Students’ Union

Associate Membership

Dear Applicant,

Associate Membership of the Students’ Union is available to:

1. Employees of the Union

2. Employees of the College

3. Staff or students of other colleges and universities

4. Individual members of Union recognised clubs or societies in the local community

5. Any individual who is granted membership by the Executive Committee (this requires a majority vote at an Executive Committee Meeting)


The benefits of Associate Membership

Upon receiving your Associate Membership card, the facilities, entertainments and commercial services here at the Students’ Union will be entirely at your disposal and Associate Members are also eligible to join sports clubs and societies in a non-competitive capacity (for further details, please contact Andrew Steadman, Membership Services Manager).

With the possession of your Associate Membership card you will also be able to sign one guest to accompany you in using our facilities upon producing valid photographic identification.

How to gain Associate Membership

Associate Membership is FREE. All you need to do is fill in the details below and hand them in to the Students’ Reception along with two passport sized photographs – it’s as simple as that.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Students’ Union soon!

With best wishes for the future,

Nayab Cheema

President: Education & Campaigns


I would like to apply for Associate Membership of the

Students’ Union and agree to abide by the membership

rules laid down in the Constitution of SURHUL

Please enclose two passport sized Photographs (colour photocopy acceptable)

NAME: ………………………………………………………………………….

ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………………………..

POSTCODE: ……………………………………………………………………

EMAIL: ………….................................................................. Signature:…………………………………..

Students’ Union

Life Membership

Dear Graduate,

Throughout your time here at Royal Holloway, University of London, I hope that you have taken advantage of the services and facilities offered to you by the Students’ Union, and that these have considerably enhanced your student experience as well as complemented your academic study. Nevertheless, now that you have finished your time here as a student, there is no reason why you shouldn’t continue to enjoy membership of this Students’ Union.

The benefits of Life Membership

Upon receiving your Life Membership card, the facilities, entertainments and commercial services here at the Students’ Union will be entirely at your disposal and life members are also eligible to join sports clubs and societies in a non-competitive capacity (for further details, please contact Andrew Steadman, Membership Services Manager).

How to gain Life Membership

Life Membership costs just £10 and this covers administration costs and enables us to help subsidise marketing and events. All you need to do is fill in the details below and hand them in to the Students’ Reception along with two passport sized photographs – it’s as simple as that.

I look forward to welcoming you back to the Students’ Union soon!

With best wishes for the future,

Nayab Cheema

President: Education & Campaigns


I would like to apply for Ordinary Life Membership of the

Students’ Union and agree to abide by the membership

rules laid down in the Constitution of SURHUL.


Please enclose two passport sized

Photographs (colour photocopy acceptable) and payment of £10

ADDRESS: (Please make cheques payable to SURHUL)

POSTCODE …………………………………………………………….

EMAIL: ………………………........................................... Signature:………………………………………………………….