Student Technology Fee Committee Charter and Standard Operating Guidelines
Revised 6.29.2012 - sj

Student Technology Fee Committee Charter and Standard Operating Guidelines

I. Purpose

The purpose of this charter is to provide clear guidelines to the Student Technology Fee Committee for the effective administration of student technology funds collected at Olympic College. The committee shall be responsible for recommending the distribution of funds for the purpose of providing/improving student access to technological equipment and services.

II. Use of Funds

Student technology fees and all associated revenue which is generated, are to be used as otherwise provided by law, rule or regulation of the Board of Trustees for the express purpose of advancing the use of technology by students. As per RCW.28B.15.051 student technology fees are collected to provide equipment and services for general student use. Appropriate uses are identified below:

A. Expand student access to current technology

B. Strengthen existing student computing resources and facilities

C. Improve student access to the Internet and world-wide information resources

D. Fund student worker salaries that support open computer labs

E. Provide video and related multimedia services in high-use student areas

F. Provide access to Olympic College resources from home computers

G. Provide additional technological services as determined by the Committee for general student use.

III. Limitations

Expenditures of Student Technology Fee funds must be in accordance with the established requirements of Olympic College policies as well as federal and state statutes. Specific limitations include but are limited to the following:

A. STF funds cannot be utilized for programs, personnel, facilities, equipment, and services that sustain instructional or institutional operations except for IT resources necessary to support items used by general student population.

B. STF expenditures approved by the Committee must be allocated from existing funds.

IV. Membership

A. The Olympic College Student Technology Fee Committee shall consist of the following eleven voting members including six (6) students and five (5) Olympic College staff members. Additional members without voting privileges may be assigned in an advisory capacity.

B. Three student members (voting) will be ASOC Leadership Team members and three additional students will be assigned from the ASOC Executive Council or from students at large.

C. Staff members will include: two (2) faculty members, one (1) classified staff member, the IT Technical Services Manager, and the Vice-President of Instruction. These members will be selected from their constituencies.

D. There will be four non- voting staff members on the Committee including the Vice-President of Administrative Services, the Vice-President of Student Services, the Director of Multicultural and Student Programs, and the IT Secretary Senior.

E. The Information Technology Secretary Senior will record and distribute the minutes of each meeting.

F. The Chair position will be held by the ASOC Vice President of Finance and Operations. The Vice-Chair will be elected from the Committee membership.

V. Meetings

A. The Committee shall meet at least once per month, to review proposals for funding from the Student Technology Fee. Additional or emergency meetings may be convened only upon request of the ASOC Executive Council or Information Technology representatives.

B. To conduct official business there must be a quorum present of at least one more than half of the current voting committee members with a student majority.

C. Meeting procedures will follow parliamentary procedures as detailed in Robert’s Rules of Order

D. All votes to approve a motion, expenditure, granting of funds, or request will require a simple majority.

E. Any amendments to this document will require a two thirds majority vote.

F. Proxy votes by any voting member of this Committee shall be counted as long as they are submitted in writing to the chair or vice-chair prior to the meeting at which they will be used. Proxy votes shall not be used for the purpose of determining a quorum.

G. The first annual meeting will be held in the fall quarter and will include an orientation for new members, appointment of the chair and election of vice chair from the pool of non-voting associate members.

H. The Committee will review the projected collection of technology fees for the upcoming academic year at the final meeting of Spring Quarter.

I. The Information Technology Manager will present the following year’s proposed budget for approval at the final Student Technology Fee Committee meeting of Spring Quarter.

VI. Request for Allocation of Funds

A.  Requests for allocation of funds will be brought to the Student Technology Fee Committee by the Information Technology Manager and ASOC Vice President of Finance. The IT Manager will present requests proposed by College departments for general student use and the ASOC VP of Finance will present requests from students.

B.  Requests must be in writing within 10 business days to be considered at the next Student Technology Fee Committee meeting.

VII. Recording Responsibility

It shall be the responsibility of the Director of Multicultural and Student Programs and Director of Information Technology to maintain current copies of financial transactions of Student Technology fee funds. Administrative Services will be responsible for procuring payment for authorized expenditures.

VIII. Expenditure Authorization

A. All standard operating expenditures beyond the approved annual operating budget shall be presented to the Student Tech Fee Committee for approval.

B. Approved Student Technology Fee funded projects shall not exceed their cost allocation unless additional approval is obtained from the Student Tech Fee Committee.

C. The Student Technology Fee Committee can approve a discretionary allocation of funds for urgent need expenditures. These expenditures (if any) will be managed by the current Information Technology Director or Technical Services.

IX. Fee Structure

The Student Technology Fee is a quarterly fee set at $3.50 per credit, applicable only to the first ten credits for which a student is registered. The Student Technology Fee will automatically continue to be collected unless the Student body votes to discontinue assessing the fee and that decision is approved by the Board of Trustees.

X. Amendments and Revisions

Amendments or revisions to the charter and guidelines that have been approved by a two thirds majority of Committee members will be submitted to the President’s Cabinet for consideration. Amendments and revisions approved by the President’s Cabinet will become effective immediately unless specifically stated otherwise.

Revision date: 6-29-2012 sjPage 1