United States Government

Coach Ciaburri

Alvord High School

Course Description:

U.S. Government is a course designed to develop a greater understanding of the culmination of the civic and governmental content and concepts studied from Kindergarten through required secondary courses.


In United States Government, the focus is on the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded and on the structure, functions, and powers of government at the national, state, and local levels. This course is the culmination of the civic and governmental content and concepts studied from all levels of preparatory education. Students learn major political ideas and forms of government in history. A significant focus of the course is on the U.S. Constitution, its underlying principles and ideas, and the form of government it created. Students analyze major concepts of republicanism, federalism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights and compare the U.S. system of government with other political systems. Students identify the role of government in the U.S. free enterprise system and examine the strategic importance of places to the United States. Students analyze the impact of individuals, political parties, interest groups, and the media on the American political system, evaluate the importance of voluntary individual participation in a constitutional republic, and analyze the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Students examine the relationship between governmental policies and the culture of the United States. Students identify examples of government policies that encourage scientific research and use critical-thinking skills to create a product on a contemporary government issue.

Classroom rules and procedures:

Rule: RESPECT! Students must show RESPECT for adults. Whether it is an administrator, teacher, parent, or guest speaker, I expect students to follow instructions with the utmost RESPECT.

RESPECT for other students. Remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

RESPECT for yourself. This means coming to class on time, prepared and ready to be actively engaged in your learning, whether through in-class assignments, discussion, homework, or studying for exams.


1st Offense- Verbal Warning

2nd Offense- Sent Outside

3rd Offense- “Coach C” Detention and Parent Phone Call

4th Offense- Office Referral

Cell Phone Policy: In accordance with Alvord ISD policy, students are allowed to use technological devices (i.e. cell phones, laptop, and tablet) in the classroom for educational purposes when authorized by the teacher. Students who choose not to use it for educational purposes or without permission will have their devices confiscated. Failure to comply with this rule will result with chargers confiscated and turned into the office.

Food and Drinks: Eating and drinking is not allowed in the classroom. However, water with a secure lid is allowed to be brought into the classroom.

Offenses that could earn a Coach C detention: profanity, disrespecting an adult or another student, using an electronic device without permission, plagiarism or other offenses that do not coincide with rules.

An assignment calendar may be found on my website. I strongly encourage students to check my website for due dates and announcements. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with their assignments and due dates.

Each unit will involve a combination of the following activities: overnight reading assignments, quizzes over reading, cooperative learning activities, essays including document based questions, vocabulary. Each unit will have an assessment, either a test or project, to ensure their mastery of the content and skills. Dates can also be found on the calendar on my website.

*Progress reports will be sent home every 6 weeks for students to take home.

*Parent/Guardian: Please contact me with any questions or concerns! It is encouraged!


Students will need:

·  One composition notebook for notes, maps, graphs, etc., that they will leave in the classroom. It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the student to maintain an organized notebook that they can refer to throughout the year. If the student is absent or misplaces their notebook, they will need to get the material from another student or come to tutoring before or after school.

·  Pencil/Pen- Blue or Black Ink Only!

·  Colored Pencils and Markers

·  Glue Sticks

·  Scissors

·  Kleenex Box

·  1 ream of Paper

·  1 container of Hand Sanitizer

Grading Policy:

Major Grades=40%: tests, essays, projects

Minor Grades=60%: assignments, quizzes, homework

Late work: Late work will be accepted at a grade no higher than 70%. In addition, students will also be required to redo assignments that do not meet a minimum grade of 70%.

Reteach and retest: Students will have the opportunity to retest during tutorial hours, for a maximum grade of a 70%. It the student’s RESPONSIBILITY to come prepared as they will only have one opportunity to retest.

Cheating/Copying another student’s assignment: NOT TOLERATED!! Students caught will receive an automatic zero and an email/phone call home.

Make-up work: It is the student’s responsibility to pick up missed assignments. The student will have time to complete and turn in assignments.

Contact Information:

Parent or guardian, please fill in the following and return to teacher

Student’s Name:______Period #:______

I have read the US. Government Student/Parent letter and I am aware of the policies stated within.

Student’s signature:______Date:______

Legal Guardian’s signature:______Date:______