GPS Physical Education:

**Students must be seated when the bell rings to start class.

Locker room rules:

  • No food or drink – EVER!!!!
  • You have 6 minutes to dress, use the rest room and lock your locker.
  • Donot bring valuables.
  • This is not your main locker, donot use this room other than your PE hour.
  • Students are only allowed in the locker rooms immediately before and after their physical education class period - no other times during the day.

Boys only: Students have two options for locker room locks. 1) Bring in a combination lock from home OR 2) borrow a lock from the PE department – student must pay a $10 deposit on this lock – the $10 is refunded upon return of the lock at the end of the school year.

All items of value should be left at home. If such items are brought to school, they must be locked up in the locker. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

  1. Philosophy: Bodies in Motion
  2. There are no spectators at any time.
  3. Everyone dresses every day – no exceptions.
  4. If you forget any uniform parts we will give you what you need for that day – ask early.
All students will be engaged in some type of physical activity daily.

Avoid making counseling/dentist/ortho appointments during PE class - the time must be made up.

  • Use the rest room before or after class – no privileges will be given during class except extreme emergencies.
  1. Required uniform:
  • Reversible gym shirt gold side out showing name.
  • Navy blue or black shorts or sweat pants.
  • Socks and gym shoes.
  • Only your last name should be written on the front of your shirt. No other writing is permitted. No tearing or other decorative additions to your uniform will be allowed.
  • Outdoor season: sweatshirts and sweatpants should be worn.
  • No hats! No street/school clothes/jeans etc.!!
  • No jewelry.
  • We suggest you keep extra items in your PE locker.
  • OUR CLASSES ARE REDLIGHT CLASSES – cell phones will be confiscated.

If a student refuses to dress, they shall be considered insubordinate and will be referred to the administration.

  1. Curriculum

We stress differentiated programming and cooperative learning when implementing our total physical education program. Both strands of PE9 includepersonal conditioning in all parts of physical fitness: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio endurance and flexibility.

Intro to Team Sports may include(maybe modified) softball, soccer, track, football, badminton, weight training, basketball, volleyball, CPR.

Intro to Lifetime and Leisure may include walking, yoga, zumba, badminton, games, training center, swimming, CPR

Swimming unit: If a student chooses not to participate they will not pass that quarter. Clean swimsuits are available from the physical education office; however, most students prefer to bring their own suits. No two piece suits are allowed. Students must provide their own towels.


  1. Grading

All students have an opportunity for an "A". An A+ is awarded for exemplary effort. The Physical Education department uses a point system based on participation,attitude, effort and attendance. Students are graded daily on that point system. This is a participation class. If a student misses class and the absence is excused, they should see their teacher to schedule an opportunity to make up the points. Some assessments are measured according to the Presidential Physical Fitness Standards.

  1. Other Physical Education Department Policies

Medical excuses:A doctor’s note is required(family doctor not a relative) when it is necessary for a student to be excused from all or part of the Physical Education requirement for an extended period of time. For serious injuries, a student will be assigned to a tutorial until the injury is healed and the doctor sends a note to OK participation. For less serious injuries, the student will be asked to dress and they will be given a modified activity for the day. Please make sure the teacher has knowledge of and documentation for any pre-existing medical conditions. We want to be able to give the proper first aid should that become necessary.

Student Signature:

Parent Signature: