Guidelines and Procedures
Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation
Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation
Educator Initiative Program (EIP)
Guidelines for Grant Applications
The Educator Initiative Program (EIP) is designed to encourage, facilitate, recognize, and reward innovative and creative instructional approaches to the accomplishment of classroom program objectives.
Persons Eligible to Apply for Grants:
Individuals or teams of individuals employed by the Clovis Municipal Schools who are involved in the instruction of students or related support services benefiting students.
Eligible Proposals:
Instructional approaches or projects designed to begin and end during the current or upcoming school year and which meet the selection criteria.
Award of Funds:
Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to individual teacher initiated programs or projects. Grants of up
to $5,000 will be awarded to campus teams, departments, and district initiated programs or projects.
Only one grant per school will be awarded per grant cycle. If agrant is judged to beexceptional by the CMS Foundation Board,the amount of a grant can be extended beyond the $5000 limit.
The number of awards will depend on funds available from the Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation.
Due Date:
All grant applications should be submitted to the Deputy Superintendent of Instruction’s office by close of business on announced suspense date. Grants will be due the first week of October. Specific dates will be provided by the Foundation Executive Director to the Principals and Teachers at the beginning of each school year.
Selection Criteria:
- The degree to which the proposal addresses important classroom program objectives.
- The degree to which the proposal represents a creative or innovative approach to the accomplishment of teaching objectives.
- The degree to which sound evaluation procedures are incorporated in the proposal.
- The degree to which the proposal is clear and logical, including: (a) specificity of objectives; (b) clarity of description of instructional procedures, methods, or treatments; and (c) correspondence among evaluative procedures, objectives, and treatments
Selection Process
- Application forms may be obtained at the CMS Foundation Web Site:
2. Teacher initiated applications must be reviewed and signed by the principal.
3. Signed applications are due to the Deputy Superintendent of Instruction who will annotate on the front of the application the date grant was received.
4. Applications will be reviewed and commented on by the Grant Application Review Committee made up of the following members:
- A minimum of five Foundation Directors appointed by the President of the
Foundation Board of Directors
- Deputy Superintendent
- Others as determined by the Foundation Board of Directors
5. Grant Committee will meet in person and discuss each application. Upon review of all grant requests, the Grant Committee will select winning packages based on meeting selection criteria, quality of package, and availability of funds.
6. If recommended for approval, the application is presented to the Foundation Board of Directors in summary form for review and formal approval.
7. Applicants will be notified of the Foundation’s decisions.
Guidelines for Completing the Application:
To determine if the project is appropriate for this grant process, you must be able to answer ‘yes’ to following questions:
-Is it important to learning?
-Is it research-based?
-Are the results measurable?
-Can it be done?
-Is it practical?
-Is it new for you? (If you are seeking recognition for something already completed, it is inappropriate.)
Cover Page:
TITLE: Keep as short as possible while still providing a description of request
Example: Project Title:Lewis and Clark Thematic Unit
NAMES and SIGNATURES: Ensure printed names are legible.
SCHOOL(S): List all schools that will benefit from this request.
GRADE(S): List all grades that will benefit from the request.
SUBJECT(S): List only the subject(s) that will benefit from the request.
PRIMARY TARGET POPULATION: Mark an “X” in appropriate field and if possible, include the
number of people that will benefit from this grant request.
IMPLEMENTATION DATES: Provide the date program will be implemented through estimated
completion date.
SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL: Signature of Principal not only indicates approval of request but that the
package has been reviewed, and that it is a quality product.
-Provide a brief statement (less than 100 words) about the project or program you wish to implement.
-Ensure this is a stand-alone commentary that accurately and succinctly describes your request.
Statement of Purpose:
-Tell what you hope to achieve. (e.g. what will be different or better if the project is successful)
-State only what you can reasonably expect to achieve.
-Keep the statement simple and straightforward. Avoid the use of educational jargon or acronyms.
Statement of Rationale--Address the Following:
-The problem or issue addressed
-How the project supports the purpose
-Limit the number of objectives.
-Write SMART objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results–oriented, Time-bound (or relative).
Instructional Procedures:
-Be specific.
-List steps.
-Relate to purpose and objectives.
-Relate to stated objectives.
-Indicate how you will evaluate the project to determine its success (i.e., provide a quantitative measure).
Partners in Project:
-If other schools, businesses, or community agencies will be included in project or program, state which agencies or schools will be involved.
-Provide information as to how partners will be involved in project or program.
- This is one of the more important sections of the application. Ensure it is complete and accurate.
-Provide specific name for each item, name of vendor, quantity requested, and total cost of each item.
- Provide total cost for overall program or project at end of individual list
Budget Item / Vendor / Quantity / Budget Amount ($) / Total Cost20 Gallon Aquarium / Wal-Mart / 1 / $102.36 / $102.36
Microscopes / Discover This / 6 / $39.99 / $239.94
TOTAL: / $342.30
EIP Grant Application Cover Page
Project Title:
Name/s and signature/s of all applicants associated with this grant application
(Print Name) (Signature)
School(s) involved in project:
Grade(s) involved in project:
Subject(s) involved in project:
Primary target population to be served (indicate group with an “X”):
Students Number of students served:
Parents Number of parents served:
Teachers Number of teachers served:
Implementation Dates: / Beginning: / Ending:I have reviewed this grant application and determined it is a quality package that meets the intended purposes and objectives as stated in the Grant Guidelines and Procedures.
If this grant includes technology purchases the advance approval of the Chief Technology Officer is required.
Signature of Chief Technology Officer:______Date: ______
Signature of Principal:______Date: ______
No More Than 100 Words:Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation
Educator Initiative Program Application
Project Title:
Purpose: (What do you hope to achieve?)
Rationale: (What is the problem or issues and how will your project support the purpose?)
Objectives: (SMART: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Results-Oriented, Time-Bound or Relevant)
Description of Instructional Procedures, Methods (if applicable), or Activities which will be utilized:
Project Evaluation: (State how you will evaluate project to determine its success.)
Identify any school or community partners involved in the project and their respective role(s):
Date of Implementation:
Project Budget: (Follow the example shown.)
Budget Item / Vendor / Quantity / Budget Amount ($) / Total Cost______
Principal's Signature
(For Grant Committee Use Only)
Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation
Criteria for Grant Approval
Grant Application No.______Evaluator______
Project Title and Description______
Rate Each Item 1-10 Using the Following Scale
- The purpose is clearly stated. ______
- The project improves student learning. (It is broadly applicable and replicable.) ______
- The project directly relates to the CMS District Strategic Plan.______
- The project specifically aligns with NM Standards and Benchmarks and is ______
supported by research.
- Objectives are specifically stated and are measurable. ______
- Objectives are feasible (time, resources, etc.)______
- Activities/procedures are specifically stated and directly
relate to the purpose and objectives. ______
- A specific budget has been included and is justified. ______
- Measurable criteria are used. ______
- Measures directly relate to objectives and activities. ______
Prepared by Foundation Development Consultants
Proprietary Information