BeaverLake Association
Board of Directors
January 17, 2013
7:30 P.M.
Roll Call
Ron Reineke – PresidentPresent
Sandy Battreall – Vice PresidentPresent
Dave Goller – TreasurerPresent
Dennis Goltz – SecretaryPresent
Fred BeckerPresent
Russ ParmerPresent
Dan MaloneyAbsent (Excused)
Approval of the December2012 Board Minutes
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Parmer to approve the December, 2012 Board of Directors minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Building Inspector’s Report
Reported by Jim Wieringa
Wieringa reported that in December 2012, two permits were issued for various items. The total number of permits issued in 2012 was 114. The total number of residential permits issued thus far in 2012 isnine.The budget for homes for 2012 was two.
Motion was made by Battreall, seconded by Goltz to approve the December 2012 Building Inspector’s report. Motion carried unanimously.
Committee Reports
Property and Safety Committee
Rick Croasdale reported
The following items were discussed and completed:
- The brush pile at the brush burn site was burned beginning on January 7 and completed on January 18, 2012.
- The maintenance staff completed the right of way brush cutting around the development.
- There is dirt still being removed from the silt pond in the SW cove.
- The committee reviewed the budget figures that were approved by the Board of Directors.
- Boathouse guidelines were discussed and recommendations for changes were given to the Board for review.
Motion was made by Battreall, seconded by Goller to approve the Property and Safety Committee minutes.
Ron Westman lot 115 asked what the 12K increase in property operating costs for 2013 consists of.
Troy responded that there were basic operating cost increases across many of the sub accounts that make up the property budget.
Motion to approve Property minutes carried unanimously.
Lake, Habitat, & Fisheries Committee
No meeting held
Utility Committee
Jim Wieringa reported
Jim reported on various items of discussion:
- The valve and hydrant exercise program was completed for 2012.
- All testable backflow devices were inspected and tested for 2012.
- The committee reviewed the Board approved 2013 budget.
- The committee reviewed the data on water accountability and meter installation.
- The committee discussed the current lake level and potential impacts for spring.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Becker to approve the Utility committee minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Ron Westman lot 115 asked if all the meters replaced in 2012 were in the mobile home section.
Troy explained that not all of them were in the mobile home section.
Finance Committee
Reported by Dave Goller
- Revenue for October was $161worse than planand expenses were $6427better than plan,with a bottom line of $6966better than budget for December.
- The bottom line year-to-date is $112,198 better than plan.
- Available cash was $264,973.
- Capital items included $510 for a truck payment;$4266 for clubhouse replacement windows;$737 Dell computer equipment.
- Past Due Accounts were $95,262for December.
Goller extended his appreciation to the Finance Committee and staff for their efforts toward a very good budget year.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Battreall to approve the January 2012 Finance Committee minutes.
Ron Westman of lot 115 asked what the Board intends to accomplish with any extra revenue from 2012.
The Board responded that the 2013 projects will occur as planned.
Motion to approve Finance minutes carried unanimously.
Appeals Committee
No meeting held
AdHoc Committee
No Meeting Held
Election Committee
No Meeting Held
Security Report
During the month of December 2012, there were five warnings and six citations issued around the property.
Old Business
New Business
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Battreall to approve DCF 186. This concerns changes in some setback restrictions including boathouses. Motion carried unanimously.
Ron Westman of lot 115 asked if boathouses that currently exist are grandfathered and what happens if they need to be rebuilt.
Reineke stated that they are grandfathered and that any modifications to existing structures would follow the guidelines for reconstruction in the Handbook.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Battreall to approve DCF 187. This concerns the maximum sizes ofstep landingswithin the setback areas. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Parmer to approve DCF 188. This concerns changes in specifications to stair landings. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Goltz to approve DCF 189. This concerns setbacks for dog kennels and doghouse size limits. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Goltz to approve DCF 190. This takes all wording in the covenants with reference to residence size and puts it also in the building codes for quicker reference. Before this change, only part of the minimum size of a residence was in the building codes.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Battreall to approve DCF 191. These concerns the curfew location in the clubhouse area which allows fisherman to fish on all the docks in the clubhouse area after 10 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Becker to approve DCF 192. This concerns the definition of a boathouse. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Goltz, seconded by Battreall to approve DCF 193. This concerns new concrete driveways being extended from the garage to the street. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Parmer to approve DCF 194. This concerns changes to the guidelines for the placement of boathouses. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Battreall, seconded by Goller to approve DCF 195. This concerns water rationing. Motion carried unanimously.
Rick Croasdale of lot 107 asked if the 12 inches down in lake level will still impose odd/even lawn watering.
Ron Reineke stated that that rule has not changed.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Goltz to approve the purchase of a 2013 Chevy truck from Henry Chevrolet at a cost of $35,350. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Battreall to approve the purchase of a snow blade for the new truck at a cost of $5,422 plus tax. Motion carried unanimously.
Ron Reineke stated that in September 2012 we were notified of a class action lawsuit against SyngentaCorporation. Syngenta is the Swiss manufacturer of farm chemicals that contained atrazine in the 1990s. Water treatment systems across the midwest took part in the legal action to reimburse them for the cost of removing the chemical from their drinking water during that time. The current Board had Troy gather information on our tests for atrazine and joined the class action. This week the Beaver Lake Association received $45,948.28 as its allotment of the settlement.
Dee Spreitzer of lot 99 announced that the Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 23 at TysonPark in Murray.
Dee also conveyed that the Ladies Auxiliary garage sale will be held on June 1st and they are requesting donations to be sold at the clubhouse site.
Zeb Simones of lot 538 asked what the water restrictions are for watering lawns and what is the trigger for using the Rural Water connection.
Ron explained that using the Rural Water connection is for emergency purposes and the lake would have to be quite low to be considered. He also explained that the water rationing levels are explained in the Beaver Lake Handbook for everyone’s convenience.
[Note the website at has posted an updated Handbook.]
Motion was made by Goller, seconded by Goltzto adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.