February 9, 2007

State Light Industrial Park

801 88th Avenue SE

Tumwater, WA

(map attached)


Registration required at http://www.srcw.org/default.php

or http://www.src-wa.org/default.php

“the new utility”

Navigation – Location – Timing


Intended audience: Government managers, GIS practitioners, Land Surveyors, Engineers, and location specialists.

9:00 - 10:00 AM

What is being done in the rest of the world?

A presentation by International Real Time GPS Advisor and Washington

State Reference Network Administrator

Gavin Schrock, PLS

Break 10:00 - 10:10

10:10 to 11:10 AM

What is being done in the United States?

A presentation by Renee Shields

National Geodetic Survey, Height Modernization Manager:

From Floods to Homeland Security

LUNCH 11:10 to 12:30 PM

Lunch will be provided for those that have registered. (free)

Outreach will continue through lunch

11:30 to 12:30 PM

What is being done in Washington State and how you can access this new utility?

A presentation by GPS experts:

· David Steele, PLS

DNR Height Modernization Manager

Current status of the program, contract activity, and plans

· Larry Signani, PLS

Ex ACOE, WH Pacific, Surveyor

· Curt Iverson, PLS

WsDOT Geodetic Survey

· Joseph Simek, PE

WsDOT Right of Way Update Engineer

12:30 to 12:45 BREAK

Advanced Technology Presentations by Leading Edge GPS Companies

12:45 to 1:15

Cory Baldwin, Leica Geosystems Structure Monitoring Specialist:

Dams, Buildings, Bridges, plus

1:20 to 1:50

Steve Redding, Trimble GPS expert

2:00 to 2:30

Collin McCoy, PPI Group, GPS Machine Control Expert,

(Intelligent Transportation to Construction Equipment Control)

2:30 to 2:45 Time for questions and a summary by Dave Steele