The Church at HorseshoeBay
Board of Trustees
Minutes of the December 10, 2013Meeting
Present: Alan Barrows,Claudia Bird, Beverly Brascom, Larry Canter, Pete ChristyGeneva Dalton, Bill Edwards, Garry Kesler, Fred Klingensmith,Mike Maine, Wayne Ratisseau,Kena Richert,Jeff Robinson, Michele Shackelford, Larry Sherwood, G.A. Smith, Carolyn Thornton,Johnny White
Absent: Mary Agnes Rudd,Elsie Thurman
Guests: Jim Jorden, Carol Young
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Robinsonat 9:00 a.m. and opened with a prayer by Pete Christy.
The first item of business was the approval of the minutes from the November 19, 2013 Board of Trustees meeting. Mike Mainemade a motion to approve the minutes and Michele Shackelfordseconded. All approved and the motion carried.
The next item of business was the review of the November financial statements. Alan Barrows made a motion to approve the November financial statements and Beverly Brascom seconded. All approved and the motion carried.
Jim Jorden, Chairman of the Pastor Search Committee, reported that the committee met on November 19 and they recommend and request approval of the “Charge to the ad hoc Pastor Search Committee” Attachment 1 which is attached to these minutes. Jim Jorden made a motion to approve the “Charge to the ad hoc Pastor Search Committee” as per Attachment 1 and Alan Barrows seconded. All approved and the motion carried.
The committee will make monthly reports to the Board of Trustees and to the congregation and will publish the report in the newsletter in order to keep all members up to date and informed. Minutes from the November 19, 2013 Pastor Search Committee meeting are attached to these minutes.
The next item of business was the approval of the proposed slate of candidates for nominees for Board of Trustees as recommended by the Nominating Committee. Carolyn Thornton made a motion to approve David Hart, Michael Maine, Carolyn Thornton, Kay Tyler and Linda Wilson as new Trustees and Alan Barrows as the new Endowment Board Chairman for a three year term. Beverly Brascom seconded the motion and all approved. The motion carried.
Carolyn Thornton made a motion to approve the disbursement of $2,000 in unallocated Benevolence funds as requested in the Benevolence Committee report which is attached to these minutes. Alan Barrows seconded the motion and all approved. The motion carried.
The last item of business was the approval of the Ministerial Housing Allowances as per the document attached to these minutes. Mike Maine made a motion to approve the Ministerial Housing Allowances as submitted and Alan Barrows seconded. All approved and the motion carried.
Pastors Reports: The pastors submitted individual reports to the Trustees by e-mail.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15a.m. with a closing prayer by Johnny White and the Trustees convened into Executive Session.
The Trustees adjourned the Executive Session and reconvened to regular session. The following minutes were recorded by Corporate Secretary, Geneva Dalton.
A motion was made by Fred Klingensmith to look further into GuideStone-a structure for dealing with church benefits, employees, life insurance, benefits and retirement. Carolyn Thornton seconded the motion. All approved and the motion carried.
Next a motion was made by Fred Klingensmith to approve the amended Personnel Committee report. Wayne Ratisseau seconded the motion. All approved and the motion carried.
Lastly, a motion was made by Larry Canter to commend the personnel committee for their work and judgment in the development of the Personnel Committee report Alan Barrows seconded this motion. All approved and the motion carried
The next Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 9:00 am with an additional Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 9:00 am which will include the newly elected Trustees.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Logan
Church Secretary