Darlington Tennis ClubAnnual General Meeting

Sunday28thAugust 2016

Darlington Tennis Club rooms

Meetingopened 4pm


Lorelle Popperwell, Alex Hoschke, Trevor Folley, Ron Stuurstraat, Lee Oliver, Phyllis Watson, Glen Whisson, Terry Hoschke, Brendon Thompson, Aimone Villani, Brad Huppatz, Vanessa Busby, Shaun Meredith, Faye Jackson, Rose Rudeforth, Barry Skeates, Aaron Whittred, Daniel Morisey, Zane Moran, Drew Popperwell, Kate McConigley, Ian Morris, Peter Lind.


Paula Wood, Tony & Cathy Middis, John Paxman, Ian Scrimshaw, Reilly Donoghoe, Nkky Brock.

Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting

The minutes were of the last AGM were circulated and accepted as a true and correct record.

moved:Trevorseconded: Leecarried

President’s Report

Lorelle presented the report - see attachment 1

Treasurer’s report

Ron presented the audited accounts - see attached. He proposed that the annual membership fee and ball fees should stay the same. The accounts were audited by Betty Pitcher.

The treasurer’s report was accepted as a true and correct record.


It was proposed that Betty Pitcher be paid an Honorarium of $250 for auditing the accounts

moved:Alexseconded: Lorelle

General Business

  • The club is trialling new committee position titles this year as the club membership is high, we have a strong pennants membership, we are running two championships (open and junior) and the load on the committee is increasing. If the new positions are effective, we will vote to change the constitution next year to include the new positions. The committee approved the positions at a general committee meeting on 16th June.
  • Lorelle thanked outgoing committee members Stella, Phyll, Nikky, Dave who have given notice they will not be standing again.
  • Glen thanked Pete Lind, Lorelle and Alex for all their effort in the club renovations and presented them with a bottle of wine each.

Election of new Executive and Committee

Trevor took the role of chairperson and called for nominations for president. Lorelle was nominated and elected, and continued as chairperson.

Postion / Name / Nominated / seconded / Accepted? / vote
President / Lorelle Popperwell / Trevor / Terry / Yes / carried
Vice President / Trevor Folley – declined.
Zane Moran / Alex / Lorelle / Yes / carried
Secretary / Alex Hoschke / Lorelle / Glen / Yes / carried
Treasurer / Ron Stuurstraat / Lorelle / Alex / Yes / carried
Monday morning captain / Faye Jackson / Rose Rutheforth sharing position / Yes
Monday night captain / Paula Wood / Yes (absent)
Tuesday night captain / Shaun Meredith / Yes
Wednesday night captain / Brendon Thompson / Yes
Thursday morning captain / Trevor Folley / Yes
Pennants / junior championship coordinator / Lee Oliver / Yes / carried
Pennants coordinator / junior championships assistant / Aaron Whittred / Yes / carried
Grants / fundraising officer / Vanessa Busby / Yes / carried
Maintenance officer / Brendon Thompson / Yes / carried
Media officer (facebook, website, review etc) / Drew Popperwell / Yes / carried
General committee member / Aimone Villani / Yes / carried

Annual Membership Fee

It was proposed that the annual membership fee and ball fees should stay the same as last year:

Single adult membership: $75 per annum; Family membership: $150 per annum; Junior membership (U18)/ full time student membership (18-25) $40 per annum.

Ball fees: $2 for daytime and $5 for night-time players.

Moved: Ron StuurstraatSeconded: Alex HoschkeVote: Carried

Notice of 1st Committee Meeting

Thursday 15thSeptember 2015, 7.30pm

Meeting closed 4.25pm

Attachment 1 – President’s Report

Darlington Tennis Club AGM

August 28th, 2016

2015/2016 has been a productive year for your Committee. Since joining Tennis West our membership has grown to 163 full members and for 4 courts I think that this is astounding effort.

Pennants can be attributed to our growing numbers. Last Summer we played and won the Men’s Division 5 final and Winter Pennants was represented by 7 teams where the Men were a credible runner up and the U16 Girls got into the final series.

Summer Pennants 2016/17 has 39 players participating to make up 9 teams! It is particularly pleasing to see so many young members joining pennants and keeping the future prospect of our club strong.

In addition to Tennis West affiliation I believe that we can attribute the clubs growth to Lee Oliver and his Band of Coaches. Aaron Whitred, Alana Jennings, Alicia Kluck, Zane Moran, Isabella Lily Moran, Matt Lucas, Remy Spring, Rosie Atkinson, Tiger Morris and Tom Oliver.

The introduction of hitting partners continues to improve the standard of tennis at the club and congratulations must go out to Remy, Emma, Tiger, Jesslyn, and Clare, all finalists at Geraldton while Yuval made it into the super under 10s Competition that required qualifying.

Tom Oliver won the 14U at Mount Lawley in January.

Our weekly competitions have been going strong and I would like to pay a big thank you to our weekly captains. Monday morning Faye, Monday Evening Paula, Tuesday Evening Shaun, Wednesday Evening Brendon and Thursday Morning Trevor.

Well done and thank you goes out to Phyll Watson for being Monday and Thursday daytime captain 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) and a club member for around 25 years. We would like to present you with a small thank you for your continued service.

As you will look around it is a proud moment for me to be part of such a huge undertaking pushing and pulling this old girl “the clubhouse” into 2016. However it is not the building or the renovation that has been remarkable but the even more remarkable people who have given up their time.

While I am scared to even try to name everyone involved there are a few people that I must mention. Peter Lind – thanks for getting this show on the road, the new roof is cooler in so many ways; Alex Hoschke – you never imagined that you would be helping screw down the new deck, while your organisation skills have been impeccable; Aemon from Tuesday night, the number of times that you have given up your Friday and Saturday is much appreciated.

And finally the Committee – I feel that we have gelled together and done a fine job in representing our members and I thank each of you for playing your role off the court, not just in building this beautiful clubhouse but in Trevor for attending so many meetings, all the hours of “discussion” that you wont get back, Ron for keeping our finances in order and Vanessa for organising our first fund raising event.

For the past 12 months, I am so happy to been a part of change, great tennis and fellowship.

Lorelle Popperwell

President 2015/2016

DTC AGM minutes 20161August 28, 2016