Department of Nursing Health Evaluation Form
Student Name: ______Date: ______Last First
Birthdate: ______Gender: Male Female
Address: ______Street City State Zip Code
Phone Number: ( )______
In case of emergency, notify: ______( ) ______
Name Phone
(Comment below if "YES" to any question) Yes No
1. Have you ever been rejected for service or employment
for medical reasons: ______
2. Have you ever had epilepsy (seizures)? ______
3. Have you ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol? ______
4. Do you have diabetes? ______
5. Have you ever had professional counseling for mental health problems? ______
6. Are you taking medications regularly? ______
7. Have you ever had asthma? ______
8. Have you ever had tuberculosis? ______
9. Have you had back trouble or back injuries? ______
10. Have you ever had any other significant medical problems not listed? ______
11. Do you have any special needs that will need to be accommodated
in the nursing program? ______
Comments (Explain any "YES" answers by number)
GENERAL APPEARANCE Normal Abnormal / GENERAL APPEARANCE Normal AbnormalHead/Eyes/Nose/Throat / Pelvic (optional)
Lymph Nodes / Neurological
Breasts/Chest / Neck
/ Upper Extremities
Lungs / Lower Extremities
Abdomen / Back
Genitalia / Reflexes
Please explain any abnormal history or findings:
Blood pressure: ______/______
Pulse: ______Height (without shoes) ______ft. ______in.
Weight (in ordinary clothes) ______lbs. Color Vision: P F
Distance: OD 20/ _____ OS 20/______Corrected: OD 20/_____ OS 20/______
Near vision: OD 20/ _____ OS 20/______Corrected: OD 20/_____ OS 20/______
List any medications taken regularly:
List allergies to food, medicine or other:
What recommendations have you made to this student?
MMR: #1 ______Titer levels: ______/ ______
Date Measles Rubella
#2 ______Second Measles shot necessary if born after 1957
Date (1st measles shot must have been given after the age of 12 months and the second must have been given at least 4-6 weeks after the first)
Influenza/Declination (complete form) ______Date
H1N1 ------
Tdap: ______(Most recent)
Varicella # 1 ______Titer Levels ______
# 2 ______
HEPATITIS B: Series dates: #1 ____/____/____
#2 ____/____/____
#3 ____/____/____
HBsAB Titer Date: _____ / _____/ _____
TB TEST: On the initial tuberculosis skin test (TST), if a student does not have a documented
negative TST within the previous 12 months a two-step TST needs to be obtained.
Test One:
RESULTS: ____ Positive _____ Negative DATE READ: ______
Test Two (if required)
RESULTS: ____ Positive _____ Negative DATE READ: ______
If positive, student must be cleared by the Health Care Provider in writing, following fulfillment of provider’s recommendation and CDC regulations
If student has had a positive result in the past and follow-up chest Xray, provider must document student is free of active signs of tuberculosis.
Signature, Health Care Provider Date
Printed Name Telephone #
Patient Name:
SSU Dept of Nursing page 4