Friday, April 29, 2005

Best Western Lamplighter Inn, London


Alastair Currie / Horst Tietze
Dave Roza / Mike Sweny
Clarke Richmire / Philip Watson
Brian Gilchrist / Gary Crossley (for Paulette Roscoe)
Jim Brow / Patrick Giles
Eunice Fowler / Margaret Galbraith
Chris Smith / Absent with regrets:
Paulette Roscoe

04-05 3.1Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Horst Tietze, President, at 1:21 pm.

04-05 3.2Appointment/Election of Officers The By-Laws of the organization were consulted to determine if an election was required to fill the vacant position of President for the remainder of the term

Moved by Chris Smith, seconded by Eunice Fowler that the election for President be conducted. CARRIED

Horst Tietze stepped aside; the Election was conducted by Chris Smith.

Moved by Philip Watson, seconded by Jim Brow that the nominations be opened.


Patrick Giles nominated Horst Tietze; Eunice Fowler nominated Margaret Galbraith. There were no further nominations, and nominations were declared closed; voting was conducted by secret ballot; two independent scrutineers were obtained from attendees at the Swim Ontario board meeting. Horst Tietze was elected.

Moved by Dave Roza, seconded by Mike Sweny that the ballots be destroyed.


An election for Vice-President was required; Alastair Currie nominated Clarke Richmire; Patrick Giles nominated Margaret Galbraith. There were no further nominations, and nominations were declared closed; voting was conducted by secret ballot; the two independent scrutineers counted the ballots. Margaret Galbraith was elected.

Moved by Jim Brow, seconded by Mike Sweny that the ballots be destroyed. CARRIED

Horst Tietze resumed the Chair position.

04-05 3.3Approval of the AgendaMoved by Chris Smith, seconded by Alastair Currie that the agenda be approved with the following additions: Masters Swimming Ontario report, selection of the OSOA Voting Delegate at the Swim Ontario AGM, Correspondence.


04-05 3.4Approval of January 2005 MinutesMoved by Philip Watson, seconded by Margaret Galbraith that the minutes of the teleconference be approved. CARRIED

04-05 3.5Business Arising: None.

04-05 3.6Reports:

President: Horst Tietze reported that he has had numerous conversations with various members of the Swim Ontario board. John Vadeika will join the meeting shortly to inform members of the information he needs from the board to assist with financial grant applications.

Horst indicated that a member of the Swim Ontario board has questioned the use and accountability of the $1. per registered swimmer that Swim Ontario collects from the swimmers on behalf of OSOA; it has been pointed out to the Swim Ontario board member that the money obtained does not cover the cost of meetings and current initiatives of the board; other efforts by the Board are generating more than half of the OSOA budget.

Information from the NOC indicates that the new rulebook will be published in the fall.

Chris Smith has received a memo from Dan Thompson, President of SNC, indicating that the Canadian Masters meet will be designated as a national meet i.e. can be used as opportunity to obtain the required National level experience (motion in support was passed by this board in January).

There were no changes from FINA.

John Vadeika, Executive Director of Swim Ontario, joined the meeting, and thanked the officials for their dedicated service to the athletes throughout the province. Swim Ontario believes in and supports the partnership between themselves and OSOA and OSCA.

John informed the board of several funding issues he is facing the near future, and requested the assistance of board members in obtaining the numbers required by the government funding applications due next week (Grant Application and Active 2010). All regions need to forward to John before May 4th, 2005 :

  • Total number of officials trained (percentage male/female if possible);
  • Total number of clinics presented, and topics covered;
  • Total number of occasions on which clinics were presented;
  • Costs associated with clinics presented (include costs incurred by attendees i.e. mileage, etc.).

John indicated that in 2004 “Active 2010 Sport Priority Spending” funding was given to Swim Ontario; Swim Ontario had to account for use of the funds after the fact. In 2005 this has changed to a two-step process; eligible bodies first apply for consideration, then apply to determine percentage of funding awarded: much more work involved.

The board broke into committees (Finance, Education) at 2:30; reconvened at 4:30 pm.


Finance Report: the Financial reports were presented by Patrick Giles.

INCOME STATEMENT 4/1/04 TO 31/03/05 / BALANCE SHEET 4/1/04 TO 31/03/05
REVENUE / 2004/05 / 2005/06 / ASSETS
Swim Ontario Swimmer Levy / 9470.00 / 8500 / 8500 / CURRENT ASSETS
Swim meets/Fundraising / 8000.00 / 9000 / 12000 / Royal Bank Signature Account / 5588.21
Miscellaneous / 6739.96 / 0 / 0 / Short Term Investments / 15000
Bank Interest / 395.63 / 250 / 250 / Accounts Receivable / 1900
Tag & Pin Revenue / 111.50 / 250 / 350 / Prepaid Expenses for Masters Meet / 500
Shirt & Pant Sales / 1692.00 / 0 / 2000 / Prepaid Annual meeting Expense
Donation / 75.00 / 0 / 0
Training Grant / 1500.00 / 0 / 0 / Total Current Assets / 22988.21
TOTAL ASSETS / 22988.21
TOTAL REVENUE / 27984.09 / 18000 / 23100 / LIABILITIES
Other Accounts Payable
Board Travel / 4352.43 / 6000 / 7000 / Level III/IV Training Payable / 6792.98
Board rooms/meals / 2174.50 / 2500 / 4500 / Payables to Region / 200
Level III & IV Training / 4200.00 / 4200 / 4200 / Current Liabilities / 6992.98
Officials Development (Projectors) / 13061.07 / 6000 / TOTAL LIABILITIES / 6992.98
Regional Official Training / 6000.00 / 6000 / 6000 / 6992.98
Website expense / 1165.79 / 0 / 100
Bank Charges / 57.50 / 50 / 50 / EQUITY
Pins & Name tags / 291.54 / 300 / 300
Official Shirt & Pants / 1964.25 / 0 / 2000 / EARNINGS
Misc/phone/postage etc / 194.84 / 100 / 100 / Retained Earnings / 21730
Awards for past members / 256.89 / 250 / 250 / Total Retained Earnings / 21729.95
0.00 / 0 / 0 / Current Earnings / -5734.72
TOTAL EXPENSES / 33718.81 / 25400 / 24500 / TOTAL EQUITY / 15995.23
NET INCOME / -5734.72 / -7400 / -1400

Moved by Patrick Giles, seconded by Jim Brow that the financial reports be accepted as presented. CARRIED

The Finance Committee presented the criteria for a new award, to be called the John Grootveld Memorial Award:

Presented in memory of John Grootveld to Ontario officials who during their lifetime demonstrated dedication to officiating competitive swimming in Canada.


  • Career ended in Ontario;
  • Awarded posthumously;
  • Minimum of Level V;
  • Minimum 25 years active in officiating;
  • Record of mentoring development of other officials.


  • Nominations solicited from each region’s representatives at the meeting before the AGM weekend;
  • Eligibility confirmed by the board;
  • Letter sent to the family of each identified recipient.


  • Plaque presented to a family member or designate at the AGM (6” x 9”).

Moved by Patrick Giles, seconded by Eunice Fowler that the award be established according to the criteria stated above. CARRIED

Moved by Clarke Richmire, seconded by Patrick Giles that for this year we go back to January 1, 2004 to consider nominations. WITHDRAWN

Moved by Mike Sweny, seconded by Dave Sweny that the eligibility date for this award be set as December 1, 2004. Award will be initially presented to John Grootveld.


Education Margaret Galbraith reported that the Education Committee discussed amendment of the January 2000 motion regarding the issue of re-evaluation after an unsuccessful opportunity.

Moved by Margaret Galbraith, seconded by Clarke Richmire that the January 2000 motion be revised to read “Moved that a candidate for re-evaluation may apply after a period of six (6) months, when three (3) additional PTRs have been obtained.”


NB: waiting period for re-evaluation is 6 months; PTRs may be obtained at any time during that time (i.emay be requested the next weekend), but the candidate is advised to referee a few “practice” sessions, implementing the suggestions given by the evaluators, before requesting more PTRs. Ideally, the PTRs submitted to be eligible for re-evaluation will have been obtained in the latter part of the 6 month waiting period.

Several amendments were made for the Level III certification process described in “Up the Ladder” (page 3):

  1. Unchanged;
  2. Attend clinics, answer questionnaires for all positions, and have two (2) on-deck evaluations for each position, plus complete the Referee’s clinic;
  3. Be fully certified in four additional positions six (6) positions listed under Level II/III, one of which must be Judge of Stroke & Inspector of Turns / Head Lane Timekeeper. The Referee position cannot be used as one of the six positions;
  4. Unchanged;
  5. Unchanged.

NB: it is recommended that an official moving up the ladder keep a log of all meets and positions worked over the years.

Any official acting as a Referee during a session must have a minimum of Level III certification.

No shows (late scratches) for Finals sessions continue to be a problem at a number of meets. At the Short Course Junior Provincial Championship meet a scratch rule which included fines for failure to scratch was imposed, and the problem was quickly eliminated. It is felt that a similar rule, included in meet packages in future, could assist with this issue.

Moved by Margaret Galbraith, seconded by Brian Gilchrist that we develop Scratch Rule templates for use at various meets; the rule to be in effect at a given meet must be included in that meet package. CARRIED

Dave Roza will develop possible templates before the next OSOA board meeting.

Regional Reports:

Central: We successfully hosted our Spring clinic on March 1st, 2005. For the second time all clinics were conducted using PowerPoint. Both morning and afternoon sessions ran 6 clinics concurrently; a total of 160 sessions were attended. We currently have 20 Level III, 11 Level IV, and 29 Level V active officials.

Congratulations to Ben Moore (Cobra) who successfully attained Master Official status.

We hosted Regional Championships in February, and Division III Team Champs in April. The region also hosted a 2nd President’s Meeting in April, in conjunction with our regular board meeting, to discuss changes to the Athlete Development Strategy, how it affects running a meet, and how to navigate the new Swim Ontario website. This was well attended, with over 20 clubs participating, and lots of feedback for Swim Ontario.

Our Fall Clinic is scheduled for October 1st, 2005.

Central Region is co-hosting the Master’s National Championship (May 20-23rd) on behalf of OSOA. We need as many people as possible to help staff this meet. Please contact Horst Tietze at and let him know the sessions you are available to work.

Eastern: Nepean hosted Junior Provincials in February, and Division I Team Champs in April. We continue to have some difficulty in persuading officials to move up the ladder to Level IV and V. EOSA Long Course champs will be held June 10-12. The GO swim club has undergone numerous changes, with a split in the club; adjustments continue to be made. There is no longer a senior official associated with them, but a number of parents seem interested in developing as officials.

Huronia: On March 4th and 5th we held our officials’ clinics. On Friday night we had the Level III, IV and V officials meet in Barrie for an information session, with almost 100% attendance. Items discussed included Officials’ funding and moving from Level III to IV and from IV to V, with presentations by officials who have been recently evaluated. Evaluators discussed what they look for when evaluating a candidate. We also held a mock Jury of Appeal, followed by a social. On Saturday we held the clinics at Base Borden. Due to the poor attendance on Saturday we have decided to hold a series of clinic days in October held at 3 locations in the region. The regional projector has been used to good effect in presenting the PowerPoint clinics, particularly in club hosting situations.

Northeastern:“A” Champs were held in Sault Ste Marie on the first weekend in February. A number of positional evaluations were done but no Level IV or V. We have noticed a developing vacuum of higher level officials (except in Timmins and North Bay) which is rapidly becoming a serious problem in our region.

MSO held their championships in Sault Ste. Marie April 1 -3. Both Regional Reps attended and had a great time. Hopefully, the participants enjoyed themselves as much as we did. They certainly were impressed with the facility.

Division II Champs were held last weekend in Sudbury. Thanks go out to Lakeshore Swim Club for their great participation as officials at the Meet.

Northwestern: Atikokan team is no longer operating this year. Kenora pool is now open, and the Kenora swim team has begun training after more than a year off; they have a few competitive and many non-competitive swimmers. Dryden has a new team in operation, with mostly pre-competitive swimmers. The region held a regional training session in Dryden on April 15 and 16.

Western: Officials have again been very busy during the year, with a total of 81 meets, 2 Regional clinics, 63 clinics at the club level, and 7 high school clinics. At Regional clinics all presentations used PowerPoint. We have had 5 officials take advantage of the Level III/IV training program, and continue to encourage others to use this opportunity. The Regional Championship meet was held in London and Eastern Canadians was held in Brantford; regional officials were well represented on the deck.

Masters Swimming Ontario:

Chris Smith reported that he has been working with other provinces, particularly Manitoba and BC, promoting co-operation between officials and Masters Swimming. It is apparent that the level of officiating in Ontario and Quebec is somewhat higher than that in several other areas of the country.

Masters Swimming Ontario would like to thank Northeast Region, and Sault Ste. Marie in particular, for the terrific job they did hosting this year’s Provincial Championship. All aspects were very well run; the participants had a great time.

The MSO Provincial Championship Meet for 2006 has not yet been awarded; Brock had indicated interest in hosting (university/masters club alliance, or university/OSOA); Margaret Galbraith will liaise with Brock to decide if a bid will come from that group, and if so, who will co-host with the university.

04-05 3.7Canadian Masters National Championships, May 20-23, 2005 Planning is well underway, with approximately 900 swimmers expected to participate. There will be lots of assistance in officiating required. Several hotel rooms are available for the use of officials; information about session times (start and expected length) is posted on the OSOA webpage; officials able to assist are urged to contact Horst Tietze at .

04-05 3.8Canada Games Update Horst Tietze confirmed that funding for the designated Ontario official (Alastair Currie) might be forthcoming from the Canada Games group; as was decided at the January meeting, OSOA will cover Alastair’s costs using our portion of the “Active 2010” funding, if necessary.

04-05 3.9Swimmer/Coach Behaviour Mike Sweny reported that there were ongoing difficulties with inappropriate behaviour by coaches and swimmers at the Division I Championship Meet held in Nepean. On the deck, both were consistently crowding the side of the pool, blocking the path of the stroke judge, and would not move when requested to do so. Off the deck, swimmers, particularly the younger swimmers who swam relays only(12/under girls, 13/under boys), were guilty of obstreperous behaviour throughout the entire facility (throwing food, etc).

The lack of co-operation on the deck is difficult to solve; it may be necessary to go through the coaches’ association to deal with this issue.

The behaviour of the swimmers is also difficult, as implementation of the Swim Ontario Athlete Development Model would seem to be a contributing factor; the host club does have the right to remove a team from the building, and may need to enforce this right.

04-05 3.102005 Conference in London – OSOA AGM OSOA will make presentations on Saturday morning; topics are “PowerPoint: a Teaching Tool” (Dave Roza) and “Personal Training Records: A Learning Tool” (Brian Gilchrist).

The AGM is slated against the Club Issues Round Table Discussion, and it may be difficult to obtain a quorum; regional representatives are asked to urge as many as possible from their regions to attend the AGM.

04-05 3.11OSOA Website Update The website is up and running; $1000. to assist with costs of website redesign has been paid to Swim Ontario (see January minutes). Several of the PowerPoint clinics still require minor corrections; all regional representatives will be informed when these are completed, so the updated versions can be downloaded for future presentations.

Ontario officials’ shirt information is also posted on the website; shirts can be ordered through Alastair Currie.

04-05 3.12Level IV and V Elevations:

There were no elevations to Level IV.

Moved by Patrick Giles, seconded by Brian Gilchrist that Ben Moore and Glen Greig be elevated to Level V. CARRIED

04-05 3.13Changes to Candidates for Future Evaluations See Appendix A.

04-05 3.14Changes to Evaluators’ List

Central:add Alastair Currie.

Huronia: add Philip Watson.

Northwestern:remove Elaine and Lee Batstone.

Western: remove Fran Fairley and Art Hinton; add David Bloch Hansen and David Davidson.

04-05 3.15New Business

Correspondence: a letter was received from Burt Boudreau (EOSA), expressing thanks to Dave Roza (Meet Referee) on behalf of the swimmers, coaches and officials at the Junior Provincial/SWAD Championship meet in Nepean. Burt praised Dave’s expertise in swimming and his leadership capabilities as he dealt with the many queries from coaches in the course of the meet.

Voting Representative at the Swim Ontario AGM: Moved by Chris Smith, seconded by Dave Roza that the President, Horst Tietze, carry the OSOA vote at the Swim Ontario Annual General Meeting. CARRIED

04-05 3.16Date of the Next Meeting To be held in Toronto, one weekend after the Swim Ontario board meeting.

04-05 3.17Motion to Adjourn Moved by Brian Gilchrist.


Candidates / Club / Position / Date of lastCertification / Date puton list
Debbie Barnes / Senior / 04/99 / 01/00
Pat Pariselli / ESWIM / Senior / 04/00
Allen Wolch / Senior / 12/02 / 05/03
Dennis Plata / Senior / 02/02 / 05/03
Debbie Fennell / ESWIM / Senior / 10/99 / 05/03
David Share / Master / 09/01
Mike Walker / Master / 09/01
Susan Shaw / Master / 05/01 / 05/03
Ted Zaharia / Master / 11/01 / 05/03
Dave McNeill / Master / 04/00 / 05/03
Steven Ries / Master / 10/03
Dennis Ridley / Master / 05/04 / 01/05
Bob Thrall / OAK / Master / 06/04 / 01/05
Ken Key / ROC / Master / 04/05


Valerie Quirk / NKB / Senior / 04/01
Roger Maillet / Senior / 09/01
Jim Stevens / Senior / 09/01
Lori Sioui / TD / Senior / 11/01 / 04/02
Carey Depalazieux / NKB / Senior / 09/02
Steve Flieler / TD / Senior / 04/04 / 05/04
Riley Kilburn / Senior / 06/04 / 04/05
Kathy McDonald / Senior / 06/04 / 04/05
Thomas Dunn / Master / 09/01
Larry Holmes / UCSC / Master / 10/00
Wendy McCutcheon / GO / Master / 10/03
Michel Degrace / UNATT / Master / 02/03 / 01/04
Greg Blaskovits / NKB / Master / 02/03 / 01/04
Murray Hatt / GO / Master / 01/05
Vern Hite / Master / 01/05


Brenda Murray / Senior / 10/03
Stewart Nutt / BST / Senior / 09/04
Jane Wolfe / MUSAC / Senior / 09/04
Peter van der Meer / OSAC / Master / 06/98 / 01/00
Mary Jane Smith / TRENT / Master / 10/03
Catherine Wackett / CATS / Master / 10/03
Frank Woodley / MYK / Master / 04/04 / 09/04


Steven O’Neill / SLSC / Senior / 04/02 / 04/02
Glen Hill / SLSC / Senior / 04/02 / 04/02
Pam Pask / NBYT / Senior / 04/04 / 01/05
Louise Quirion / TMSC / Master / 02/02 / 10/03
Janice Dolcetti / SSMAC / Master / 06/96 / 10/99
Jerry Dolcetti / SSMAC / Master / 06/96 / 10/99
Doug Bignell / Unatt / Master / 04/98 / 05/03
Gary Crossley / NBYT / Master / 05/00 / 10/03
Martin Litchfield / UNATT / Master / 06/03 / 04/04
Lyse Perron / TMSC / Master / 06/03 / 04/04
Jean Turgeon / SSMAC / Master / 06/03 / 04/04
Paula Palangio / CT33 / Master / 2000 / 01/05
Tim Duquette / NBYT / Master / 06/04 / 01/05


Janice TRUSH / TBT / Senior / 05/04 / 09/04


Kim Smith / BAC / Senior / 01/00 / 01/02
Riley Hinson / LAC / Senior / 05/02 / 01/03
Ron King / HAC / Senior / 10/02 / 01/03
Jim Loyer / UNATT / Senior / 05/04 / 01/05
Suzanne Paulins / BAC / Senior / 01/05
Greg Taylor / BAC / Master / 06/99 / 04/99
Dean Smith / BAC / Master / 10/95 / 09/01
Margie Lockhart / UNATT / Master / 06/02 / 01/03
Paul Leslie / HAC / Master / 05/03 / 10/03
Paul Crone / BAD / Master / 06/03 / 10/03
Brad Knowles / HAMMR / Master / 07/03 / 10/03
Sue Curtis Villar / GMAC / Master / 06/04 / 09/04