1. United States Enters the War
  2. War starts in 1914, U.S. declares neutrality. They want no involvement in a European conflict. Isolationist policy.
  3. German U-Boats (submarines) begin sinking civilian ships.
  4. May, 1915 Lusitania sunk. British passenger ship. 128 Americans die.
  5. March 1916 Sussex sunk. French Steamboat. 2 Americans injured.
  6. Germany’s promise to stop ends in Feb. 1917. U.S. begins to arm merchant ships.
  7. Summer 1916, U.S. begins build-up of Army and Navy.
  8. March 1917. U.S. intercepts Zimmerman Note. Germany wanted Mexico to invade United States. In exchange, Germany would help get Texas and southwest U.S. back to Mexico. U-Boats sink 3 more U.S. Ships.
  9. April 1917, U.S. declares war on Germany.
  1. Russian Revolution (1917-1921)
  2. Causes-Poor leadership by Czar Nicholas II
  3. Lost war to Japan and Korea as a colony (1905)
  4. Bloody Sunday-200,000 approach Winter Palace to ask for better working conditions. Guard fire into crowd, kill 500-1000
  5. Poor economy, many starving
  6. W.W. I killing millions
  7. March Revolution-Czar turns power to Duma (legislature)
  8. Alexander Kerensky leads Provisional (temporary) Government.
  9. October Revolution-Lead by Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks (communists)
  10. Slogan “Land, Peace, and Bread”
  11. Lenin surrenders to Germany, cedes a lot of territory (Poland)
  12. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918)
  13. 4 Years of civil war between Reds (communists) and Whites (royalists & liberals who wanted constitutional government) Reds win under L. Trotsky
  14. Lenin dies in 1924, Joseph Stalin gets power, not Trotsky (exiled to Mexico)
  1. End of the War – American forces overwhelm Germans in France
  2. Armistice-an agreement to stop fighting Nov. 11, 1918
  3. Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points- his basis for peace
  4. Self-Determination-right of people to choose government
  5. Collective Security-One aggressive nation will fight all others
  6. League of Nations-International Org. to settle disputes
  7. Paris Peace Conference-Germany not invited, Russia in Civil War
  8. David Lloyd George-Britain-wanted Germany to pay.
  9. Georges Clemenceau-France-wanted territory back, demilitarize French border (i.e. no German troops)
  10. Vittorio Orlando-Italy-sought territorial gains
  11. Woodrow Wilson-14 Points (details to follow)
  12. Treaty of Versailles-Not about peace, it was about punishing Germany
  13. Germany would pay reparations ($1 billion/year to rebuild Eur.)
  14. France regains Alsace-Lorraine territory
  15. League of Nations Formed (U.S. stays out)
  16. Map of Europe redrawn, several new countries (p. 452 text)
  17. Mandates-Britain and France take German colonies
  1. Legacy of World War I
  2. 10 million people dead- “a lost generation”
  3. Authors Hemingway, F.S. Fitzgerald identified
  4. People of Europe very insecure, stage is set for another war
  5. Economies destroyed, Had to rebuild progress of

Industrial Revolution

  1. Threat of Communism lasts 70 years