Welsh St Donats Community Hall Committee
Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 2nd January 2014
Wyn Williams –Chair
Bethan Lloyd
Graham Duffield
Bill Fawcett
Simon Davies
Kevin Parsons – Vale of Glamorgan Council
Claire Jones, Gareth Kempson,Rhodri Traherne
2.1.Minutes of the meeting held 27th November 2013
The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record.
- Matters Arising
Debris still to be removed from the Hall field, but probably adviseable to wait for a dry spell as the area is too waterlogged.
3.2 Cooker
Cooker still to be cleaned after the bonfire event. Graham will progress a professional clean.
Snow shovel still to be purchased
- Finance Update
Gareth was not at the meeting and therefore unavailable to provide an update.
- Report by the Vale of Glamorgan
Kevin circulated information regarding “Co-Creating Healthy Change Project” and also tabled a draft Terms of Reference for Vale of Glamorgan Community Centres which was to be considered by the committee and any comments etc returned to Kevin. It was agreed that Graham would carry out an initial appraisal of the document and circulate to the rest of the committee with any comments before responding to Kevin.
6.Future Community Events.
A full discussion was carried out on possible events for 2014 and the following list agreed:
MarchBingoLead Person – Simon
AprilCinemaLead Person –Not agreed (Possibly Claire?)
MayBridgeLead Person – Wyn
Jul/Aug/SeptVillage ShowLead Person – Bethan
NovemberFireworksLead Person –Simon
Additional notes:
- Kevin to provide details on a Cinema project operating in the Vale.
- Details of the Village show will need finalising and advertising in plenty of time so that entrants in competition are given adequate notice for growing vegetables etc.
7.Community Communications
It was agreed that a questionnaire should be prepared seeking views on the type of events residents would like to see offered at the hall. It was agreed that the questionnaire would be published in the Parish Magazine. Responses to be either:
- Emailed to
or - Posted/delivered to Graham Duffield, Ashdown Welsh St Donats CF71 7SS
or - Provided to Graham Duffield via telephone 772752
Simon volunteered to prepare the questionnaire
8.Hall Management Issues
Graham advised the committee that the boiler did not appear to be working and Kevin agreed to report the problem.
Graham advised the committee that there have been discussions in the Community Council regarding identifying a suitable sport/leisure need in the Community that could be a possible recipient of funds from a community charity trust fund.
As the Hall committee had previously discussed the provision of a playground in the Hall field it was considered appropriate to make the committee aware of the possible availability of some funding form this charity.
The committee still considered that the provision of a playground in the Hall field would be of benefit to the community they believed it to be outside the Hall committee remit and more appropriate for Community Council leadership.
Kevin offered to sound out the situation for such a proposal with the Vale of Glamorgan Council as it would be on their property and there would be maintenance costs associated with such an undertaking..
The Community Council have requested confirmation regarding the £24 hire charge for the Hall for Council meetings in the coming year. After discussion it was agreed that this charge should be increased to £25 per hire. Graham confirmed that he would advise the Clerk of the Council of this increase.
10. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting is to be at 7.00pm on Wednesday February 12th 2014 in the Community Hall
Minutes agreed as true and accurate record of the meeting
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