Graduate Scholarship Application Guidelines

Iota Lambda Sigma encourages its membership to pursue advanced studies for the purpose of improving themselves professionally. The Grand Chapter awards one $500.00 scholarship annually for one year of full-time or part-time enrollment to promote study in the field of workforce development and career and technical education. The applicant must pursue advanced professional study in a related workforce or career and technical education curriculum at the graduate level. The Grand Chapter's guidelines to be used in making the selection for Scholarship Recipients are as follows:

  1. Only deserving applicants should be considered. The scholarship should not be awarded just because it is available.
  2. The applicant must be a member in good standing of a chapter of Iota Lambda Sigma.
  3. In order to be considered for the scholarship, applicants must:
  4. Complete the Scholarship Application.
  5. Forward two letters of support from professionals who can attest to the character, academic potential, and professionalism of the applicant. One letter must be from the student’s graduate academic advisor certifying that the applicant is enrolled in an approved graduate program.
  6. Have the application approved and signed by an officer of the local chapter.
  7. Write a letter to the scholarship committee requesting consideration for the scholarship. The letter of request should include:
  8. The contributions the applicant has made to career and technical education or workforce development.
  9. The applicant’s career goals and how the scholarship will assist in reaching them.
  10. Forward all application materials to the Grand Chapter Executive Secretary no later thanJune 1.
  11. Upon receipt by the Grand Chapter Executive Secretary, the application is referred to the Scholarship Committee for consideration. The Scholarship Committee reviews all applications before awarding the scholarship. Factors to be considered in the competitive selection process:
  12. The probability of the applicant making a significant contribution to the profession and to the Society.
  13. Undergraduate and graduate grade point average.
  14. The Grand Chapter Executive Secretary-Treasurer informs each applicant of his or her acceptance or rejection. The Grand Chapter will present the award at the annual Grand Chapter meeting. If the applicant cannot attend this meeting, the check will be sent to the local chapter secretary for presentation at a suitable ceremony.

Iota Lambda Sigma

Graduate Scholarship Application

Applicant’s Name: / Address:
Email: / Telephone:
College or University: / Major:
Undergraduate GPA: / Graduate GPA:
Present Chapter: / Date Initiated:
-- Endorsements --
Chapter Officer: / Signature:
Chapter: / Address:
Phone Number: / Date:

Attach other required or supporting information to this form and submit to by JUNE 1.