there is no way to retrieve the previous payment instructions. See: INITIATE AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PLAN section.

Restart Automatic Payment Plan

Retained automatic payment plan instructions may be reused by clicking ‘RESTART’.

Automatic payment will be processed the same as when being initiated. See: INITIATE AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PLAN for schedule.

Credit Card Expiration

Policy holders will be notified via mail and email (when email address is on file) 60, 30, and 10 days prior to their credit card expiring.

When a credit card expires, an automatic payment will not run until a new credit card is added to the automatic payment plan, see: CHANGE AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PLAN.

Key Insurance Company Automatic Payment Plans (Agent) 5/1/2011