Susana Contreras Bloomdahl, NCC, Ph.D.

3246 Alexander Hall

Murray State University

Murray, KY 42071

(270) 809-6968


To help the counseling profession grow and expand by educating, training and advising young professionals in the field of education and mental health counseling.


University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

Ph. D. in Counselor Education

Dissertation title: The Effect of Language Program Type on Latino Immigrant Adolescent Self-esteem

August 2003 –December 2007

University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA

Masters of Education in School Counseling

August 2000 – May 2002

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

Baccalaureate of Science in Psychology

Minor in Italian

August 1996 – May 2000


Murray State University, Murray, KY

Assistant Professor

August 15, 2008 - Present

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

Graduate Assistantship

• Updated internship and practicum manual for masters and doctoral programs

• Developed school counseling certification/licensure manual

• Prepared department syllabi for CACREP

• Researched and compiled information on “becoming a school counselor with a masters in education”

• Found, retrieved and copied articles for Case Management course

• Found, retrieved and copied articles for Supervision in Counseling course

Fall 2003 – May 2006


Counselor Education 4003 Classroom Human Relations Skills

Fall 2003 - Spring 2006

Counselor Education 3053 The Helping Relationship

Fall 2005 – Spring 2006

Marian Central Catholic Middle School, New Orleans, LA

July 2002 – March 2003

School Counselor

• Individual and group counseling with students, ages 10-14, using Cognitive Behavior Theories.

• Consult with parents, teacher, and administration to discuss helpful strategies to use with the student for the student’s development.

• Clinical observations, developmental assessments, crisis intervention and preventive interventions for the well-being of the students.

• Coordinate Quiz Bowl, National Junior Honor’s Society, and Builder’s Club (a community service program) for the school.

Seton Resource Center, New Orleans, LA

August 2001 – May 2002

Mental Health Counselor

• Counsel individual students, ages 4-14, using Cognitive Behavioral approaches.

• Work with students in group therapy, role-play social activities and scenarios for life preparation.

• Consultation with families and faculty, discussing issues the child is experiencing to get added support for the child.

• Teach social skills, such as anger management, empathy and problem-solving, to students.

University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA

January 2002 – May 2002

Group Leader and Techniques Coach

• Lead a college classroom group to help counseling masters students gain expertise in group interaction.

• Observe and coach masters students, in and out of the classroom, to refine their individual counseling skills.

• Demonstrate individual and group therapy activities with college students as tutorial for other masters students.


American Counseling Association, July 2010 - Present

American School Counseling Association, July 2010 - Present

Kentucky Counseling Association (KCA), September 2008 – Present.

Western Kentucky Counseling Association (WKCA). September 2008 – Present.

National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Affiliates

- Board Eligible National Certified School Counselor, November 2002 – Present

Arkansas Counseling Association (ArCA)

- Student Chairperson, Fall 2004 – May 2006

- AR Association for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development, Fall 2003 – May 2006


Murray State University, Kentucky

• Faculty Senate representative, Fall 2008 – present.

• Library Liaison for the Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling Department, Fall 2008 – present.

• Research Policy Committee, Fall 2010 – present.

• Multicultural Committee member, Fall 2008 – Fall 2010.

Murray State University, Kentucky

• ITV Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, Fall 2010.

Future Educators Association Summer Camp, MSU, Kentucky

• Presented a session on the School Counseling Profession, June 9, 2010.

Murray State University, Kentucky

• Graduate Kentucky: A Community Approach Regional Dropout Prevention Summit committee member, Spring 2010.

White Residential College, Murray State University, Kentucky

• Presented on conflict resolution skills for Conflict Management Program for residents, September 2, 2009.

• Follow-up on student leadership group, March 2, 2009.

• Led student leadership group to help resolve underlying issues that inhibited cohesion, October 27, 2008.

Future Educators Association Regional Conference, MSU, Kentucky

• Volunteer to judge middle/high school student created scrapbooks focused on “Preparing for a Successful College Career/College Life,” September 30, 2009.

Guidance and Counseling Alternative Certification, MSU, Kentucky

• Volunteer to observe three regional professionals seeking Alternative Certification in School Counseling, Fall, 2008 – Spring, 2009.

Murray – Calloway County Area, Kentucky

Murray-Calloway County Area Tech, Kentucky

• Volunteer for local 4th grade student Career Day visits, March 26 – 27, 2009.

Calloway County High School, Murray, Kentucky

• Volunteer for Calloway County High School Career Awareness Mock Interview Day, December 4, 2008.

KATE, Murray State University, Kentucky

• Volunteer for Student Technology Leadership Program showcase, December 3, 2008.

Rogers Public Schools, Arkansas

English as Second Language Academy and Crossroads Alternative School

• Mental health presentations to student population: managing stress, importance of good mental health.

• Physical health presentations to student population: awareness of tobacco messages in advertisement, dangers of substance abuse.

August 2003 – May 2004


Thorn, A. R. & Contreras, S. (2005). Counseling Latino Immigrants in Middle School. Journal of Professional School Counseling, 9(2), 167-170.

Manuscripts in Preparation or Review

Bloomdahl, S. C. (in preparation). The effect of language program type on Latino immigrant adolescent self-esteem.

Bloomdahl, S. C., & Navan, J. (under review). Student leadership in a residential college: From dysfunction to effective collaboration.

Bloomdahl, S. C., & Patterson, L. (in preparation). Administrative relationships: The school counselor and the principal.

Lee, S. M., Bloomdahl, S. C., Thorn, A. R., Ha, J., Nam, S. K., & Lee, J. (under review). Parent involvement in school: English speaking versus Spanish speaking families.


Bakes, A. S., Bloomdahl, S. C., Gitonga, S. K. & Patel, S. H. Finding a Theory that Fits. Interest session for the Kentucky Counseling Association 53rd Annual Conference, October 21, 2010.

Bloomdahl, S. C. Self-Esteem in Latino Immigrant Students. Interest session for the Kentucky Counseling Association 53rd Annual Conference, October 21, 2010.

Contreras, S. Graduate Student in Counseling Organizational Meeting. Chair for student organization for the 60th Annual Arkansas Counseling Association Conference, November 10, 2005.

Contreras, S. Graduate Student Organizational Meeting. Chair for student organization for the 59th Annual Arkansas Counseling Association Conference, November 3, 2004.

Contreras, S. School Counseling: Showing Productivity in the School System. Presentation for the 59th Annual Arkansas Counseling Association Conference, November 5, 2004.

Contreras, S. Dynamics of Teaching Substance Abuse Issues to Hispanic Adolescents. Presentation for the 58th Annual Arkansas Counseling Association Conference, November 14, 2003.


Bakes, A. S., Patel, S. H., Bloomdahl, S. C., & Gitonga, S. K. Practical applications of counseling theories. Invited panel speaker for the Western Kentucky Counseling Association Fall Meeting, August 27, 2010.

Contreras, S. Dangers of Substance Abuse in Adolescents. Workshop for Crossroads Alternative School, Rogers, Arkansas, November 5, 2003.


College of Education Faculty Incentive Grant, $2000 – June, 2009.


Kentucky Counseling Association 53rd Annual Conference, Louisville, KY – October 20-22, 2010

Banner Training - Submitting Grades, MSU, KY – September 29, 2009

CTLT Teaching and Technology Forum 2009, MSU, KY – September 23-24, 2009

Western Kentucky Counseling Association Conference, MSU, KY – September 4, 2009

Blended Learning Workshop, MSU, KY – July 29, 2009

Digital Measures Workshop, MSU, KY – April 24, 2009

Western Kentucky Counseling Association Conference, Lake Barkley, KY – March 19- 20, 2009

Web Registration and Advising Training, MSU, KY – March 9, 2009

Tenure and Promotion Workshop, MSU, KY – March 4, 2009

Office 2007 Training, MSU, KY – January 9, 2009

Elluminate Workshop, MSU, KY – September 15, 2008

Western Kentucky Counseling Association Conference, MSU, KY – September 12, 2008

ITV Training, MSU, KY – August 19, 2008

Submitting Assignments and Gradebook Workshop, MSU, KY – August 13, 2008

Blackboard Basics Workshop, MSU, KY – August 13, 2008


Murray State University


Group Processes

Introduction to Guidance and Counseling

Effective Practices in School Counseling

Administration and Organization of Personnel Services

Behavioral Assessment and Intervention

Human Development

Advanced Practicum

Group Counseling


University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The Helping Relationship

Classroom Human Relations Skills


- Bilingual in Spanish and English.

- Language proficiency in Italian

- Elementary knowledge of German and French.


• Rene Matos Scholarship – The National Hispanic Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees, Fall 2003

• “Noted by a student, or students, as making a difference in their university experience.” - from the Office of the Vice Chancellor, University of Arkansas, May 2004