COURSE: Nutrition B10 - Elementary Nutrition –Spring 2017
Description: Basic concepts and principles of nutrition with application to current nutrition issues. Emphasizes improvement of personal health through proper eating habits. Recommended: Reading Level 5 or 6. Hours: 54 lect/disc. CCS: Occupational Education. Transferable: UC, CSU and private colleges. BC GE E; CSU GE E.
CLASS HOURS: 8:00 a.m. – 9:25 a.m., Tuesdays & Thursdays CRN # 31898
9:35 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Tuesdays & Thursdays CRN # 31899
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays: 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
11:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Thursdays: 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
11:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Other times, or Live Chat are available by appointment.
Wednesdays: 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Include class meeting time in the subject line on all emails or I will not respond!
I am very responsive to email; however, to be conservative, I will commit to responding to emails within 48 hours on work days (Monday - Friday from 8-5). Chances are you will get an answer much sooner including on weekends, but plan ahead just in case. Do not email me prior to 48 hours asking if I received your email or message since it will only slow me down.
If asking a question on an assignment or test, type out the complete question you are asking about. Do not type “I don’t understand question number two.” (I don't memorize every question on every assignment...) Do state what assignment you are working on and what the full question says.
PHONE: Google Phone and Text: (661) 487-1946
Textbook Nutrition Concepts and Controversies by Sizer & Whitney – 14th Edition
The BC Bookstore carries a custom bundle and version of this book (Different cover than online versions + has the DWP included).
The custom book costs $121.35 and contains:
-Diet and Wellness Plus (DWP) required online access code (Valued at $29)
-MindTap (student online study site & E-book) (not required, but helpful)
Link to buy the required bundled book at the BC Bookstore:§ionList=&booksAddedforSec=&fromTBList=true
ISBN# 9781337072373 (custom number for BC; which included the DWP)
(Copies of the textbook (not the DWP) are on reserve in the BC Library)
DWP Program Diet and Wellness Plus Program Online Access
1. Included with new textbooks purchased from the BC Bookstore
2. A separate instant online DAP access code may be purchased
for approximately $10.35: Link will be posted when provided from the publisher
(Adobe Flash Player for "Other Browsers" is necessary for the plug-ins.)
Once you purchase the program’s access code and create an account, you will be asked for a “Course Code” to access my specific course.
Here is a direct link to the course. To posted later. (Here is our course code: TBD)
I will not utilize any assignments in MindTap or the DWP. All assignments are assigned directly by me from my website.
Notebook For lecture notes
Number 2 pencil For exams
Scantron sheets Scantron Form No. 882-ES (50 questions each side) - 1 package
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
1. The student will evaluate his/her own nutrition and food intake and design individualized healthy eating plans by utilizing the Dietary Guidelines, the MyPlate and the Exchange List system. Consideration of the scientific principles of energy balance and disease prevention must be included.
2. The student will utilize the scientific method to critically analyze and evaluate nutrition research, products, supplements, and controversies.
3. The student will demonstrate an understanding of digestion, absorption, transportation, and metabolism of nutrients in the body.
4. The student will understand the chemical classifications, functions, digestion, absorption, transportation, dietary sources, and recommended intakes of the various types of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
5. The student will analyze the physiological functions of vitamins, minerals and water and identify the physical effects of deficiencies and toxicities.
6. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the physiological role and impact of nutrition on individuals progressing through the various stages of the life cycle.
DATESubject to change / TOPICS
Subject to change / HOMEWORK/
Subject to change / DUE DATE
Subject to change
Week 1
(1/17/17 – 1/19/17) / Orientation
Read Chapter 1, Food Choices and Human Health / Restaurant Food Assessment
(10 points) / 1/24/17
Week 2
(1/24/17 – 1/26/17) / Finish Chapter 1
Read Chapter 2, Nutrition Standards and Guidelines
Portion Size Demo (Pages 40 & 41) Thursday.
Review the following:
- Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), page A
- Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and Adequate Intakes (AI) for Vitamins, page B
-RDA and AI for Minerals, page B
-Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) for Vitamins, page C
- UL for Minerals, Page C
- Daily Values for food labels, page Y
-Table of Food Composition, Appendix A / Internet Research (See Controversy 1)
(10 points)
My Plate Analysis (10 points). (start early since you have to track your diet for one day) / 1/26/17
Week 3
(1/31/17 – 2/2/17) / Finish Chapter 2
Reading Food Labels Activity -Bring Entire Food Label (not just Nutrition Facts Panel) on Tuesday
Calculations Demo
-Study Aids to Calculation, Appendix C,
-Sample calculations are under assignments on my BC Website. / Food Label (20 points) / 2/7/17
Week 4
(2/7/17 – 2/9/17) / Test 1 on Chapters 1 & 2
Read Chapter 3, The Remarkable Body
Test 2: Take Home Test, Chapter 3 / Due on a Scantron / 2/7/17
Week 5
(2/14/17 – 2/16/17) / Quiz on Chapter 3
Diet & Wellness Plus Software Demo
Read Chapter 4, The Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starch, Glycogen, and Fiber
-Study Exchange List for Diabetes, Appendix D / Track Your Diet - 3-Days (10 points)
Carb Diet Analysis / 2/14/17
Week 6
(2/21/17 – 2/23/17) / Finish Chapter 4, The Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starch, Glycogen, and Fiber
-Study Exchange List for Diabetes, Appendix D
Grain Label Reading - Bring a bread package and a favorite cereal box on Thursday. / Fat Diet Analysis / 3/9/17
Week 7
(2/28/17 – 3/2/17) / Finish Chapter 4, The Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starch, Glycogen, and Fiber
-Study Exchange List for Diabetes, Appendix D
Read Chapter 5, The Lipids: Fats, Oils, Phospholipids, and Sterols
Butter versus Margarine - Bring a butter or margarine container on Tuesday
Week 8
(3/7/17 – 3/9/17) / Finish Chapter 5, The Lipids: Fats, Oils, Phospholipids, and Sterols
Test 3: Chapters 4 & 5 / Protein Diet Analysis / 3/7/17
Week 9
(3/14/17 – 3/16/17) / Read Chapter 6, The Proteins and Amino Acids
Milk Comparison - Bring your favorite milk container on Thursday
Week 10
(3/21/17 – 3/23/17) / Read Chapter 7, The Vitamins
Read Chapter 8, Water and Minerals / Vitamin Discovery
(20 points)
Vitamin Diet Analysis
Mineral Discovery
(20 points)
Mineral Diet Analysis / 3/21/17
Week 11
(3/28/17 – 3/30/17) / Read Chapter 8, Water and Minerals
Test 4: on Chapters 6, 7 & 8
Read Chapter 9, Energy Balance and Healthy Body Weight
-Study Body Mass Index Chart – (BMI), page Z / Test
Weight Control Diet Analysis / 3/30/17
Week 12
(4/4/17 – 4/6/17) / Finish Chapter 9, Energy Balance and Healthy Body Weight
Read Chapter 10, Nutrients, Physical Activity, and the Body’s Responses
Week 13
(4/11/17 – 4/13/17) / Spring Break – No Class
Week 14
(4/18/17 – 4/20/17) / Finish Chapter 10, Nutrients, Physical Activity, and the Body’s Responses
Read Chapter 11, Diet and Health / DWP - Perfect Day (25 points) Extra Credit
Read the directions on the DWP to complete the assignment.
Blood Pressure Check (10 points) Extra Credit / 4/27/17
Week 15
(4/25/17 – 4/27/17) / Read Chapter 12, Food Safety and Food Technology
Read Chapter 13, Life Cycle Nutrition: Mother and Infant
Week 16
(5/2/17 – 5/4/17) / Finish Chapter 13, Life Cycle Nutrition: Mother and Infant
Read Chapter 14, Child, Teen and Older Adults
Week 17
(5/9/17 – 5/11/17) / Final Exam only on Chapters 9-14 (not comprehensive)
CRN # 31898 - 8:00 – 9:25: Final - Thursday, 5/11/17, 8:00-9:50
CRN # 31899 - 9:35 – 11:00: Final - Tuesday, 5/9/17 , 10:00-11:50
*All material in this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
Students are required to read the assigned chapters from the textbook each week prior to the class discussion. You are encouraged to highlight the text, take notes, and work with other students to facilitate the learning process. The textbook may be used in class during discussion and open-book assignments.
Students are expected to actively participate in this class. Participation includes attendance, participating in class discussions and activities, and completing assigned work. If students do not participate, as determined by the instructor, they may be dropped from class.
A. Attendance will be recorded during each class session. It is YOUR responsibility to be in class when roll is called/taken. If you are not in class when roll is taken, you will be marked absent, even if you show up after roll is taken.
B. Punctuality and regular class attendance are expected of all students enrolled in the course.
If you do not attend the first day of class, you will be dropped from the course. If you miss one day during the first two weeks, you will be dropped. In addition, you may be dropped from the course if you are absent two or more weeks (4 classes) from the first day of class regardless of the reason.
C. If class is missed for any reason and you want to know the homework that was assigned, contact the instructor prior to the next class meeting. Late work is NOT accepted and make-up work is not given in this class. Therefore, if you miss a class (regardless of the reason) and then wait until you come back to class to ask for the homework that was given during your absence, it will be too late to do the work.
D. If you participate during class time in scheduled college activities, i.e., athletic events, musical events, field trips, etc., it is your responsibility to obtain an absence card from the instructor in charge of the event before the absence date and bring it to me for my signature. You must make arrangements with me in advance in order to be eligible to make up any missed work.
E. It is necessary that children be excluded from the classroom due to our lack of liability coverage. If you bring a child to class, you and the child will be asked to leave the classroom.
A. Chapter Tests:
1. Chapter tests will be given during the course. Test dates will be announced in advance.
2. Make-up tests will not be given for ANY reason.
3. The lowest test score (excluding the final) will be dropped from your overall points earned and points possible in determining your course grade. This is automatically done by the instructor at the end of the semester.
4. Students are expected to come to class on time, with a Scantron and a sharp number 2 pencil and eraser in hand ready to take the test.
5. Students may not leave the classroom while taking a test without permission.
6. Remain quiet until all students have finished taking the test.
7. If anyone talks during an exam for any reason, an automatic F will be given to all students talking.
8. If anyone looks at another student's test, an automatic F will be given to both students.
9. Cell phones or other electronic devices may not be used during exams for any purpose. An automatic F will be given for using any electronic devices (or notes, books, etc.).
10. The grading scale for the 50 point chapter tests is:
A = 45 - 50
B = 40 - 44
C = 35 - 39
D = 30 - 34
F = 29
B. Homework Assignments:
Assignments will not be handed out in class. Homework assignments are posted on my BC faculty website:
-All assignments must include your full printed name and time of your class (i.e. 8:00 or 9:35) in the upper right hand corner of the first page.
-Assignments of more than one page must be stapled together in the left hand corner or they will not be graded.
-Writing must be legible (12 point font or higher and printed), and no cursive writing, or the work will not be graded!
-Use a dark pencil or pen, or preferably, type.
-Assignments must be neatly placed (all facing the same direction) in the correct homework folder at the beginning of the class period on the assigned due date.
-Assignments not submitted by the time class starts are considered late and late work is not accepted for any reason. Once the folder is picked up, no additional work will be accepted. Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason even if you are absent when the assignment was given.
If a student copies another student's assignment, both students will receive an F.
This is a strenuous course which requires students to remain diligent with completion of assigned work. Homework assignments MUST be completed in order to do well in this class.
C. Class Activities:
Class activities will be unannounced and turned in prior to leaving the classroom. Class activities, may include quizzes on the week's reading assignment, lecture material, and open-book assignments. If you miss an activity/assignment due to absence, tardiness, or failure to bring your textbook or materials to class, you will be ineligible to make up the work at a later date.
D. Honesty:
All work submitted must be the original work of the student and all tests taken will be taken only by the student without any assistance! If cheating takes place, an automatic F will be given to all parties.
E. Extra Credit: