Name:________________________________ Block:________

Sparta VS. Athens

Directions: Below you will find four primary source documents. Use your knowledge of World History 1, and the documents provided, to answer the following question in essay format.

Steps to writing a DBQ Essay:

Step 1: Read all of the documents provided

Step 2: Read the question you are going to answer

Step 3: Create an outline to organize your argument

Step 4: Use the documents to support your argument


Although there were over 100 city states or poleis (plural of polis) in ancient Greece, the Hellenic world was polarized between the states of Sparta and Athens. Although both states temporarily allied to halt the Persian invasions, their rivalries were too fundamental to make them permanent friends. Tension between Sparta and Athens had been building for years. Many people in both cities thought conflict was unavoidable. Instead of trying to avoid war, leaders on both sides began to press for a war to begin while they thought their own city had the advantage. Finally, in 431 BC, the Spartans marched into Athenian territory.

Document 1:

Below is an excerpt from Herodotus’ work called “Histories”. This excerpt is an exchange between Demaratus, ex-king of Sparta, and Xerxes of Persia, in which Demaratus describing Sparta’s military might. It was written in the 5th century BCE.

Document 2:

Below is an excerpt from Pericles, the Athenian leader during the Peloponnesian War. The excerpt is from his Funeral Oration for the Fallen Athenians, in the 5th century B.C.E. He gave this speech at a ceremony commemorating fallen Athenian soldiers.

Document 3:

Below is an excerpt from an Athenian Pamphlet that was circulated during the 5th century BCE. The pamphlet critiqued the Athenian Constitution under Solon.

Document 4:

Below is the speech of a Corinthian Diplomat. The speech was given before the Spartan Assembly in 432 BCE. Corinth was a city-state that was a rival of Athens.

Document 5:

Below is an excerpt from the book, The Constitution of Sparta. It was written by Xenophon, an Athenian Soldier in the 5th century BCE>

Document 6:

Below is a chart showing the population of Athens and Sparta during the 5th Century BC

Document 7:

Below is an excerpt from Aristotle’s work Politics, written in the 4th Century BCE. He discusses Pericles, the Athenian ruler of the 5th century BCE.

How to write a good DBQ

Below is an outline you can use to help you write your essay.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

1. Answer the question: How briefly do Athens and Sparta compare?





2. Briefly describe what points you will discuss in your paper (3)





Paragraph 2: What do Athens and Sparta have in common?

What documents will you use? __________________________________________________

Why, what do they show? ______________________________________________________________



Paragraph 3: How do Athens and Sparta differ?

What documents will you use? __________________________________________________

Why, what do they show? ______________________________________________________________



Paragraph 4: Conclusion

What did you just prove in your essay?

