Spirit Canoe Lodge Protocols
Please read before you RSVP
This is not a traditional center pit Lodge, it is a Shamanic Purification Ceremony done in the Twisted Hairs Sweet Medicine Sundance Tradition with the rock pit in the NE similar to the Navaho Healing Lodges (Our Teachers’ Teacher was a Navaho Medicine Man). We do have 4 doors/rounds. Door 1- Calling in of the Powers -Prayers for Self (what we need and desire within our life right now), Door 2 - Prayers for Others (spoken without attachment), Door 3 - Give-Aways (releasing what holds us back, negative patterns, what we want to change) and sharing of the Light (our talents and beauty), Door 4 - the Dream round (listening to Spirit) and thanking of the powers that joined us. These Lodges are great for connecting to the elements, purifying our hearts-emotions-water, bodies-earth, mind-air, spirit-fire, and void-our catalyst life force chi. By reconnecting with nature we are rejuvenated and can re-anchor our desire to grow and evolve as Sacred Humans, important in these busy times as we are now in the 5th World, to honor where we are, where we are going, and what we desire. Because this Lodge increases your vibrational energy and alters reality as you may know it.....you are asked to abstain from alcohol, teacher plants (marijuana etc.), and any other mind altering substances for 24-72 hours before the ceremony, depending on the strength of the substance. You are not required to fast before hand but a heavy meal is not recommended. Drink plenty of fluids before and after the ceremony to promote physical detox and stay hydrated. Foods rich in potassium, minerals, and salt are good to consume in preparation. If you have any questions about this or other health concerns please let me know prior to going into the Sweat. You must make me aware of any health conditions that concern your heart, asthma, kidneys, diabetes, thyroid (hyper), blood pressure, and mental conditions that may be pertinent. All conversations are confidential and it is my greatest desire for all to have an awesome ceremony that promotes change and healing. Because of the tragedy in the Sedona sweat lodge you will be asked to sign a waiver. The careless actions of a few have sadly affected so many of us running Lodges. Please know that our Tradition has run thousands of lodges across the planet with the highest level of care and integrity. Our Lodge leaders and Fire Chiefs go thru many years of training before being approved to run Purification Lodges for others. Prayers may also be spoken from outside the Lodge should you desire to leave at anytime, or do your ceremony from the outside.
What to bring:
3 Medicine gifts total, and 2 tobacco offerings see below for more information about tobacco gifts.
2 of these gifts are for the Fire crew and 1 for my self the Dance Chief. No money is charged for this ceremony, only give to the extent you feel comfortable.
What is a medicine gift? An energy exchange from you to those who run and prepare the ceremonial space. It creates balance and clears any debt for the gift of what you receive from the ceremony. Many expenses have been incurred in the building of this Lodge and there are ongoing maintenance needs. Several hours of preparation are done before these ceremonies can take place. Donations are appreciated in the form of staples like coffee or grocery store and gift certificates, green energy-cash, barter of services like body work, fire wood (used for heating the stone children), or a heart gift which could be something you made. Help before or after the ceremony is always greatly appreciated!
Fire Crew gift request; Dana from Chapel Hill’s Thunder Awakener’s Lodge will be coming down to run our fire. He would appreciate gas money to help cover travel expenses (60$)…if you are inclined to give that way. There will be at least one more person helping Dana.
Tobacco is the Plant World's gift and your connection with spirit that signifies your intent and appreciation to those that hold the space for you to do ceremony. The smoke from tobacco signifies our prayers/intent going to spirit. A cigarette or small tobacco offering is sufficient, one for the fire crew and one for the Dance Chief. Tobacco free of additives is best for our Medicine Pipes.
Sarong, bathing suit, or something comfortable to wear into the Lodge. A robe and slip on shoes are nice for walking to and from the Lodge.
Personal water bottle plastic or non breakable is best.
Towel and something to sit on if needed.
Pot luck dish We will have a meal in celebration and to ground us after the Sweat so bring a healthy dish or refreshing drink to share, we are a mix of veggie and non-veggie folks.
Travelers: I know some of you may be traveling a ways to get here and sleeping over is an option. The center has 12 twin beds if you would like to stay over. I ask 20$ per night or a donation of what you can afford. A work exchange is also possible. We have sheets here but it saves me laundry if you bring your own bedding. Please let me know of your intent if you would like to stay over. The waterfall is a short walk up the hill if you want to spend a little time in nature before leaving you are welcome to, bring good foot gear for hiking.
Please RSVP via email or telephone to me with phone # you can be reached at so you can be contacted with weather changes or cancellation.... Once you have RSVP'd you will receive further information and directions to the Center. Letting me know of your intent to attend these ceremonies aids in their planning and design and puts you into the group Matrix that begins your personal internal brewing of the Changes going on in your life right now. AKA puts you in the driver's seat of your own life! Please be considerate and arrive on time!
I look forward to the pleasure of your company,
Kelly Jumping Mouse
House # 336-385-6312 Cell # 818-620-3937