State Representative, District 20, Position 22-year term
Ed Orcutt
(Prefers Republican Party)
Elected Experience: Serving his sixth two-year term in the House of Representatives, Ed serves on the Transportation Committee; Finance Committee; and Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.
Other Professional Experience: Consulting forester/owner: Cascade Forest Management.
Education: B.S. degree in Forest Management, University of Idaho.
Community Service: An active volunteer even before he was elected to the House, Ed has served as president of the Lions Club, chairman of the Highlander Festival, member of the Columbia Theatre Board, and served as a youth bowling coach
Statement: State Representative Ed Orcutt has earned a reputation in Olympia as an effective, independent leader who works hard to make things happen for the families in Southwest Washington. Ed is a leader in protecting natural resource-based jobs, property rights, hunting and fishing opportunities, and the quality of life we all enjoy.
Ed Orcutt’s priorities include creating new family-wage jobs, making government agencies more responsive to the citizens they serve, and making government live within its means. That means funding education and vital services using existing revenues. Let’s keep Ed Orcutt working for us as our state representative.
Contact: (360) 751-2317; ;
John Morgan
(Prefers Republican Party)
Elected Experience: No information submitted
Other Professional Experience: Over 7 years Professional Insurance Agent \ Field Manager, Mega Life & Health, Aon corp, Combind Insurance co. of America. Life, Health, and Disability Specialist. Over 23 years experience in Transportation, and Owner of John Morgan Trucking, LLC
Education: Antelope Valley High School & Commuity College, Lancaster, ca; Columbia Basin Job Corps, Moses Lake ,Wa.; Penn Foster, Scraton, pa.
Community Service: Parks & Recreation, Pearblossom, caMembership Chairman Capitol City Rifle & Pistol Club - CCRPVice president CCRP Range Master 5 years CCRP, Hunter site in and Range Safety Officer, CCRP, Littlerock, WaHighway Watch & First Observer UsaVolunteer Concern for Animals & Ood fellows
Statement: We need a change in Government to restore our Liberties and our Government to the People. We need to change the people in Government, With the Values that made Our Country great, Courage, Truth, Justus, Liberty; With a firm resolve to make Tomorrow better, not just for Ourselves, but for Our Childrsen.The CAFR Funds should be used to benefit all the People, not just a select few, We must bring these Funds out of the Shadows and into the Light. There ar similarities of Politicians and diapers: They both need to be changed and for the same reason.
Contact: (360) 701-1299; ;