Study Guide: Unit 3 Test (World History)

1.What are the main reasons the Industrial Revolution began in England?
2.Which industry launched the Industrial Revolution?
3.Which innovation led to an increase in cloth production at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
4.Robert Fulton pioneered which new method of transportation?
5.What were the new methods of production during the Second Industrial Revolution?
6.What were the sources of energy introduced during the late 1800s?
7.What were the human costs of industrialization?
8. What best explains why the Industrial Revolution led to a larger middle class?
9.What were the beliefs of Robert Owen?
10.Why did Karl Marx believe that capitalism would be overthrown?
11.How did the work of Louis Pasteur help improve the quality of life for people during the Industrial Revolution?
12.What led to the rise of mass entertainment during the late 1800s?
13.Which prompted European imperialism in the late nineteenth century?
14.What were the reasons for European imperialism in the late nineteenth century?
15.Specifically, what was the impact of European imperialism on the people of Africa?
16.Which led the British government to shut down the East India Company and rule India directly?
17.How did Britain seek to correct its balance of trade with China?
18.What were the goals of Sun Yat-sen in calling for revolution in China?
19.What were the arguments that were used to justify Japanese imperial expansion?
20.Which belief/s did many Americans use to justify the U.S. takeover of the Philippines?
21.To which reform movement did Frederick Douglass devote his life?
22.What were the reasons urban planning began?(Points : 3)