Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Skill / Theme / Sight Words / SS / Science / Math
*1st Nine Weeks
WK 1
8/24-8/28 / Letter sound recognition/abc order (letters)
Rhyming / Speak in complete sentences with correct subject verb agreement / Connections to text
Text to Text ,
Text to Self / Answer question to read aloud, concepts of print
Unit 1 / School / Review first 25: the, to, and, he, a, I , you, it / Unit 3 PI 02 (school/citizenship)
1.13A, 1.13C, 1.18A, 1.18B / Discuss safe practices in science and what scientists do. 1.3C, 1.1A, 1.1B / Unit 2
Addition and subtraction to 10
WK 2
8/31-9/4 / Short vowel patterns CVC VC
-an, -at, -ap
alliteration / Speak in complete sentences with correct subject verb agreement / Write with Capital and Period
2-3 sentences / Read book with rhyming and alliteration / School / Reviewing 25: of, in, was, said, his, that, she, for / Unit 5 PI 02 (authority/laws)
1.11A, 1.11B, 1.12A, 1.18A, 1.18B / Discuss safe practices in science and what scientists do. 1.3C, 1.1A, 1.1B / Unit 2 addition and subtraction to 10
WK 3
9/8-9/11 / CVC, VC
-en, -et, -ell / Nouns
Singular Nouns / Write about texts, read aloud, text to text / text to self / Rhyming/ alliteration
Unit 1 PI 01 / Community / Reviewing 25: on, they, but, had, at, him, with, up, all / Unit 4 PI02 (jobs)
1.8B, 1.10A, 1.18A, 1.18B / Unit 2
Addition and Subtraction to 10
WK 4
9/14-9/18 / CVC, VC
-in, -ip, -it / Nouns
Plural Nouns / Unit 1 PI 03
Labeling / Fiction / Family / Look, is, her, there, some / Unit 10 PI 02 (goods/services)
1.8B, 1.8C, 1.18A, 1.18B / Unit 1
Data Analysis
WK 5
9/21-9/25 / CVC, VC
-op, -ot, -ock / Verbs / Connecting to Texts / Fiction/ Details / Community / Out, as, be, have, go / Unit 2 PI 01 Properties
1.2C, 1.5A / Unit 1
Data Analysis
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Theme / Sight
Words / SS / Science / Math
WK 6
9/28-10/2 / CVC, VC
-uck, -ug, -ump / Verbs / Connect to text writing
Unit 2 PI 02 / Stories/ Fables
Concepts of Print / Weather / We, am, then, little, down / Unit 6 PI 01
1.2D, 1.2E, 1.3B, 1.8A, 1.8B, 1.8C, 1.8D / Unit 3 Time to the Hour
WK 7
10/5-10/9 / Digraph ch and th
Initial and final / Adjectives / Writing with beginning, middle, and ending / Story Elements / Mapping / Fall / Do, can, could, when, did / Unit 6 PI 02
1.2E, 1.8C / Unit 4
Foundations of numbers to 20
WK 8
10/13-10/16 / Digraph sh
-ash, -ish
Initial and final / Adjectives / Writing with beginning, middle, and ending / Story Elements / Mapping / Fall / What, so, see, not, were / Unit 5 PI 01
1.1C, 1.3A, 1.7C / Unit 4
Foundations of numbers to 20
WK 9
10/19-10/23 / Initial l- blends ex: bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl / Adverbs
(Time, before, next, etc.) / Unit 2 PI 03
Write a story / Unit 3 PI05
Story Map / Pumpkins / Review and testing / Unit 3 PI 01-Past/Present/Timeline 1.3A, 1.17C, 1.3B, 1.3C / Unit 5
Addition and subtraction to 20
2nd 9 wks.
WK 10
10/26-10/30 / Initial s blends ex: sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, sw / Proper Nouns / Recurring Phrases / Fables with recurring phrases / Things at night / Get, them, like, one, this / Unit 3 PI 01
1.2D, 1.6A / Unit 5 continued
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Theme / Sight Words / SS / Science / Math
WK 11
11/2-11/6 / Initial r blends ex: br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr / Pronouns / Unit 3 PI 03 Write with Recurring Phrases / Fables with recurring phrases / Things in the sky / My, would, me, will, yes / Unit 7 PI 02
Objects in the sky
1.3B, 1.8B / Unit 5
WK 12
11/9-11/13 / Final consonant blends ex: st nt, ld, lf, sk, nk, mb, mp / Pronouns / Poetry
Look for sensory details and alliteration / Mayflower / Big, went, are, come, if / Unit 2 PI 01 Celebrate Freedom 1.1A, 1.11B, 1.14E, 1.18A, 1.118B / Unit 6
Numbers to 99
WK 13
11/16-11/20 / Inflectional endings: -s, -es / Review
Plural and singular nouns / Unit 3 PI 04 / Pilgrims and Native Americans / Now, long, no, came, ask / Unit 4 PI 03 Timeline/Past/present/future 1.16A, 1.18A, 1.18B, 1.1B / PI Unit 4 / Unit 6
WK 14
11/30-12/4 / Inflectional endings -ed -ing / Prepositions and prepositional phrases / Component of a letter / Fact / fantasy / Polar Animals / Very, an, over, your, its / Unit 10 Goods & Services PI 01, 03, 04 / Unit 5-Exploring Weather (8 days) / Unit 6
WK 15
12/7-12/11 / Long vowels cvce long a
-ake, -ame, -ate, etc / Prepositions and prepositional phrases / Component of a letter / Fact / fantasy / Christmas Customs and Traditions around the world / Ride, into, just, blue, red / Unit 4 PI 01 Customs and Traditions 1.15A, 1.15B, 1.18A, 1.18B / Unit 7
Relationships in numbers to 99
WK 16
12/14-12/18 / Long vowels cvce
Long i
-ime, -ide, -ite / Direction / Position Prepositions / Write a Letter
Unit 4 PI 05 / Alphabet Books
Alphabetic Order / Christmas Customs and Traditions around the world / From, good, any, about, around / Unit 9 PI 01/02 Wants and Needs 1.9A, 1.9B, 1.17C, 1.18A, 1.8A, 1.9C, 1.7A, 1.7B / Unit 7
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Theme / SS / Science / Math
WK 17
1/4-1/8 / Compound words /
Long vowels
Cvce long o
-one, etc. / Time Prepositions / Fact/Fantasy
Author’s Purpose / Inventors / Want, don’t, how, know, right / Unit 5 PI 04 Benjamin Franklin 1.13B, 1.18A, 1.18B, 1.2B / Unit 9
WK 18
1/11-1/15 / Long vowels cvce, long u
-ube, etc. / Location Prepositions / Unit 6B PI 02
Compare and contrast fact vs. fiction / USA
Compare and contrast George Washington/Abraham LIncoln / Review and test / Unit 3 PI 03/04 Citizenship / Unit 9
3rd 9 wks.
WK 19
1/19-1/22 / Initial digraphs wh, kn, gh / Past Tense Verbs / Components of Non Fiction / USA / Put, too, got, take, where / Unit 6 Pledge of allegiance / Unit 8
Numbers to 120
WK 20
1/25-1/29 / Final stable syllable -le / Present Tense Verbs / Components of Non Fiction / Winter / Every, pretty, jump, green, four / Unit 2 PI 02
Heating and cooling
1.2D, 1.2E, 1.5B / Unit 8 continued
WK 21
2/1-2/5 / Trigraphs: tch, dge / Future Tense Verbs / Unit 4 PI 01 Nonfiction text features, Author’s Purpose, Facts / Fairytales and Fables / Review first 100 words / Unit 3 PI 02
1.2C, 1.2D, 1.2E, 1.6B, 1.6C / Unit 9
Number relationships to 120
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Sight Words / SS
WK 22
2/8-2/12 / R controlled vowels: ar, or / Time / order transition words / Composition, draft, edit, revise, publish / Climates/environments / review / Unit 10 PI 03
Food chains and animal environments
1.2D, 1.9B, 1.9C, 1.10A / Unit 9
Continued (numbers to 120)
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Theme / Sight Words / SS / Science / Math
WK 23
2/15-2/19 / R controlled vowels: er, ir, ur
Unit 4 PI 04 Alphabetize
r controlled vowel words. / Time / order transition words / Continued composition / Climates and environments / Continue review / Unit 10 Operations using data
WK 24
2/22-2/26 / Compound words review/
Vowel digraphs: ai, ay
Unit 5A PI 06
Compound Words / Types of sentences – declarative sentences / Continued composition / Main idea / Climates and environments / Increased rigor: away, old, by, their, here / Unit 12 Media / Unit 11
2D figures
WK 25
2/29-3/4 / Contractions with not Ex: isn’t, can’t, etc. identify words in contractions / Types of sentences – interrogative sentences / Write a letter / Main idea / spring / Saw, call, after, well, think / Unit 9 PI 01
Plants1.2A, 1.2D, 1.10B / Unit 11 continued
WK 26
3/14-3/18 / Contractions with am, are, is, has, have, will / Types of Sentences – Exclamatory Sentences / Write a letter / Unit 5A PI 10
Main idea, purpose, order of events, etc. / spring / Ran, let, help, make, going / Unit 9 PI 02
1.2C, 1.2D, 1.4A, 1.9B / Unit 12 Fractions
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Theme / Sight Words / SS / Science / Math
WK 27
3/25 Bad weather day / Vowel digraphs: ea, ee / Nouns
Common, proper / Types and purpose of media / Texas/Sam Houston / Review and test / Unit 5 PI 01 maps / Unit 12 Fractions continued
4th 9 weeks
WK 28
3/28-3/31 / Vowel digraphs review and add ow as in snow, oa
Unit 5A PI 03 / Verbs – all tenses / Unit 5A PI 04 / Easter / Sleep, brown, yellow, five, six / Begin Unit 10 Animal Life Cycles / Unit 12 time to the half hour
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Theme / Sight Words / SS / Science / Math
WK 29
4/4-4/8 / Review vowel digraphs and add ie as in pie and igh / Adjectives / Questions / Life cycles / Walk, two, or, before, eat / Unit 10 PI 01/02 Animal Life Cycles 1.2D, 1.10C, 1.2D, 1.10D / Unit 12 continued
WK 30
4/11-4/15 / Review vowel dipthongs and add oi and oy / Adverbs – time words / Questions
Unit 5B PI02 / Unit 6B PI 01
Context Clues / Lifecycles / Again, play, who, been, may / Unit 4 PI 01 Soil / Unit 13 3D shapes
4/18-4/22 / Vowel digraphs review and add ou and ow as in now / Pronouns / Research / landforms / Stop, off, never, seven, eight / Landforms / Unit 4 PI 02 Natural world: rocks, soil, water 1.2D, 1.7B / Unit 13 continued
WK 32
4/25-4/29 / Review vowel digraphs and add oo and ie as in chief / Prepositions / Research Unit 5B PI 04
Composition / Unit 5B PI 03
Display of Info on Topic / landforms / Cold, today, fly, myself, round / Unit 7 PI 01 Landforms / Unit 14 linear measurement
WK 33
5/2-5/6 / Introduce vowel digraphs aw and ew
Unit 5B PI 01
Flipbook / Time order
Transition words / Poetry / Nursery Rhyme and Poetry / Review and remediate for students who have not mastered first 100 / Unit 8 PI 01 Human characteristic/physical characteristic / Unit 14
Week / Phonics / Grammar / Writing / ELA
Big Book
Skill / Theme / Sight Words / SS / Science / Math
WK 34
5/9-5/13 / Review based on student needs / Declarative Sentences / Unit 6A PI 02
Write a poem using rhyming words / Poetry / Nursery Rhyme Poetry / Review and remediate for students who have not mastered first 100 / Unit 9 PI 01/02 / Unit 15 Operation connections
WK 35
5/16-5/20 / Review based on student needs / Interrogative Sentences / Fictional Texts with Story Elements / Living/nonliving / Review and remediate for students who have not mastered first 100 / Unit 8 PI 01 Living/Nonliving 1.2E, 1.9A / Unit 16
Personal Financial Literacy
WK 36
OFYP / Review based on student needs / Exclamatory Sentences / Venn Diagram Unit 6A PI 03 / Fictional Texts with Story Elements / Summer Fun / Review and remediate for students who have not mastered first 100 / Review
WK 37
5/30 Bad weather day / Review based on student needs- / Review / Review / Review / Summer/Vacations / Review and remediate for students who have not mastered first 100 / Review / Review / Review
Speak in Complete Sentences with Correct Subject Verb Agreement
