Call for Participants

Workshop on Gender Equality and Early Career Development


Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich

Objective and Content of the Workshop

This workshop aims to strengthen the capacity of young researchers working in an interdisciplinary field, both by raising awareness of the current political and academic landscape, and by imparting specific skills necessary to success. Such skills include, but are not limited to, the ability to negotiate with supervisors,the cross-application of knowledge and experience across disciplines, and networking. Invited national and international speakers from academia and beyond will share their experience to empower young researchers.

Special attention will be paid tohow women are systemically disadvantagedin academia. The extensive efforts in Switzerland to recognize formal provisions safeguarding gender equality has yet to translate into true equality in practice, especially with regards to economic participation and opportunity.Evidence of the ‘leaky pipeline’ is apparent when comparing the proportion of women and men in the same career phase. The number of women appointed to higher positions after a PhD and (assistant) professorship drops significantly compared to their male counterparts. Women are often overlooked when it comes to promotional decisions, the awarding of grants, invitations to conferences, nominations for awards and professional collaborations.

Target Audience and Beneficiaries

We will be able to host up to 60 students for the 2-dayworkshop. We encourage attendance on both days of the workshop (= 1 ECTS). Priority will be given to applicants who are able to join both days. Given a valid reason, it is possible to attend a single day of the workshop (= 0.5 ECTS). Please let us know in your application if this is the case.

Scheduled Activities

The workshop comprises a series of lectures, discussions, workshop (breakout) sessions, and a keynote address (open to the public). Please refer to the preliminary program for activity details.

Submission of Applications

Please fill out the application form below if you are interested in participating, and send this to by28.02.2018.

Notification of Selected Participants

Selected participants will be notified via email by01.03.2018.

Application Form

Contact Details
Family Name
First Name
Email Address
Academic Level / ☐PhD Student
☐Other – please specify: ______
Research Gate
Please let us know whether you can attend both days of the workshop / ☐Both days (22./23.03.2018)
☐Thursday only (22.03.2018)
☐Friday only (23.03.2018)
Please decide whether you want to visit one extended breakout session in German OR two different ones in English on Day 1 / ☐Laufbahn- Lebensplanung(Dr. M. Gsell & Dr. E. Maurer) in Deutscher Sprache – 2 Stunden
☐Inferiority Complex & Imposter Syndrome (L. Damergi)AND– Scientific Writing vs. Science Fiction (Dr. A. McFarlane) – 1 hour each
Please select 2 topics of interest for the breakout sessions on Day 2 / ☐Leadership, Diversity & Work-Life (Dr. J. Gloor)
☐Negotiation Techniques (Prof. dr. med.B. Latal)
☐How to Get Funded & Project Management (A. Szeberenyi)
Please describe in up to 250 words your motivation to attend the workshop

In addition, we can offer you participation in a course on Design Thinking by Dr. M. LewrickDr. P. Link / ☐Interested in Design Thinking (Saturday 24.03.2018)