Stations of the Cross Diorama

Name: Date:

My station is:

POINTS / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
CATEGORY / Outstanding
Progress / VeryGood
Progress / Good
Progress / Satisfactory
Progress / ImprovementNeeded / Unsatisfactory
Shoebox / Covered neatly in plain paper. Includes student name and scene title. Back wall mural enhances understanding. All sides are covered and depict the scene accurately. Care has been taken in creating the mural. / Covered in plain paper. Includes student name and scene title. Mural well done but may not enhance understanding / Covered in plain paper; student name is included but scene title is missing. Back wall mural carelessly done or does not enhance understanding. / Covered in patterned paper or foil. Student name and scene title are missing. Back wall mural not appropriate. / No attempt to cover box. Student name and scene title are missing. Back wall mural misleading or missing altogether. / Diorama was not finished.
Content / It is easy to see where the scene is taking place. The setting is detailed and clearly represented. / It is easy to see where the scene is taking place, but the setting needs more detail. / You can tell where the scene is taking place but the setting has no detail. / It is difficult to tell where the scene is taking place. / You cannot tell where the scene is taking place. / Diorama was not finished.
Accuracy / The entire scene including details is accurate. / The scene is mostly accurate. / The scene could have been presented more clearly. / It is difficult to tell which Station is being presented. / The diorama does not match the assigned Station of the Cross. / Diorama was not finished.
Creativity / The scene is presented in a very creative way. Materials used are attractive and there is color and 3-D effect. / The scene is presented in a nice, creative way, but there could have been more color and 3-D effect. / The scene is presented, but not in a very appealing way. Little color or 3-D effect was used. / The scene is not presented very well. Minimal materials were used, and there is very little color or anything that stands out. / The diorama was hurried. Materials are bare and there is very little or no color or effect. / Diorama was not finished.
3D Objects or Characters / All objects are clearly related to the scene and easily identified. / The majority of objects are related to the scene and are easily identified. / Most objects are clearly related to the scene and are identifiable with help. / Some objects are clearly related to the scene; most objects are identifiable with help. / Random collection of objects bearing no relationship to the scene, objects may be unidentifiable. / Diorama was not finished.
Neatness / The diorama is done in a very neat, organized way. / The diorama is done in a neat way, but could have been arranged better. / The diorama is fairly neat and organized. / The diorama is slightly messy or disorganized. / The diorama is very messy or hurried / Diorama was not finished.

Final Grade:

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