East Jackson Comprehensive High School
Algebra I and Honors Algebra I
Teacher: Breesa Crocker
Phone Number: 706-336-8900(please call between 1:30 and 2:00 PM)
Email: Webpage:
Notifications: Sign up for Remind 101 by texting the following:
Honors Algebra IAlgebra I
Text to this number: 81010Text to this number: 81010
Text this message: @e8989Text this message: @00e93
Grading Policy
The grading of your work should be an indication of what you learn in mathematics.
Your final grade for Algebra I at the end of the semesteris divided into two separate categories. Course work will count for 80% of the final grade and the EOC will count for 20% of the final grade. The box below contains the weights for each unit that will be used to calculate the course work average.
**Students and parents may check their grade at any time using Campus Portal.
**Extra credit may be given on tests and quizzes from time to time. No individual extra credit will be given.
**Tutoring sessions are held onTuesday of each week from 3:15-3:45 or by appointment.
You will need at least a 2” 3-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, and graphing paper. It is very important that you bring your notebook to class each day and that you take your notebook home each evening that you have homework. Your notebook will be your main resource for the class; please take detailed notes daily! All assignments in Algebra I should be completed with pencil only. Students may want to purchase a scientific calculator in order to assist with homework. The math department recommends the following: TI-30XS Multiview. Graphing calculators will be provided for students to use during class and on the EOC. It is NOT the expectation that students purchase a graphing calculator. Cell phones cannot be used during class as a calculator.
Good attendance is essential to being successful in this course. It is strongly recommended that students miss no more than five days per semester; this is consistent with the elementary and middle school attendance policies as well. Tardiness will not be tolerated and the school policy for tardies will be followed closely. EJCHS will be implementing a new policy in which a student will not receive credit for the course if he or she has 8 or more unexcused absences. After the 7th unexcused absence, a student will have the opportunity to attend either “Zero” period (7:00 am – 7:50 am) or detention (3:15 – 4:15); however, he or she must attend within 5 days of the 8th absence in order to receive credit for attending.
Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. All notes missed should be obtained from another student. Students will have a one week period upon the return to school to complete the work missed which is the policy of EJCHS. If a student is absent when a test or quiz is given, the student needs to make arrangements with the teacher for a make-up time before or after school or use study hall during lunch. After the one week period, the grade will become a zero if it is not made up. All make-up work must be completed within the grading period that it was due; students will not be allowed to complete work that was due in January at the end of the semester in May.
In the case of inclement weather, students will be required to complete assignments at home in order to receive credit for missed days. The assignment can be found on my website (see above) under the ICE PACK tab.
1. Be on time.
2. Be prepared – have all necessary materials (notebook and pencil).
3. Follow all instructions/directions.
4. Be respectful of others.
5. Follow all rules stated by EJCHS and the Board of Education.
1. Verbal warning/Student conference
2. Parent contact
3. Detention
4. Referral to administrator
***Any severe disruption will result in an immediate administrative referral.
***Electronic devices should not be out during instruction or testing time. Students may use
such devices from time to time with teacher permission.