Background and Implementation plan
1.1The University has for many years operated an annual monitoring process known as Academic Health, which is designed to assure the University that academic standards are secure and that the quality of our provision meets fully the needs of our students and other stakeholders. The process has typically taken the form of an annual event, building on reports generated at module, course and school level. A detailed review of the process was commenced in 2014-15, under the direction of PVC Professor Stephen Denyer. The review group included academic membership from across the University, Students’ Union representation, and relevant professional services staff.
1.2The review group identified a number of changes to the existing process which are set out below:
- A revised timetable of activity, with an earlier completion point and improved dialogue between those producing academic health reports and those scrutinizing them
- Improved reporting templates
- A greater focus on effective action plans managed through the academic year to engender an improved focus on enhancement
- Revisions to the core data set
- Introduction of trend data and withdrawal of ‘exception reporting’
- The development of improved subject benchmarks to provide external as well as internal comparators
- Improved sharing of module information where modules are shared across departments and schools
1.3Implementation will be phased, with Phase 1 changes taking immediate effect for provision delivered directly by the University during 2014/15. These include:
- Revised timetable (mainly impacting on the summative event)
- Revised templates (for module, course/programme and school levels)
- Revised action plans and action plan review process (required at school level and available for module and course/programme levels)
- Revised scrutiny process (at school level)
- Some changes to data (mainly at school level)
- Publication of outcomes to students (at school level)
1.4Phase 2 will be undertaken during 2015/16 and includes:
- Further data developments
- Development of subject-specific benchmarking
- Review of timings in relation to undergraduate and postgraduate provision
- Further work on the timing and flow of Academic Health activity across the year
- Development of an information and report repository
- Integration of partner colleges into the revised process
2.1Following agreement at the May 2015 of Academic Standards Committee to proceed with the first phase of implementation of the revised Academic Health process, this document sets out the required actions.
2.2.1Report templates
Final versions of reporting templates to be produced and mounted on SharePoint.
2.2.2Action plan templates
Final versions of action plan templates and guidance to be produced and mounted on SharePoint.
2.2.3Guidance and procedural notes
- Core process and timeline to be finalized and published on SharePoint.
- Heads of School, School Administrative Managers and Academic Services teams to be sent process and timeline by email
2.3.1Institutional Data Set (IDS)
Agreed publication for w/c 17 August 2015 to include additional column on clearing data but restricted to 3 year data set at this run. A verification run will be undertaken at end of August to ensure data are robust.
2.3.2Standard School Data Set
Revisions to structure to be made by SPPO to move to trend reporting. Structural work ongoing and initial data tests undertaken on publication of the IDS.
2.3.3Module reports
Work is being undertaken to produce module reports showing basic trend and comparative data. These will only be available post-examination boards. A publication site is required to enable staff to access them. Propose a mini-site is established on SharePoint or publish via InfoView. Both will require some technical and administrative support to facilitate staff access. Further discussion required.
To facilitate the circulation of module reports to all courses who access the module, Academic Services is exploring creating an accessible repository. This is unlikely to be in place for 2014-15. Separate information on distributing module reports will therefore be circulated.
2.4Peer Scrutiny Panels
- Panel members to be appointed - ASC members to be identified.
- Memo to be sent to Heads of School asking for a member of their SCAC/School Board to be nominated (cannot be same as ASC member)
- Appointments to be completed by end of July 2015
- Workshop to be arranged for early September (dates and support to be agreed)
2.5University event
- Revised date to be confirmed and added to committee calendar/circulated (propose 24/11/2015)
- Attendance of University event to be agreed (e.g. ASC + Peer Panel + Heads)
- Further work to be undertaken with UBSU on including a student forum as part of the event (or separate event)
- Structure of event to be agreed
Awards offered by the Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) are subject to separate processes governed by joint agreements with the University of Sussex. An annual report from BSMS is submitted to the University of Brighton.
Consideration to improving the alignment across the two universities will be undertaken during 2015-16.
2.7Publication of outcomes
- Publication strategy for approving and publishing summary outcomes and action plans to be agreed.
- Aim for publication post November Academic Health meeting.
- Publication to be student-facing.